When will Abyssal Underlord come out?

Dota 2 is one of the most popular games in the last few years. Valve earns $ 218 million a month on Dota. Such a fabulous amount is accumulated from microtransactions that players carry out in order to acquire in-game items. In order to keep players interested in the game, Valve regularly releases updates. As a rule, they release new sets for characters, fix bugs and adjust the balance. However, sometimes updates contain something more significant. For example, a new hero.

The birth of the legendary game

The cradle of Dota 2 can be considered a custom map called Defense of the Ancients (from the English - "Defense of the Ancients"), which was created by IceFrog user specifically for Warcraft-3. You can read a more detailed history of this modification below.

Abyssal Underlord Dota 2

When the Blizzard Entertaiment (Wacraft developers) added a map editor to the game, users were thrilled. Now you could create your own stories, mini-quests and play them with friends on the network. Gamers have created thousands of different maps for Warcraft-3. But, of course, the most successful of them was DotA. Since 2005, a user has been developing this card under the nickname IceFrog, about which nothing is known really. Initially, the card had a lot of flaws and a meager number of game characters. But over time, IceFrog removed all the bugs, and the final version of the map contained 108 heroes.

Creating Dota 2

In 2009, Valv, with the support of IceFrog, began developing a remake of the legendary DotA. The new game finally came out in 2013 and was called Dota 2.

During the official release, there were only 104 heroes in place of 108 heroes. What is the problem? Where did the four heroes from the original version go? If you believe the official statement from "Valv", then these four characters simply did not have time to finalize. However, representatives said that in the next few years, a complete set of characters will appear in Dota-2.

Over the course of 2 years, characters such as Oracle and Techies have been released. But in the files of the latest update for Dota-2, the texture of a new hero, whose name is Pit Lord or, as he was called during the times of DotA, Abyssal Underlord, was noticed. The release date of this character is still a mystery. But the fact that a full-fledged texture has already been developed for him suggests that very soon the same Dota-2 tavern will be visited by the same Pete Lord. In honor of this event, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with already verified information about this old-new character. After reading this article, you will learn the main characteristics of this hero, his abilities and much more.

Abyssal Underlord (Dota 2)

Abyssal underlord

Pit Lord is a mile (melee) hero whose main characteristic is strength. This character has great potential, but it is unlikely that he will often be used in pubs. The fact is that Abyssal Underlord requires a well-coordinated team game and deep knowledge of Dota 2 itself. And in ordinary games, such qualities are quite rare.

As for the professional scene, it’s pretty hard to predict if Pete Lord will be used. On the one hand, this is a delightful character with whom you can come up with a bunch of ligaments and combinations. On the other hand, the meta "Dota-2" has just settled down. And will a new hero fit into it? Only time will answer this question.

Hero abilities

Abyssal Underlord Release Date

If we talk about abilities, the first skill called Firestorm unleashes waves of fire on the specified area, which cause damage to enemy heroes. If you think about using this ability, it will be useful in order to farm, protect your taver. In addition, Firestorm will help your team during large-scale teamfights in closed locations.

The second ability is called Pit of Malice. A split appears on the indicated site, hitting which enemy heroes take damage and cannot move for several seconds. This ability is a good disable, which can be an excellent springboard for ultimate Pak, Tide Hunter, Enigma, etc. It is best to use this skill in closed locations, for example, in a forest or near aisles. Then the enemies simply will not be able to get around the split and will definitely fall under the influence of Pit of Malice.

Atrophy Aura is another Abyssal Underlord ability. Passive affects enemy heroes, which is why they lose the lion's share of their base attack. If a character dies under the influence of this ability, then Pete Lord will receive an additional attack for a short period of time (+5 per creep and +30 per hero). The ability can be useful in batches and during farming.

Dark Rift - Ult Pete Lord, who can teleport him and nearby heroes to a specific point on the map. This skill is quite multifunctional. You can use it to escape persecution. Or you can, on the contrary, suddenly attack the enemy with your entire team.

Primary role

Dota 2

As you know, each hero has a role in the game. Abyssal Underlord is no exception. This character, thanks to his abilities, is an excellent support and initiator. In addition, having infused enough bonus attack, Pete Lord can quickly drag out the lines. And thanks to the first two skills, Abyssal Underlord will be indispensable in teamfights. In the end, we can say that Pete Lord is a great hero, but in order to adequately play for him, you need to know the basics of the game, be able to work in a team and, of course, have straight arms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3176/

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