The meaning of the Russian proverb "an agreement is more expensive than money"

We often use proverbs and sayings that came from Ancient Russia, without thinking about their origin and meaning. One such expression is "an agreement more expensive than money."

The expression “Persuasion is more expensive than money” has a very, very significant meaning. In the understanding of the ancient Slavs, this meant the completion of the transaction in any case.

Word and deed

Even 200 years ago, at the conclusion of a transaction, written receipts were very rare. Often the agreement was sealed with a handshake, the only guarantee was the honest name of the merchant. There could be no talk of a violation of the terms of the contract. If it was the delivery of any goods, then they should have been delivered on time, if it was a debt, then it should have been returned on time.

The meaning of the “agreement is more expensive than money” rule is that it is better to fulfill the promise, even to the detriment of one’s own profit. After all, a violation of the word meant the collapse of the reputation. Most often, its restoration took a considerable time, if not all of life. The violator of the “agreement is more expensive than money” rule no longer had faith and, accordingly, they did not want to deal with him. As a result, dishonesty led to huge losses. You could even say that it was the collapse of the entire enterprise. Moreover, this extended to the whole family.

two merchants

Merchant's word

The expression "agreement is more expensive than money" has an analogue, but less well-known. This "merchant's word" is the merchant’s promise that all the terms of the oral contract will be precisely fulfilled.

Especially the merchant word was distributed outside of Central Russia. The merchant could not understand the securities and not be able to read them, some entrepreneurs and traders did not own a letter at all. But they knew the value of the promise.

There were times when well-known industrialists took their own lives because of the inability to repay the loan or fulfill the terms of the transaction. This showed an incredible example of honor: indeed, an agreement was more expensive than money and even life. Of these people were large breeders A.K. Alchevsky, S.I. Chetverikov. It is noteworthy that the latter, after 25 years, restored his family's reputation to the family, having paid all the debts. At that time, he himself became a successful entrepreneur.

"A contract is more expensive than money" these days

Contract signing

Persuasion is the colloquial version of the word "contract." Nowadays, a person who knows how to competently negotiate is very much appreciated. But at the same time, a deal concluded orally has no power. All conditions must be recorded on paper. Entire corporations work so that the conditions in the contract are spelled out correctly.

Everything is registered - from the terms of the transaction to possible litigation. Risks, conditions, fines and obligations are prescribed. But even a competently drawn up contract does not guarantee that the terms of the transaction will be met.

Counting money

It can be terminated by the decision of one of the parties, and this will be justified by law or a line from the contract. And the word given earlier will not have power.

This negative trend in Russia appeared with the change of political regime at the beginning of the last century, when many families of famous industrialists or merchants were forced to leave the country. Traditions have been violated, and honesty is no longer so valued.


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