Castration of a cat: consequences of surgery

It is unlikely that there will be many people in the world who do not like cats. Fluffy pet is available in almost every apartment. However, keeping an adult cat in a living room may have some unpleasant moments. Of course, only if it is not possible to let the animal out from time to time.

cats castration consequences
In this case, cats often begin to mark walls. Moreover, the smell from such marks comes just awful.

And, no matter how pathetic the animal is, many owners decide to carry out such an operation as castration of a cat. Its consequences are not too serious, and the benefits are quite tangible - the animal absolutely loses interest in all cats in the world. Usually, the behavior also changes. The cat becomes more affectionate and much calmer. When is it worth doing the operation and how to care for the animal after it?

The most suitable age is adolescence. That is, as soon as the animal is 8 months old, you can contact the doctor. Castration of a cat, the consequences of which are usually positive, is an operation performed in just a few minutes (usually no more than 10).

castration of cats operation
The vast majority of animals tolerate it almost painlessly. However, in the postoperative period, especially while the cat is moving away from anesthesia, you need to carefully monitor it.

Depending on the physiological characteristics, the animal may stay for 2 to 12 hours as a result of the use of a soporific drug. Departure from anesthesia is perhaps the biggest nuisance in such an event as castration of a cat. The consequences of using sedatives are mainly manifested in the urge to vomit. Therefore, the cat must be laid on the litter on the floor and put a cup of water next to it. Until the animal wakes up, it should be turned about once every half an hour to the other side. In addition, very carefully you need to ensure that the nose and mouth of the cat are not closed by anything. Otherwise, he may simply suffocate.

There is no upper age limit for castration . It is not recommended to subject the operation of kittens up to six months. Although such events are practiced, especially in the United States, many doctors still do not advise doing this. Castration of a cat, the consequences of which in this case can be unpredictable, actually for the animal’s health usually ends normally. However, often a side effect of this operation is a violation of the proportions of the body. Often in such animals you can see a head too small relative to the body.

how much the cat leaves after castration

Many pet lovers have a question: how long does the cat leave after castration? Following the operation for three days, swelling in the genital area may be observed. The phenomenon is normal and harmless. As the veterinarian incisions tissues during the procedure, wounds remain. They heal in about a week and a half. You can allow the animal to lick them on their own.

Castration of cats - the operation in our time is not too expensive. The usual cost is about $ 20. If desired, doctors can even be called directly to the house. The only thing - for the call, most likely, you will have to pay about $ 10 more. After the operation, you will have to be more careful about the diet of the cat. In no case should the animal be overfed. It is worth giving the cat sour cream and fish as little as possible. Otherwise, he may develop urolithiasis.


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