Museums of Vladivostok are a vivid example of the rich heritage of the Primorsky Territory. Tourists reviews

Vladivostok is the largest port city of Russia on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan with a distant historical past, beautiful architecture and numerous cultural monuments.

museums of Vladivostok

Museums of Vladivostok

The capital of the Far East has concentrated on its territory a large number of exhibition complexes, expositions dedicated to the existence of the region in different time periods. Here are the museums of Vladivostok, which, according to tourists, are among the most visited:

  • stories of the Pacific Fleet;
  • autostarines;
  • Institute of Marine Biology;
  • military historical fortification;
  • botanical, zoological;
  • archeology and ethnography;
  • entertaining sciences of Einstein;
  • named after V.K. Arsenyev.

museums of Vladivostok

Museums of Vladivostok are open daily for local residents, visitors and art lovers coming from all over the world. Each complex offers a curious look the most amazing and unexpected exhibits: antiques restored or miraculously preserved from ancient times, immersing the Far Eastern region of the country in the Middle Ages; the former and present military glory of Russia, as well as allowing to make scientific discoveries.

Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences

Reviews of tourists report that the Einstein Museum is a spacious room with interesting and very informative exhibits. More than 200 exhibition samples are arranged in the hall in accordance with the categories belonging to different sciences. A visit to this archive is very important for schoolchildren, because you can touch all the samples with your hands, disassemble them yourself and collect them back, clearly studying the laws of physics, mathematics and natural phenomena.

Einstein Museum Vladivostok

Vladivostok invites all inquisitive, active guests of any age to the Einstein Museum. It organizes excursions with pleasant discounts for large families, children, senior citizens, and all expositions are allowed to be considered for unlimited time.

Einstein Museum Vladivostok

According to tourists, a distinctive feature is the unique presentation of information not in the form of lecture readings by a guide, but through an independent study of each object. It will be interesting for an adult who can easily lift a car with a winch and a child who enthusiastically observes physical as well as chemical processes.

Einstein Museum Vladivostok

The sea of ​​emotions and positive energy, in addition to useful knowledge, gives its guests the Einstein Museum. Vladivostok actively supports a new and promising direction in museology.

Museum named after V.K. Arsenyev

The Arsenyev State Museum in Vladivostok, founded at the end of the 19th century, tells the story of the Amur Region. Having survived the years of the revolution and World War II, he continues to delight history buffs with his information cycles in the form of lectures.

Arseniev Museum in Vladivostok

Tourists say that during the tour they will learn the chronicle of the existence of the building from the moment of its foundation, it displays ancient artifacts of the city, reviews of the traditional culture of the peoples inhabiting the Primorsky Territory in the Middle Ages are made. In the main building of the large complex there are numerous representatives of the ice age in fossilized form, bronze ware, mirrors, cold steel. Of particular interest is the 12th-century burial complex of one of the princes of the Golden Empire.

Arseniev Museum in Vladivostok

In the extensive collection there was a place for a collection of edged weapons, including blades from around the world, and natural monuments, which are represented by collections of stuffed animals and birds of Primorye.

Car Museum

The youngest and most unusual museum is considered to be the Vladivostok auto-car museum, founded by an initiative group of car enthusiasts. The exposition consists of six spacious halls, some of which are located on open-air venues. Soviet and foreign automobile equipment and motorcycles of the 1920-1970s model are parked in even rows.

Museum of autostarines Vladivostok

One of the exhibition halls, which assembled motor vehicles that took a direct part in the Great Patriotic War, according to tourists, is considered a special pride. On the second platform, among the presented government vehicles, one can see the VMS of Nikita Khrushchev, the limousine of Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov. The third exposition consists of an impressive collection of armored cars and the legendary M-1 cars, on which representatives of the KGB moved in the Soviet Union.

Museum of autostarines Vladivostok

Tourists recommend that you pay close attention to the fourth hall, where you can find out interesting facts from the history of the domestic automotive industry. The remaining two exhibition venues are dedicated to passenger transport of the 50s and army vehicles of the armies of different countries, led by the first trophy reconnaissance car of the Japanese Armed Forces. All rare equipment takes an active part in exhibitions, filming of military films, parades.

What do visitors say?

Judging by the reviews of tourists who were lucky enough to be among the guests of the city, the museums of Vladivostok conquer with interesting exhibits and chronicles of the history of the region. All lovers of the study of ancient nationalities receive an indescribable feeling from immersion in the world of the Middle Ages.

Arseniev Museum in Vladivostok

Vladivostok accepts the most flattering reviews about the Einstein Museum from active families, who gladly visited the original exhibition of intellectual exhibits.


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