How to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands without anything

How to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands?

The question of how to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands usually arises among young people who want to make a special impression on their soul mate. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than giving her flowers. And if these flowers on her eyes will be made from improvised means, then the effect of such an action can exceed all your expectations. The main thing is surprise and spectacularity. And then everything will be just perfect. You will not need anything other than the source material and your hands. It will take no more than a minute to learn how to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands, and there is nothing complicated about it. So just remember the manufacturing algorithm - and you can periodically use it to your advantage.


You have a romantic date. You want your girlfriend to make something special, but something goes wrong. Understand that you need to take some action to rectify the situation. But here is what? And then the answer suggests itself - to give her something that goes beyond. And one of these elements is a rose, which is whipped up in front of your sweetheart. It doesnโ€™t matter what material and how correctly it is made.

From a napkin.

The fact itself is important, which should give your soulmate a lot of pleasure and confirm your feelings. So let's figure out how to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands, and what materials are best suited for this.


As a material for this craft, any napkin is suitable. It is only important that it be square (this is easier to do). Fortunately, most of such products are manufactured in this format. The last option is a rectangular blank. Of course, it is better if it is denser - this will allow you to get a more durable flower. But if there is a soft one, then there is nothing to worry about: a rose can be made from a napkin of any strength.

How do

Better if done on a bench or table. But even a simple knee is suitable for these purposes. We take the prepared material and deploy it completely. Choose any of the parties. Which one is looking at you, the one we are starting to round off. Only need

How to make a rose from a napkin?
wrap a little so that a sufficiently dense end is obtained. We cut off one of the corners and similarly process it from the same side. Then we turn everything over and start spinning from the side where the angle remains intact. For better performance on the machined side, you can lay your finger and twist around it. We got to the edge. We get a finger. We measure the length of the bud and tighten the remaining part tightly. It turns out the stem on which the flower rests. And tightly twist to the bottom side. If desired, below the stem can be divided and make a kind of petal. The whole algorithm of how to make a rose from a napkin is finished and the result is obtained - the flower is made from what is at hand. Now you can sweetheart give this little masterpiece of man-made art.


This material describes how to make a rose from a napkin with your own hands. Mastering this operation will take you no more than five minutes. But at the same time you will have an "additional weapon", which in some cases can change the balance of power in your favor.


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