How to grow a room flower (bulb)?

Many home gardening enthusiasts prefer bulb crops. Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, hippeastrum - all these plants are distinguished by bright colors and wonderful aroma. Indoor flower (bulb) refers to low-growing crops. Its cultivation does not require much effort and time. It is enough to observe some conditions - and the flower will periodically please with its beauty.

bulb flower


The beauty of this plant is legendary. Indoor flower (bulb) has small buds of white or yellow color, located a few pieces on the stem. For cultivation in a pot, the prepared bulb of the daffodil is placed in a sand mixture, buried to the top and watered. Landing is best done in September. During dormancy, a flowerpot with a daffodil is recommended to be placed in a cool place. Four months later, this indoor flower (bulb) should be brought into a dark room, the temperature in which will be no higher than twelve degrees. When sprouts appear 5-7 centimeters high, the daffodil can be moved to a regular room and watered regularly. After the plant fades, it is necessary to dig it from the ground and collect young bulbs. They should be dried, cleaned of dirt and stored in a cool dark place for storage for further reproduction. In the apartment, the daffodil will feel best on the eastern or western windowsill. The soil for planting should be fairly light, neutral acidity, preferably loamy. For this plant, the most comfortable temperature is +16 o C.

indoor bulb flower photo


This is an indoor flower (bulb), which loves light very much. Therefore, it is recommended to place it on the south side. During the period of active growth (before the peduncle), the hippeastrum should be constantly sprayed with warm water. With the advent of the first shoots, the flower must begin to be watered. In winter, after pruning, the bulb in the pot should be half buried in the ground and put in a room in which the temperature will be within +16 ° C. At this time, the number of irrigations can be reduced. It is recommended to feed a flowering plant once a week. Hippeastrum is propagated by bulbs - children and seeds.


This indoor bulb flower, the photo of which is presented in this article, is recommended to be planted in wide flowerpots, and it is best to have several pieces, but always of the same variety. At the bottom of the pot you need to put drainage. Plant bulbs should be tight enough to each other, pushing to an arbitrary depth in the ground. In this case, the plants should not be in contact with the walls of the pot and with each other.

Indoor Bulb Flowers Names

After planting, crocuses must be watered and placed in a cool (+5 ... +9 ° C) darkened place for two to three months. At this time, they need to be watered periodically. Then the flowers can be transferred to the windowsill, shading from sunlight. In two weeks, the bulbs will begin to bloom. At this time, it is recommended to water the plant twice a week. Feeding is not required.

At high temperatures, crocuses will bloom very quickly. Bright lighting also negatively affects them. In order for the plant to maintain its decorative effect for as long as possible, it should be kept in a room with a temperature not exceeding +16 ° C. At night, crocuses can be transferred to the balcony.

Indoor bulbous flowers, the names of which are mentioned in this article, tolerate low temperatures (about 0).


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