Children's morning exercises for a preschooler to the music

Morning workout for children is extremely important, but underestimated by their parents. Physical fitness strengthening exercises activates not only muscle tone, but also the brain, helping to wake up and turn on all organs in the work of the day. After sleep, all body functions are slowed down, surface respiration, metabolic processes, like blood pressure, are reduced, muscles are relaxed, the nervous system is inhibited, the vessels are half open. In this state, it is not easy to master a new topic in the garden, not to remember a poem, or even to maintain an interesting conversation with friends. Only 10 minutes spent on motor exercises in the morning will bring the muscles to the right tone, the nervous system - in harmony, and fill the whole body with vigor.

kid with play dumbbell

The importance of morning exercises for the baby

Warm up in the morning is a necessary part of the hygiene of the physical body, which, like brushing your teeth, you need to teach your child from early childhood. When you regularly perform a certain set of kneading workouts, a number of changes that improve the quality of life of the changes necessary for the health of a growing organism occur, because charging in the morning:

  • mobilizes the attention of the child;
  • strengthens discipline;
  • develops a hygienic skill to play sports for life;
  • increases the child's performance - both mental and physical;
  • increases activity;
  • the child is less susceptible to painful and depressive conditions;
  • improves sleep, appetite;
  • enhances health.

The mechanism of influence of motor gymnastics

Our body consists of 60% of the muscles that must function regularly. The joints need to rotate fully. Everyday muscular work contributes to the development of the brain, improves the functions of the cardiovascular and especially the respiratory system, increases energy production and heat generation. Accustoming every day his body to motorized systematic activities, the child will avoid further development of physical inactivity and hypokinesia. Similar diseases of lowering motor and muscle activity suffer those who neglected the rules of hygiene of physical health since childhood.

children do yoga

To prove the great harm to physical inactivity, scientists conducted experiments with animals: they immobilized rats for 1 month - then only 60% of them survived.

In the process of observing the morning exercises for the child, plus all the positive aspects, the correct posture is formed, physical qualities develop. The better the growth and development of the child occurs, the higher the indicators of his mental performance.

Why do you need exercise in the morning

From a state of rest to a state of excitement, the nervous system passes due to external factors and signals from internal organs. The amount and intensity of exciting signals determines the effectiveness of the awakening of the central nervous system. External stimuli can be music, bright light, especially natural sunlight, a stream of refreshing air from an open window. Internal signals come from skeletal muscles, skin - during water procedures, massage or awakening morning exercises.

Mandatory elements of morning exercises for children include a warm-up - muscle and joint, water procedures, breathing exercises, corrective exercises to form the arch of the foot and posture. Morning exercise is a versatile sports and fitness process that systemically strengthens the children's body.

boy on the rug

How to do morning exercises

A few minutes of invigorating exercises include a warm-up, general strengthening exercises, then running or jumping and the final procedures - pouring, rubbing. It is better to start the workout with walking, sipping, simple dance movements, breathing exercises. Then the rotation of the joints, bends, turns, lunges, kneading the muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle.

General strengthening morning exercises are performed in the following sequence: the beginning is work for the muscles and joints of the hands, shoulder girdle, and legs. Exercises are performed from different initial positions of the body: standing, sitting, lying (on the back, on the stomach).

At the end of the gym, itโ€™s helpful to do some breathing exercises that will calm the baby.

mom is engaged with the baby

The role of music in morning exercises

When performing morning exercises, musical accompaniment occupies a special place. Exercises to the music increase the expressiveness of the performed movements and contribute to the friendly coordination of the movements of all participants in the charge. Music increases the impact on the body of all groups of selected exercises.

The most suitable musical accompaniment for morning exercises to music will be only what the children like - simple, familiar children's songs, to which the kids feel better and want to join in the charging process themselves. Do not maximize the sound volume, even if the selected songs are favorite for kids.

Game charging for 2 years old children

At this age, morning exercises for the child are aimed at gradually developing the habit of waking up with mom in the morning with the help of a warm-up. It is better not to wear the baby for charging, barefoot, for 5-7 minutes, help him to stretch, wake up, smile. The morning exercises for children 2 years old include:

  • walking
  • jumping
  • slopes
  • Squats
  • several breathing exercises;
  • game elements, where the baby imitates a bird, flying on an airplane, washing a cat, dancing a hare, frog jumping.

You can use the ball, jump in a circle, walk on a barbed path. The introduction of a game with jokes and sentences helps the baby to be more easily involved in the process of general developmental exercises. In this case, the mother will help the baby develop not only muscles and ligaments, but also speech, thinking, attention, memory.

We are invigorated from 3 years

Together with mom, to the fun song, the kids perform the exercises with pleasure. Morning exercises for children 3 years old begin with a walk around the room with a wave of hands or catch-up with mom, which is especially good for setting up the baby for further exercises.

girl on the rug

After walking exercise on a training mat.

Lay the baby on the tummy and, showing by example, raise the upper body with outstretched arms - 5-10 times. Strengthening the muscles of the back.

Now the baby is on the back and the mother holds his legs, and the baby first raises the upper body several times, then lifts the legs vertically. Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Offer the baby to crawl under a rope (or a rope) stretched at a height of 25 cm, then jump over it from above.

If there is a wall ladder - it is very useful to just climb it and go down several times.

Morning exercises for children 5 years

For 4- and 5-year-old babies, you can increase the charging time to 15 minutes. At this age, children are already able to hear and do what they ask or show. You should start morning exercises for children 4 years and 5 years old with a walk, then go to playing jumps - bunnies, balls, squirrels, a teddy bear or a giraffe on toes with an elongated neck. Then perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, back and abs.

Walking can not only begin to exercise, but also to end - to calm the infuriated kids. Walking is necessary to prevent the development of flat feet. You should alternate walking as follows: normal walking, on toes, on the heels, on the inner edges of the feet, on the outer edges of the feet, and so the whole complex is 5-7 times. It is useful to alternate walking speed - from slow to fast and vice versa. When walking, it is important to keep your head straight, not shuffle, rhythmically swing your arms and breathe through your nose.

For five-year-olds, you can enter walking with your knees raised high, imitating a prancing horse, an important heron or steps in deep snow.

snow rubbing

Jumps should be tried first on two legs, on one, in place and moving forward and backward, to the right and left, in a circle, jump over a stick, dice, jump into a hoop and jump out of it. Jumps can be alternated with half-squats and walking.

Important to remember

Intensive exercises and musical accompaniment should not overexcite babies - this leads to child fatigue and loss of appetite.

If the baby does not feel well - do not insist on charging, perhaps it is better to just play with him and then wipe with a damp towel for general vivacity.

The main thing in accustoming to daily exercise is your own example of a parent who is engaged with the baby daily.

mother with two children

It is necessary to introduce breathing exercises that increase the body's immunity into daily morning exercises.

Morning exercises for children to children's music should bring the baby only positive emotions, inspiring him on an interesting day.

It is from a preschool young age that it is necessary to develop a healing habit of performing daily exercises.


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