Chipboard density: description and types, characteristics, application

In modern construction, a large number of wood-based materials are used. One of the most popular is chipboard. Experts already know how to choose such products and what kind of products should be used for certain work. But what if you are a beginner? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material, find out its basic properties, study the varieties, the possible density of particleboard and the scope of application.

A little about the product itself

For the manufacture of chipboard boards, waste from woodworking enterprises is used: wood chips, sawdust. The raw materials are thoroughly dried and crushed. Binder components in the form of phenolic artificial resins are added to the prepared mixture. The finished mass is sent under the press, where under the influence of high pressure and temperature, plates of specified parameters are formed.

chipboard density kg / m3

Finished products are sorted, and then goes on sale. In the construction markets, we are presented with a large assortment of plates with various appearance and physico-mechanical properties. The main differences are the sizes of the sheets, their thickness and density of the chipboard. At the same time, products of the highest quality can even surpass natural wood by some criteria.

Positive and negative properties of products

What is chipboard valued for? First of all, for a fairly affordable cost. Choosing an option that will fit into your budget is not difficult. Also, the popularity of particle boards is based on a number of their advantages. These include:

  • homogeneous structure;
  • lack of knots, cracks;
  • smoothness;
  • ease in work;
  • ease of processing;
  • good indicators of heat and sound insulating properties;
  • resistance to moisture, insects and mold (in treated varieties).

In high-density chipboard, nails, self-tapping screws and various accessories are perfectly fixed. Plates are easy to stick together and to be finished with a variety of methods. They can be pasted over with wallpaper, treated with paint, veneered with veneer, paper and plastic.

Disadvantages of Chip Type Products

Like any material, particleboard is not without its drawbacks. Despite the fact that the product is made from natural raw materials, it is impossible to call it environmentally friendly. This is prevented by the presence of formaldehyde in the composition. And although special attention is paid to the safety of such products (modern products can be used even in children's rooms), you cannot name completely natural material.


Also, the short-term operation in high humidity conditions can be attributed to negative properties. If moisture gets on the bare edge of the plate or in the area of ​​scratches and chips, the product quickly becomes unusable. In this case, the density of the chipboard and its thickness do not play a role. Of course, there are moisture resistant options (with an additional coating), however, even special processing does not allow 100% protection of the plate from harmful effects.

Product Classification

Sorting of finished products is based on external data. First of all, the type, strength and density of particleboard are evaluated. The highest quality is characterized by products of the 1st grade. Such plates are absolutely smooth, have no flaws in the form of chips, cracks, tar spots.

Grade 2 plates are considered culling of high-quality products. They may already have minor scratches, chips along the edge. In the structure of the pit, bark and poorly shredded chips can be noticeable. The number of defects should not exceed 10% of the total sheet volume.

There are non-sorted plates. Sometimes they are called 3 grades products. This includes frank marriage. Sheets can have different parameters, large chips, delamination and mechanical damage. This is the most low-cost variety, but it can not be used for facial decoration.

Product differences by application

Particleboard plates are divided not only by grades, but also depending on their purpose. Manufacturers share three main types:

  • slabs of standard type;
  • laminated varieties;
  • furniture products.

Products of the first type are distinguished by their smoothness and strict adherence to standard sizes. The density of a chipboard plate of this type can be minimum, average and maximum. Use such varieties in construction and decoration.

Laminated products are characterized in that they have a protective coating resembling plastic. Most often, it was created to simulate a wood cut, but often the plates have a color that is completely unusual for the natural material.

laminated particleboard

The density of the laminated particleboard depends on the quality of the substrate and can vary from 550 to 750 kg / m 3 . Such a variety is used in the creation of kitchen furniture, facades of cabinet products and for the manufacture of various decor.

chipboard application

Fine-grained and carefully polished products are referred to as furniture chipboard. There are no defects on such products, therefore they are used to create furniture and front decoration.

Dimensions of plates and their density

If the products are manufactured in accordance with GOST, then they have clearly defined parameters and physical and mechanical properties. For example, the density of the chipboard 16 mm thickness should be 650 kg / m 3 . At the same time, its weight will vary from 46.4 to 63.7 kg. This indicator is directly affected by the dimensions of the plate. Today its following sizes are available to us:

  • 2440 x 1830 mm;
  • 2750 x 1830 mm;
  • 2800 x 2070 mm;
  • 3060 x 1830 mm;
  • 3060 x 1220 mm;
  • 3500 x 1750 mm.

The minimum plate thickness is 8 mm and the maximum is 38 mm. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that thick sheets can weigh more than 100 kg, which greatly complicates their installation.

chipboard structure

As for density, the minimum figure is 450 kg / m 3 . Such products usually have a thickness of 32 mm; they are used for leveling surfaces and roughing. Such indicators are quite enough to talk about the high quality of the plate. Sheets with a minimum thickness are characterized by a maximum density - up to 750 kg / m 3.

Technical characteristics: moisture resistance, fire hazard, thermal conductivity

Separately consider the moisture resistance of products. In conditions of high humidity, an ordinary stove can swell by 20-30% (in 24 hours). Options with a protective layer increase the owl volume by no more than 15%.

As for thermal conductivity, chipboards have indicators from 0.07 to 0.25 watts. Moreover, their specific heat is about 1.7-1.9 kJ. The thickness and density of particleboard (kg / m3) directly affects this indicator .

The stove gains resistance to fire and mold and fungi after additional treatments with antiseptics and flame retardants. You can purchase products that have already passed the above steps. However, if you have already bought the standard version, you can carry out protective measures yourself.

Plate Packing

If you purchase chipboard for large-scale work, then to calculate the amount of material you need knowledge about what is the area of ​​one sheet and how many are in one package.

If you chose a plate with parameters 2440 x 1830, then the area of ​​one sheet will be 4.47 m 2 . When using a plate with a thickness of 10 mm, the volume of one product will be 0.045 cm 3 .

chipboard parameters

Slabs with parameters of 2750 x 1830 will have an area of ​​5.03 m 2 , while their volume will be 0.050 cm 3 (subject to the use of products of 10 mm).

Sheets 3060 x 1830 have an area of ​​5.60 m 2 . Their volume will be 0.056 cm 3 . But the area of ​​3060 x 1220 products is 3.73 m 2 , while the volume of such products is 0.037 cm 3 .

When choosing the appropriate option, pay attention to the weight of the products. If you purchase products for carcass cladding, give preference to thin and dense varieties, as thick options will put a significant load on the base.

Chipboard to use

As for the quantity in the package, the thinnest plates (8 mm) are formed into packs of 90 pieces. Products with a thickness of 10 mm are packed in 85 pieces. The most popular sheets (with a thickness of 16 mm) are sold in 54 pieces. And plates with an indicator of 26 mm are formed into blocks of 36 sheets.

To summarize

Particleboard boards are used everywhere. They make cabinet furniture, rough flooring and frame partitions. In private construction, it is especially convenient to use them, since a figured product can be easily cut out of the material, plates of medium parameters are quite light and strong.

However, before purchasing chipboard, evaluate the conditions in which you will operate the material. It is very important to choose products with the right properties and abilities to withstand a certain impact.

In most works, products of medium thickness are used. They have sufficient strength and medium density. Chipboard 16 mm is perfect for repairing vertical surfaces, as well as for decorative finishing. If you need to level the floor with large irregularities, use products with an increased thickness indicator.

Please note that only certified products have the listed properties. Feel free to ask sellers for product documents. Certificates of quality - a guarantee of long service life of the stove.


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