How to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet of flowers? Description

Chrysanthemums, whose name is translated from Chinese as autumn stars, amaze with their elegant beauty and an amazing variety of colors and shapes. How often, receiving a bouquet of these luxurious and sweet flowers at the same time, I want to repeat this exquisite flowering on my own windowsill or in the garden.

how to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet
It turns out that nothing is impossible, and this publication will talk about how to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet. Florists specializing in the cultivation of these not the most demanding flowers know not only the subtleties of reviving the variety they like, but also ways to facilitate and speed up this process.

How to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet of chrysanthemums

Attempts of a similar repetition of the attracting look at the gardeners are many. Of course, not all of them end in success, but the vast majority manage to grow new plants with all the maternal traits. So, wondering if it is possible to grow a chrysanthemum from a bouquet, we turn to the basics of botanical science. The main and only technique used to propagate and grow a flower from an existing cut plant is cuttings. Experienced flower growers note that cuttings of small-flowered Korean chrysanthemums take root more successfully and faster , although Indian specimens with large caps of flowers propagate in the same way, with a little more effort and patience.

Is it possible to grow a chrysanthemum from a bouquet
So, you can grow a new chrysanthemum from a bouquet of chrysanthemums, you just need to perform all the steps in the sequence that the cuttings technology offers: choosing viable cuttings, proper soil preparation, creating conditions for germination and certain care necessary for the successful development of the plant.

Preparation of cuttings

In order to grow chrysanthemum from a bouquet of a house, the correct cutting and preparation of cuttings, which are considered the basis for future success, are necessary. To begin with, the stem of a plant that has attracted is necessary to carefully examine, choose the strongest lateral, that is, shoots growing from the axils of the leaves. Viable are the "sidewalls", located up to flowering stems ending in inflorescences and almost no leaves. Stalk cuttings are also used for reproduction, cutting them 10-12 cm each. They are carefully cut with green ones with a sharp knife. You can break them out, but so that the stalk ends with a β€œheel” - a piece of the mother's stem.

how to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet of chrysanthemums

On the shoot all buds and leaves are removed, leaving only 2-3 top ones, which can also be shortened by a third. They do this in order to stimulate the development of roots, and not a set of green mass, which will inevitably destroy the stalk.

Thus prepared cuttings are placed for 3-4 hours in a solution of any phytohormone stimulant (Kornevin or Heteroauxin), the concentration of which may slightly exceed the recommended in the annotation to the preparations.

How to grow chrysanthemum from cuttings from a bouquet: the optimal substrate

While the cuttings are treated with active substances, it is necessary to prepare the substrate. It should be breathable and loose. Different flower growers have different opinions on the composition of the soil. It could be:

  • garden land mixed with peat, sand and vermiculite in equal shares;
  • turf land mixed with humus and river sand (1/1/2);
  • pure perlite.

Tanks for rooting cuttings are filled with one of the soils presented: you can use large seedling boxes or immediately place the cuttings in separate small containers.

grow chrysanthemum from a bouquet of a house
It is important to remember that their walls should not be transparent, especially if white perlite is used as a substrate, since in the dark root formation is noticeably faster.

Landing technology

Filled containers are well moistened with warm settling water and placed in the substrate cuttings: one in separate containers and with an interval of 5-6 cm - in seedlings. When planting prepared shoots, do not forget that cuttings should not touch each other. This will reduce the likelihood of fungal infections, because at this time, in conditions of high humidity, plants are most vulnerable. Containers with cuttings can be covered with a film coating, providing an optimal microclimate. For successful rooting, the temperature regime is important: the containers do not need to be arranged closer to the heat sources, the optimum temperature for root formation is the air temperature in the room at 18-20 Β° C. Since the question of how to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet does not end with the planting of the cuttings, we will move on to the main caring events necessary for success in reviving the culture you like.

Features of the care of cuttings

The film cover from the containers must be periodically removed, ventilating the landing. Many flower growers do not use shelters, motivating this with prevention from the occurrence of fungal infections.

how to grow chrysanthemum from cuttings from a bouquet
In this case, special attention is paid to regular watering, since drying of the substrate will have a detrimental effect on root formation and can attract a spider mite - the first enemy of chrysanthemums that appears in conditions of low humidity. Therefore, daily spraying the cuttings are necessary: ​​they will create a normal level of humidity in the container and around it, and also prevent the appearance of a spider pest.

Top dressing

During rooting, plant nutrition is not needed, but after 3-4 weeks, the roots are already formed, and they will need nutrition. To stimulate the development of the root system of young chrysanthemums, fertilizers of the OZHZ series are suitable, which are organo-mineral complexes used for root and foliar top dressing. A tablespoon of fertilizer is diluted in a liter of water and the solution is infused for 10-20 hours. Such infusion is weekly watered by rooted plants. The normal dates for young chrysanthemums to successfully take root and grow stronger are 2-3 months.

Further concern

Fully strengthened rooted sprouts, for which cultivation is planned in a potted version, after this time, you can transplant into a separate container filled with a mixture of garden soil, leaf humus and peat in equal shares. This is the final stage in the procedure called "How to grow chrysanthemum from a bouquet."

how to grow chrysanthemum from a bouquet in a pot
In the pot, on the bottom of which a layer of expanded clay is laid, the plant is transshipped with an earthen lump, trying not to damage the roots: while they are still very small, fragile and brittle. The successful development of the plant subsequently contributes to the correct location, maintaining the optimal light and temperature conditions, the regularity of watering and top dressing.

Potted plant care

The optimal conditions for the comfortable growth of chrysanthemums are:

  • air temperature in the room 18-20˚;
  • diffused light, but not direct rays of the sun;
  • spraying and watering;
  • protection against sharp fluctuations in temperature and drafts.

A plant grown from a cutlery can bloom after 6-8 months from the time of rooting, although, of course, an important role in these periods will be played by the factor of maternal culture belonging to a variety of early, medium or late flowering.

Planting strong cuttings in the garden

How to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet in the open ground? Planting young plants from cuttings that have taken root in the garden can be done at the end of May or the beginning of June, that is, when the soil warms up and the threat of return frosts passes. Previously, the site is prepared for planting: carefully dug up, adding to 1 square. m of 5 kg of humus and peat, 0.5 wood ash and 60-70 g of nitrophosphate. It is worth taking care of arranging drainage, which will enhance soil aeration and prevent water stagnation, which can cause various putrefactive root lesions.

You can not plant plants too tightly, the distance between them should be at least 35-40 cm. When planting, the tops of the plants are nipped, stimulating branching. Planted crops are fed twice a month, watered with warm water as necessary.

you can grow a new chrysanthemum from a bouquet of chrysanthemums

Such agricultural technology is applicable to Korean varieties of perennial chrysanthemums. They grow in one place for 2-3 years. Then require a transplant. Large-flowered chrysanthemums are grown mainly in an annual culture and, most often, in a greenhouse.

So, we tried to find the answer to the question of how to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet, and we hope that this publication will help beginner gardeners.


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