How to build a bath: the choice of materials, electrical wiring, the process of erection, decoration, insulation

A variety of baths are traditional for many peoples of the world. Of course, their microclimate may vary, but the principle is unchanged. It is not surprising that the usual Russian bath, Finnish or mixed version remains popular in the CIS countries. It improves well-being and health, and often simply is a place of rest and leisure for companies and families. Many landowners sooner or later wonder how to build a bathhouse. It requires a responsible approach to construction in order to provide the necessary microclimate, comfort for relaxation, as well as maximum durability in extreme conditions.

Traditional bathhouse

Where to begin?

First, find out if you need permission to build a bath on the site. Since the bathhouse belongs to auxiliary facilities, and not to capital, engineering or for entrepreneurial activities, permission will not be required. It is only important to comply with sanitary standards, and then there will be no complaints from the inspection authorities. Also, if the bathhouse is part of the house and was included in the project at the approval stage, additional registration is not required.

Permission will be required if the bathhouse is used in business for profit. It is also necessary if it will be attached to the main residential building.

Sanitary standards

In addition to knowing how to properly build a bathhouse, you also need to understand the technical documentation of SNiP to comply with sanitary and fire safety standards. It adjusts the distance between buildings, from buildings to the fence or road.

Therefore, the following should be considered:

  • The distance to the fence is not less than a meter, if a drainage system is provided. When the drain is external, the distance is at least 3 meters.
  • The distance to the road. Not closer than 3 meters to a country road and not closer than 5 to full roads.
  • By type of drainage. In the event of a drain directly into the ground, it is planned to build no closer than 8 meters to a residential building and a well.
  • According to the materials. If refractory materials were used to build the bath, the distance to the nearest buildings is no closer than 6 meters. If there are wooden floors - 8 meters. Between a wooden building and a building made of refractory materials - 10. If both the bathhouse and the neighboring building are wooden, the minimum distance is 15 meters.

When determining the minimum distance, you should choose the greatest restriction for the case in question.

Material selection

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, when choosing, do not forget about the size of the site and fire safety. Usually use the following materials.


The construction of baths from a log can be called a classic. There is no need to say that it is an environmentally friendly material, absolutely harmless to health. A wooden bathhouse looks attractive and rich, and inside it is very cozy, not to mention the incredible smell. High thermal insulation properties will allow to keep heat as long as possible.

Spacious Finnish bath

Important! When choosing a tree, avoid species that produce tar. From the heat, the tree will begin to exude profusely, which will make the walls sticky, damage the varnish or other impregnation.

We distinguish the following types of baths made of wood, for the construction of which were used:

  • Logs. Perhaps one of the most attractive options. However, it will cost much more than others. Due to the fact that the logs are placed in a kind of puzzle using grooves, the design requires high-quality processing, the availability of appropriate skills and tools. The heavy weight of the structure will require a strong base. Because of these features, it is not recommended to do it yourself.
  • Timber. Due to the rectangular shape, the construction resembles working with a brick. It is easy enough to do it yourself: it does not require a special tool and skills, you just need to order the required amount of timber. Less material and light weight eliminate the need for a foundation; an even, solid foundation is made.
  • Frame bath. Easy way to do it yourself. It has low weight, simplicity and good insulating properties, but it will require special wood treatment to increase vapor barrier properties.
Bath for one

When constructing a bathhouse on a site, using a tree as a material for the walls, it must be remembered that it lends itself to decay, and parasites can start. It will not be enough to process it once, it will be necessary to constantly monitor and care for the tree.

Aerated concrete

Aerated concrete is deservedly one of the most used materials for construction. Environmental friendliness, low weight, ease of processing, even greater than wood, high sound and heat insulation properties, fire safety - these are not all the advantages of aerated concrete. Great for do-it-yourself construction. It is necessary to highlight the low cost.

In addition to aerated concrete, there are a number of similar materials, such as foam blocks and polystyrene concrete. All three materials absorb moisture, which is why it is necessary to carry out finishing work, both external and internal. Expanded polystyrene concrete will also require high-quality thermal insulation due to the vulnerability of polystyrene foam granules to high temperatures, which makes it partially suitable for building a bath. Finishing materials can significantly increase the cost of construction.


Eco-friendly and fireproof material, common and quite cheap. The cellular block is perfect for the best thermal insulation properties. A brick bath does not require external processing, which reduces the cost and facilitates the construction. However, more time is needed, and high-quality masonry will require special skills.

Brick is used with other materials in order to properly build a bath both from a foam block and from a tree. It tolerates heat much better, which makes it an ideal material for walls adjacent to the oven.

We are developing a project

Before embarking on the construction, it is necessary to work out the design of the bathhouse: choose which premises it will consist of, the necessary capacity, and so on.

Light bath

For example, choose a simple and classic layout:

  • Let's start with the porch. It is necessary to protect the interior from rainfall or to enter the air during rain.
  • Tambour. It is necessary for storage of outerwear and street shoes. But the main task is to create a buffer zone to keep warm if you want to go outside.
  • Restroom. To be in the steam room for a long time is simply harmful, but it does not end in one run. For this reason, you need a relaxation area. Usually there is a wardrobe for clothes, a table with benches or sofas, possibly a refrigerator, kettle, TV or radio. Serves for rest and leisure in between visits to the bathhouse itself.
  • Shower room. The contrast of cold water after a hot steam room is good for your health. In addition, high temperature makes you sweat a lot, cleansing pores and removing toxins from the body. All this dirt must be washed off immediately.
  • Steam room. The most important part of any bath. It must have good thermal insulation in order to maintain the necessary heat and microclimate. Building baths from a log or timber will help to cope with this task perfectly.

When designing, you need to determine the area of ​​the bath. The washroom can be the size of a shower stall, the porch can at least cover the entrance from the rain, and the vestibule is sufficient to accommodate shoes and outerwear. But the steam room and relaxation room are selected strictly individually, depending on how many people will use the bathhouse, whether it is planned to invite guests. If there is not enough space or you need to make it even easier, you can limit yourself to a steam room and a dressing room.

construction of baths from a log

Construction stages

Regardless of whether a bathhouse is built of brick, timber or aerated concrete, the stages will be similar, but will have their own individual characteristics. Let us consider in more detail all the steps in order, starting with the foundation.


When the design phase is behind and it is necessary to proceed directly to the construction, we begin with the construction of the foundation. To facilitate the task, you can choose one of the simplest options, namely tape. It is necessary to take the design of the bath and mark the location of the external and internal walls, pulling the threads on the pegs, in the area allocated for the construction. Do not forget about sanitary standards.

Further along the markings, we dig a trench, a depth of 55-70 cm plus 20 cm for backfill, not wider than the blocks or timber from which the wall will be built. We take the width with a margin to accommodate the formwork, which will serve as a form for pouring concrete. For the future foundation, choose a height equal to 150 mm.

When the trench is ready, its bottom is covered with coarse sand to a height of 20 cm. It is advisable not to pour all at once, but layer by layer, thoroughly tamping each layer. For best results, you can moisten with water, which will make the sand heavier and more pliable. Further along the contour of the trench we install the formwork.

Before pouring concrete, reinforcement must be laid. Putting it directly on the sand is impossible. You can use stones or bricks to keep it on weight. A volumetric frame is created from reinforcing rods, and horizontal and vertical rods are fastened together by wire or welding. Then concrete is poured. It is recommended that you complete all in one approach.

Water supply

A steam room for a Russian bath, as well as a shower, will require water, which also needs to be diverted. The implementation method will depend on whether the site has access to sewage or water supply. If so, then we simply take the drain to the place where the steam room and shower are located, as well as, possibly, under the wash basin in the recreation area. We also bring water supply. The branching of the pipes must be done immediately, since then the floors will be insulated with expanded clay or other filler in the bath . It is recommended to choose propylene pipes, due to their durability.

In the absence of water supply or sewage, it will be necessary to drain the water to the treatment device used on the site, or to organize a sump. Water supply requires drilling a well using a pump. An artesian well will be relatively inexpensive.

Sex in the bath

How to build a bathhouse and ease your task? Effectively and simply use a mixture of expanded clay with concrete. Abroad, it is used in half of the houses, due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

As with the foundation, the soil under the future floor is compacted. After that, a sand floor is laid, which is also compacted and leveled. After the parts of the brick are laid out, and a grid of reinforcement is installed on them. After you can fill it with a solution of concrete and expanded clay. It is not necessary to completely fill the foundation, as you will need to leave space for the screed and tilt to drain.

Erection of external walls

Before the construction of the walls, it is required to waterproof the foundation. For example, if the walls will be erected from a beam, a ruberoid is laid on the foundation tape, and a beam of the lower trim is placed on top. The crown is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. Waterproofing is mandatory.

The technology for building walls will depend on the material chosen. For example, during the construction of timber, it must be taken into account that it will be seated in height. It is necessary to put insulation between the bars. In the case of using foam blocks, just glue them together. Foam concrete does not settle.


It is important to equip the ceiling in the bathhouse with high-quality heat and waterproofing, since the hottest and humid air always goes up. The construction of the roof of the bath begins with the installation of floor beams. A vapor barrier is stretched between them, on top of which it is already poured, if it is expanded clay, or laid out, in the case of mineral wool, thermal insulation. Next, the flooring is installed from the boards, if you plan to use the attic. Often, a switchboard is installed there to eliminate possible contact with moisture. After that, you can proceed to the construction of the roof itself.

Spacious lounge

Warming and interior decoration

In order to properly build a bathhouse with your own hands both from aerated concrete and from a beam, you need to insulate a steam room and provide waterproofing. Insulation is always between the waterproofing on both sides. This is important because of the increased humidity in the steam room.

To build a partition to which the furnace will be attached, use a brick. It tolerates better heat than foam concrete or wood.

bath projects

The most popular is the interior decoration of the bath made of wood. It creates a pleasant atmosphere and exudes a pleasant smell. Resin-producing rocks should not be selected. Wood will require special protective treatment.

The interior decoration of the log bath requires only special impregnation to protect the tree from moisture. Additional thermal insulation is not required.


How to make wiring in a bath? All metal parts of electrical appliances must be grounded. It is better to choose lamps with plastic cases, and a moisture-proof one is required in the bathhouse. Due to the increased danger for each room, it is better to install a separate RCD and an automatic machine, and remove the shield away from the steam room. Often it is placed in the attic. For a bathhouse, provide good grounding with a quality circuit.

It is quite possible to build a bathhouse with your own hands, both from wood and from other materials. However, some stages, like materials, will require special skills and tools. For this reason, it is better to entrust the construction to professionals. This is especially recommended when installing the furnace, due to high temperatures and the risk of fire. Before construction, it is necessary to take into account sanitary and fire safety standards.


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