Turgor is an important indicator of freshness and skin tightness.

Not all women and girls know what skin turgor is, although they have probably heard this word more than once. Turgor is the degree of elasticity of the skin, its freshness and fit. The term itself is a medical definition. Skin turgor determines its condition and the degree of grooming.

The essence of the concept

Turgor is the ability of each skin cell to keep in shape and be in constant tone. In other words, this is the degree of firmness and elasticity of the skin, its fullness with oxygen. With proper care and sufficient nourishment of the epidermis, it will be at a high level.

Facial skin turgor is greatly influenced by heredity, skin type, unhealthy habits. Even with a lot of effort, it’s difficult for a person to maintain skin turgor at the level at which he was young. Over the years, the body's natural aging prevails, the skin becomes dry, aging and withering. In this case, turgor decreases. Cells cannot maintain balance at the right level, even with care, and this becomes very noticeable visually not only on the face, but throughout the body.

face massage

Influencing factors

Turgor is an indicator of youthful skin, which is influenced by various aspects:

  • Genetics - a tendency to wrinkle formation, early aging and aging of the skin, which can be inherited.
  • The general condition of the body - the presence of chronic diseases and untreated inflammation affects the condition of the skin, while turgor decreases.
  • Skin type - dry skin, even in youth, requires nourishment and support so as not to lose elasticity too early. Oily skin retains elasticity longer, and over time, although wrinkles appear, they are still not as deep as those with dry skin.
  • Hormonal balance - fluctuations in hormones cause rashes, fluid retention in the body, which affects the state of the epidermis.
  • Age - in the early years, cells are able to regenerate quickly. The consequence of this is the fact that a person has an increased level of skin turgor. However, over the years, collagen production decreases and elasticity is lost.
  • Water balance of the body - with a lack of moisture, the turgor level decreases, radiance and freshness disappear, with edema, the skin often stretches and loses its shape.
  • Climate - in dry, hot weather, the skin needs additional moisture to maintain a normal water balance.
  • Lifestyle - people who smoke and drink skin age faster. To maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, one should eat harmoniously, practice strength and physical activity, and ensure proper skin care.
face care

How to find out the level of skin turgor

In order to understand your own level of skin turgor, you do not need to undergo special cosmetic procedures or manipulations. It is enough just to observe the condition of your skin for several days, evaluating indicators such as:

  1. Propensity to edema - usually expressed in the evening or noticeable immediately after waking up. In this case, the water-salt balance is disturbed, the skin is often subjected to stretching.
  2. Elasticity (tightness) - you should slightly pinch the skin on the back of your hand, if it does not immediately return to its normal state - the skin turgor is broken. Also an indicator of a decrease in skin elasticity are traces of bedding and accessories after sleep.
  3. Wrinkling - the first wrinkles already indicate a decrease in collagen production and a decrease in the level of skin turgor.
  4. Noticeable dryness - existing flaky areas and a feeling of tightness are considered a sign of loss of elasticity and lack of moisture.
  5. Face grayness - dull, lifeless skin, which has a painful appearance, is also a sign of a lack of moisture and reduced skin turgor.

Increased turgor of the epidermis is manifested in the radiance of the skin, its smoothness, velvety, healthy gloss.

body massage

How to increase skin turgor

Turgor is the fit and radiance of a face, which directly depends on the care and focus on its maintenance and improvement. At the first signs of a decrease in skin turgor, measures should be taken:

  1. Moisturizing the outside - the use of various cosmetics, creams, emulsions, nourishing masks will help moisturize and nourish the skin.
  2. Moisturizing from the inside - you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day for the normal operation of all body systems in general.
  3. The intake of vitamins - a meager monotonous diet negatively affects the skin's turgor. In the season you should consume as many vegetables, fresh herbs, fruits as possible, and in the cold season you can support the skin with vitamins A, E or complex compounds.
  4. Visiting salons - many beauty parlors offer injections of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for keeping the turgor in good shape.
  5. Massage - helps to avoid the appearance of early wrinkles and maintain skin turgor at a normal level.
  6. Physical activity - even minimal loads make the heart work better, the level of oxygen in the blood rises, which saturates all organs, including the skin.
  7. Good nutrition - avoid alcohol, soda, energy drinks, fatty and flour foods. It is better to fill your menu with simple but healthy dishes: boiled turkey fillet, rabbit meat, fish, raw and cooked vegetables, cereals, fruits.
body care in the sauna

Home Skin Turgor Enhancement Methods

At home, you can also benefit your skin and improve turgor. So, for example, highly effective masks with various oils, creams and other collagen-containing products:

  • A mask with cream and gelatin perfectly nourishes the skin. For the best effect, glycerin and honey are added to it.
  • Turmeric - the secret ingredient of beauties of the East - is suitable not only as a seasoning for dishes, but also as an element of maintaining beauty. A mask with turmeric, honey and shea butter will make the skin unusually velvety and toned.
  • A mask with yeast will perfectly tighten the skin and increase elasticity. The yeast is stirred with a little warm milk, honey and egg white are added, and then applied to the face.

To increase the turgor of the skin of the whole body, it is recommended to visit baths and saunas, take baths with milk, sea salt, use a contrast shower.

Turgor is a special property of skin elasticity, which can be easily lost with improper care, improper nutrition and improper lifestyle. With a desire and a competent approach, everyone can maintain the freshness and beauty of the skin and maintain turgor at a normal level.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3231/

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