How to organize the physical education of preschool children

To be healthy, you need to move! This is an axiom that does not require proof. Active movements develop the most important muscle groups, increase the elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility, increase the efficiency of the heart. The blood supply to all organs and tissues improves, the vital capacity of the lungs increases , the blood enriches with oxygen, therefore, all types of metabolism are actively flowing.

Physical education in kindergarten has a number of features. Firstly, when compiling exercise complexes, you must not forget that they are understandable for children, simple and interesting. Such complexes need to be changed at least once every two weeks.

Secondly, a physical break must necessarily alternate with quiet activities and games, so that the child does not overwork.

Full-fledged physical education of preschoolers is also difficult to imagine without outdoor games. Teachers recommend from an early age to introduce children to sports team games. They not only develop the speed of reaction, the physical abilities of the child, but also help him learn interaction and mutual understanding in the team.

Currently, a wide selection of exercise equipment is available in sports stores that can help conduct physical education for preschoolers. But do not rush to get some "sophisticated" simulator or sports complex. At first, the child had enough simple and familiar to us from our own childhood objects: ball, jump rope, hoop, gymnastic stick.

Fix the crossbar in the doorway, lay a foam mattress under it - and the sports equipment is ready. Hang the rings on the crossbar, strengthen the rope here - and now your child already owns his own mini-gym, which takes up almost no space, but gives the baby the opportunity to crawl, sway, and dump excesses of excessive children's energy.

The program for the education of preschool children in kindergarten has always included morning exercises, as an indispensable way to familiarize children from a very early age with physical education. Classes conducted by professionals make even sedentary and shy guys move actively, getting a charge of vigor for the whole day.

It is necessary to carry out charging yourself, of course, in accordance with the rules on which the physical education of preschool children is based.

1. Start classes with simple and easy movements, gradually moving to more complex and difficult ones, gradually speeding up the pace and duration.

2. If possible, the load should be received by all major muscle groups - arms and shoulder girdle, trunk, legs and pelvis with a gradual increase in the range of motion.

3. During classes, the child’s breathing should be smooth, deep and rhythmic. If breathing is lost, you need to reduce the load or slow down the pace.

4. Exercise should be full and consist of 8-10 exercises, which are selected depending on the age of the child.

5. In the warm season, the physical education of preschoolers is best done in the fresh air, and in cold weather - in a well-ventilated area. So more oxygen enters the blood, the excretion of metabolic products is accelerated.

6. Ideally, charging should end with water procedures (douche, contrast shower, swimming in a lake or river).

In order to correctly organize physical education classes for a child, one must remember that regularity is the basis of success in this matter. For example, daily exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, should take at least 30 minutes. Try to make it a habit in your child, this will contribute to the development of physical education.


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