Where does juniper grow? Description, variety of species

Evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees, of which there are more than 70 species, belong to the cypress family. Juniper is a plant well known in our country. It is widely used in landscape design.

Many summer residents and owners of country houses would like to see on their plots these original, with exquisite beauty plantings. True, not everyone knows how juniper grows, what conditions it needs. In this article we will try to answer many questions regarding this culture.

where juniper grows

Name history

There are two versions regarding the origin of the name of this plant. Some researchers are sure that it came from the phrase “spruce,” since in the north the plant prefers sections between spruce plantations. The second version says that it came from the old Russian word "milk", meaning "knot". Perhaps this hypothesis also has a right to exist, since the juniper is distinguished by knotted branches and a trunk.

Where does juniper grow?

Representatives of this genus are quite widespread - from the Arctic to the mountain subtropical regions. The only exception is Juniperus procera (East African). This species is distributed on the African continent up to 18 ° south latitude.

how does juniper grow

As a rule, most junipers have a small distribution area. Usually these are certain mountain systems and countries. Perhaps only common juniper is widespread . Where does the tree juniper grow, which in height can reach fifteen meters? These trees form light forests characteristic of the Mediterranean, Central Asia, southern North America and the arid regions of Mexico. True, they do not occupy large territories.

If you are interested in where juniper of smaller species grows, then we hasten to inform you that it can be found in the undergrowth or in the third tier in bright coniferous and deciduous forests. When they are destroyed, pure thickets are formed. The most undersized, creeping species can be seen on rocky slopes and rocks, near the upper border of the forest.


Juniper can be either a shrub growing up to three meters, or a tree up to fifteen meters high. Much less common are specimens up to thirty meters high. In more severe climatic conditions, the plant can take a dwarf shape. In male plants, the crown is thick and columnar; in female plants, it is more dense and oval in shape.

Juniper has two types of needles: young plants are covered with green and needle, very sharp, the length of which is about one and a half centimeters. The branches of adult trees are covered with both needle and scaly needles.


Juniper blossoms in May. Male yellow cones have an elongated or spherical shape, and female (green) are collected in small groups. After fertilization, in the first year, female flowers resemble hard balls of brownish color, and already in the second year they take on the form of berries, filled with juice. By fall, they become dark blue or black-purple, much less often - red-brown, with a slight bluish bloom.

juniper species and varieties

You already know where juniper grows - in undergrowths and light deciduous forests (or forms independent thickets on the sand). And now we will discuss what conditions are most comfortable for him.

It is completely undemanding to soils, since powerful roots can extract nutrients and water from the depths of the poorest soils. This is a drought-resistant, shade-tolerant and frost-resistant plant that can withstand frost up to -40 ° C. Juniper grows slowly, but differs in longevity - scientists say that some specimens live up to 3000 years.


Many summer residents are interested in how to plant juniper correctly. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a sunny place for the seedling. Depending on the type of plant, soil requirements may vary, but basically this is not the most important factor.

Fill the planting hole with a mixture of sand, peat and turf. On moist soils, planting will require drainage. In this case, it is necessary to increase the depth of the pit. Broken brick or rubble is poured to the bottom. When planting, do not deepen the root neck.

how to plant juniper


In arid and dry weather, junipers require a rare but plentiful watering so that the water moistens the soil well. In addition, sprinkling (spraying) is necessary in the heat. This is best done in the evening.

Winter preparations

Junipers, which have an upright crown shape, are tied with a rope in late autumn to prevent deformation of the branches under the weight of the snow. Other species do not need special preparation for winter.

Juniper: types and varieties. Gold coast

This is a low shrub whose shoots are located horizontally. The needles are distinguished by decorativeness - golden yellow, darkening by winter. The bush loves lighted places, in the shade development slows down. The crown is dense and sprawling. It is not picking on soil and moisture. In a year, the growth of the plant is from five to fifteen centimeters.

Mint Julep

This species has a spreading crown located at an angle to the soil of approximately 45 °. The name of the coniferous shrub comes from mint julep, which means “sweet mint cocktail” in English. For the first time, Juniper Mint Julep was bred in the nursery of the city of Saratoga Springs (USA).

The advantage of this variety is that it easily tolerates droughts and severe frosts. The plant can be planted singly or in a group, creating an original coniferous composition. Juniper Mint Julep is medium in size and has a wavy crown. By ten years, it can reach three meters in width. Another advantage is the very pleasant mint aroma of pine needles. In the USA, this variety is considered to be industrial: it feels great in the city, playing the role of hedges.

juniper mint julep

Juniper Blue (scaly)

This is a fairly large group. It includes more than two dozen species. They relate to ornamental plants, which are ideal for decorating the landscape. In this article, we will introduce you to the most common of them.

Blue carpet

Unpretentious, fast-growing shrub. Its height does not exceed one and a half meters, the branches are distinguished by prickly silver-blue needles. Crohn is wide and flat. Fruits (cones) are dark blue with a whitish bloom. Relatively fast growth allows you to use the culture as a groundcover to strengthen the slopes and hills.

juniper blue

Bushes love the sun, are resistant to gas and smoke, tolerate pruning well.

Blue star

The name of this plant translates as "blue star". Decorative juniper Blue Star is a shrub with needle-shaped, scaly needles of a beautiful silver-blue hue. The crown is dense, semicircular. Blue Star grows very slowly - by the age of ten it gains no more than forty centimeters in length and in diameter.

The bush is drought-resistant, frost-resistant, undemanding to soils, grows on all dry and well-drained, as well as on poor soils.

Blue Arrow

The rocky juniper Blue Arrow got its name (translated as “blue arrow”) because of the interesting shape of the crown. Narrow, columnar, it really resembles an arrow. Shoots are hard, tightly pressed to the trunk, vertically growing, grow fifteen centimeters per year. At the age of ten years, the plant reaches two and a half meters in height with a width of 0.7 meters.

juniper blue arrow

The needles are scaly, soft, bright blue. Fruits are cones of bluish-blue color. The advantage of the variety is the low-growing lower branches (almost at the base of the trunk).

Junipers are horizontal. Andorra variegata

Dwarf shrub with diverging rays from the center of the shoots, with slightly raised ends. The main advantage of the species is bright green needles with creamy white dots, and in winter it affects a purplish-purple hue. An adult plant with a height of no more than one and a half meters likes sunny areas, not demanding on soils.

juniper blue

Blue chip

Another juniper is blue. Shrub height from thirty centimeters to two meters. It is a creeping plant. This variety belongs to the best in its category. Graceful shoots creeping on the ground are spreading in different directions, covering the ground with a thick carpet.

The needles are silver-blue, small. In winter, it strikes with a delicate purple hue.

Junipers are Cossack. Arcadia

The bushes are medium sized (2.5 m), the crown is creeping. The needles are light green, soft. It develops well in light areas, but can tolerate light partial shade. It withstands frosts down to -40 ° C. Initially, it grows in the form of a pillow, but gradually turns into a magnificent carpet, occupying more and more areas.

where juniper grows


The blue-gray needles of these small shrubs (1.2 m) in winter will surprise you with a rare bronze hue. Against the background of the dense needles, the brown cones with a wax coating look very harmonious. The variety is unpretentious and hardy.

Junipers are Chinese. Blaauw

This is a very beautiful plant with a pillow-shaped crown. He likes sunny areas, although he develops well in light partial shade. Soils are best suited to drained, light, nutritious, moderately moist and neutral. Plant height - 1.2 meters.


This is a taller plant (2.1 m). It has a distinctive feature - light yellow spots scattered on the blue-green crown of a pyramidal shape. Prefers well-drained, moist, fresh soils. It does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging. In early spring, it requires shelter from the sun.

Kuriwao gold

An adult bush 2.2 meters high is clearly visible from afar, and all thanks to the bright golden young shoots, which contrast with the dark green needles of the older branches. This gives the impression of airiness and lightness. The crown is wide, sometimes asymmetric, rounded. Looks great in single landings. Such bushes are no less beautiful in mixed groups.

Junipers are ordinary. Gold con

The plant grows up to four meters in height. In summer, during active growth, young shoots are painted in bright yellow color, which becomes yellow-green by autumn, and in winter the plant acquires a bronze color. The variety does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging of the soil.

It is not demanding on soils, although it is better not to allow their compaction. The first three years, the bush needs good care: watering is necessary, shelter from the spring sun.

juniper species and varieties

Green carpet

A small creeping plant (1.5 m) with soft, not prickly needles of light green color. Great for planting on slopes, in rocky gardens.


Pretty tall bushes (3.1 m) with soft needles of a bluish-green color. The variety is hardy, feels comfortable in lighted areas. In winter, the branches should be tied to prevent them from breaking.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3202/

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