What kind of dragon fish is it (arovana)?

Arovana, or, as it is called in another way, a dragon fish, has an interesting reputation. There are many beliefs that the owner of this resident of the aquarium will certainly be rich, luck and success will become his constant companions, and peace, kindness and comfort will settle in his house.

Indeed, the dragon fish is a rather interesting specimen of the underwater world. There is an assumption that she has the rudiments of intelligence. This conclusion was made on the basis of long-term observations of the behavior of the dragon. This fish, it turns out, knows its owner well and even takes food from his hands. But as soon as a stranger approaches the aquarium, she begins to rush restlessly, trying to find a secluded place to hide.

There are about two hundred varieties of this fish, but most often they are divided by color. So the dragon fish (photo) is mainly of three colors: red, gold and green. Red arovans are the most expensive, because such a color, according to ancient legends, attracts success in financial matters most of all. In the countries of Asia, where this breed of fish is quite widespread, cunning sellers manage to give its scales a red tint with the help of hormones .

dragon fish
Arovan variety

Dragon Fish Content

Arowns are rather large fish. In length, they reach 60 cm, and sometimes significantly exceed this indicator. Therefore, the aquarium for them should be at least 95 liters. The best option is if it holds 190 liters of water and has a minimum amount of aquarium decorations. The thing is that dragon fish are very mobile, they need room for swims. And if artificial plants fall on their way, then they simply will not be able to get away in time from a collision with them or swim without hitting them, which can lead to injury to your pet.

Particular attention should be paid to the composition and temperature of the water, which should be between + 25 ° C - 28 ° C and slightly brackish. Remember that the native habitat of Arovan is tropical rivers, where salt water comes from the warm seas and oceans that wash the southern coast of Asia. Therefore, from sharp fluctuations in temperature, from a prolonged stay in too warm or cold water, dragon fish can weaken, lose their appetite, which will make it susceptible to many diseases. Also, experienced aquarists and those who looked after this fish species advise changing 10-15% of water weekly, trying to remove any residual feed along with old water that the filter cannot remove.

Arovan food

dragon fish photo
Dragon fish are carnivorous, so they feed it mainly on protein foods. The most affordable feed option today is frozen medium-sized fish. It should be washed thoroughly to exclude the possibility of getting into the aquarium rot and all kinds of bacteria that develop and multiply so well in warm water.

It is necessary to feed Arovan once a day and no longer than two minutes. This time is enough for them to eat well. All excess food that remains to swim in the aquarium after two minutes must be removed in order to maintain proper water quality.

Features of the content of arovan

The dragon, of course, can get along well with other types of fish, but on one condition: it is full and does not feel hunger. Otherwise, the small inhabitants of the same aquarium will be a good dinner for him.

dragon fish

If you decide to engage in the reproduction of dragon fish, then know that the female Arovans will not spawn in artificially created conditions. But if such a miracle suddenly happened, then the dragon himself should produce further care, fertilization and growing eggs. Male fish are harped for one and a half, or even two months in a row, carry future offspring in their mouths. However, they do not eat anything at all. In fish farms in such situations, in order to prevent the death of the male, young Arovans are forcibly removed from the mouth of a caring father.

Here she is amazing, this dragon fish, bringing success and happiness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E318/

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