Cosmea: planting and plant care

Surely, many paid attention to a simple flower with unusual openwork leaves. This is cosmea. The plant has many types of various colors. This beauty arrived in our country from the southern forests of America, quickly took root and gained popularity among gardeners.

Cosmea landing and care

Cosmea, planting and care of which is carried out correctly, grows to about one and a half meters, looks great on flower beds, along with other decorative foliage plants. When decorating borders, it looks good in the background.

The plant, which many gardeners loved, was also liked by breeders who bred completely new unusual varieties. For example, double cosmea flowers (photos are shown) have leaves dissected into small threadlike lobes. You can also find species with a very unusual color of inflorescences: raspberry red or lemon yellow. But such exclusive varieties very poorly take root in a climatic zone with severe frosts, as they come from hot Mexico.

How to care for such a flower as a cosmea? Planting and care, reproduction and cultivation - how to carry out these processes correctly?

This plant prefers loose nutrient soils and sunny places. Cosmea flowers stretch towards the bright sun, spreading their petals. The most important thing is the timely watering of the plant.

It is advisable to remove dried flowers immediately. This procedure leads to the formation of new buds, and also preserves the decorative appearance of the flowerbed.

cosmea in the garden photo

If the plant grows on sufficiently fertile soils, it is fed about once every two months. With a lack of nutrients, this procedure is carried out once a month, using mineral fertilizers.

Cosmea, the landing and care of which is carried out correctly, blooms from mid-summer to October, and quite abundantly.

How does kosmey breed

The flower is propagated by seeds. Landing is pretty simple. In April, seeds are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses. It is important to observe one condition - they do not need to be sprinkled with earth. It is only necessary to press the seeds slightly into the soil, since they need light to germinate.

Zeta cosmea terry photo
Shoots appear after about two weeks. In May, when the threat of morning frost disappears, the plants are planted in permanent places, maintaining a distance between them of about 35 cm. Cosmea, the planting and care of which is quite simple, looks good in cut compositions. This seemingly unpretentious flower is very popular among landscape designers, since it can advantageously dilute and emphasize the beauty of other decorative shrubs.

Cosmea flower in the garden (photos show its beauty) will definitely fit into absolutely any landscape. He is beautiful precisely for his simplicity. And when cheerful cosme flowers bloom in your area on a bright sunny day, your mood suddenly rises from its cheerful colors.

By the way, a plant like Cosmos atrosanguineus has an unusual blood-red color. From afar, it can even be mistaken for black. Plus, the flower spreads a rather strong chocolate flavor, attracting a myriad of butterflies.


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