How to knit bowline knots? Detailed schematic guide

A properly knotted knot always played an important role both in everyday life and in the professional sphere of human activity. Such a device, simple at first glance, invented thousands of years ago, has not lost popularity in the modern world.

how to knit bowline knots

In ancient times, a reliable, high-quality knotted knot was revered at the level of art, and its technique was transmitted along a family tree from father to son. A properly tied rope could not only help in the household sphere or food production, but also save lives in certain situations.

Before knitting tourist nodes, you must fully familiarize yourself with and learn the principle of their implementation, because safety is one of the basic rules of outdoor activities.

Who uses the pancake technique and why?

The knot is native to the sea, since it has long been used in shipping. Its second name is the “gazebo”, but it is still not connected with suburban summer houses. In maritime business, a gazebo is a special platform that serves to lift a sailor to the mast or lower it overboard to carry out repair or painting work. The platform is attached to the cable used for lifting, namely the bowline node, which received its second name due to this.

How to knit bowline knots ?

Such a technique, in fact, allows you to create a tight loop and is considered to be one of the best and most reliable for use in the marine business. To learn how to knit bowline knots is best long before they are completed. After all, their quality will directly depend on the experience gained only in practice.

knot figure eight how to knit

Visual inspection is one of the simplest options for studying the technique to create a bowline node. The diagram below shows several stages of execution, after which the node will be completely ready for use.

how to knit tourist knots


For a better perception of actions, it is recommended that you immediately check each of them in practice, which will make it easy to remember the sequence and learn nothing more than how to knit bowline knots in seconds.

To begin with, it is necessary to take one of the ends of the cable in the left hand, and with the right brush behind yourself around the waist, enclose the running end. At the next stage, you will need to clamp the running end into the right fist, not forgetting to retreat about 10-15 centimeters from the edge, and extend the left hand with the radical end forward. Now it is necessary with the right hand, without expanding the running end in it, to bend the stretched root part from top to bottom on itself and up from itself. The step may seem difficult to perceive, but having a rope in your hands and performing the operation in the strictly specified sequence, everything can be done according to plan. Performing this action, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hand to avoid its complete falling into the loop. At the next stage, around the stretched root part of the rope, it will be necessary to enclose the running end to the left, after intercepting it with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. Further it is necessary, when pushing the running end into a small loop, pull out the right hand from it. In conclusion, you will need, holding the chassis, pull the root end.

In order to understand, learn and remember how to knit knot bowls, during the study it is recommended to turn to visual materials that will help to more quickly perceive the sequence of actions.

The node "eight"

There is also a similar option - the "eight" node. How to knit it, however, will need to be studied separately. The scope of the G8 is similar to the Bulin knot and covers marine business, mountaineering, as well as various types of active tourism.

The “eight” knot is one of the simplest and most reliable, as it forms a safe, non-slip loop at the end of the rope. Among climbers, it can often be found under the name "Flemish bend." In mountaineering, he gained maximum popularity due to its simplicity, high speed of execution, reliability and the ability to visually control its quality among beginners. Due to the many positive aspects, such a node can be found in completely non-typical applications.

The implementation of the "eight"

Interested in the knitting technique provided by the figure-eight knot? How to knit such knots, you can learn and learn in just a few minutes. Of course, that for high-quality and quick execution will require much more time for practical training.

knot bowline diagram

To begin, fold the ends together and, taking their free edges, make a circle, bending it under the elongated part of the rope. Next, you need to take the two ends on the opposite side and bend them under the double edge of the rope. Repeating the last step, bend again and raise the ends up. Finally, insert them into the opening of the first bend, after which it will be possible to tighten the rope.


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