Stone Age

In his ancient period of development, which lasted for several thousand centuries, man went through three stages. The first stage was the Stone Age. After him, humanity stepped into the Bronze Age , and then into the Iron Age. The first stage was the longest stage. Over its course, man made various tools, the material for which were fragments of animal bones and sticks with a sharp end. But the most durable was the stone. It was this material that dominated the devices of our ancestors. For this reason, this period is called the "Stone Age".

The longest era in the development of mankind is divided into three stages by archaeologists. The first of these is the ancient Stone Age (Paleolithic). The second is Mesolithic. It is also called the Middle Stone Age. The third stage is the Neolithic. Scientists attribute it to the new Stone Age.

The period of the Stone Age of the Paleolithic period lasted from the beginning of the emergence of the human community to the tenth millennium BC. According to scientists, the first people appeared in the tropics of Africa and South Asia. From there, they spread to other parts of the planet. At this time, man was an integral part of the world. He lived in caves, creating tribes, collecting edible plants and hunting small game. Fishing gear made from hard rock (obsidan, quartzite and silicon) were not polished and drilled. In the late Paleolithic period, fishing developed. Man learned to drill a bone, on which he began to produce the first engraving.

At the same time, the hunting technique becomes more complex, house-building begins, and a new way of life begins to take shape. The maturation of the tribal system is a prerequisite for the strength of the primitive community. Its structure is complicated. A person begins to develop speech and thinking, which contributes to the expansion of his mental horizons and enrichment of the spiritual world. It was in the Late Paleolithic that the art of the Stone Age arose and began to develop. Man has learned to use natural mineral paints with vibrant colors. He mastered new ways to process soft stone and bone. It was these methods that opened up before him the possibility of transmitting the world in carving and sculpture. The art of the Paleolithic is characterized by a surprisingly truthful transfer of reality and fidelity to nature.

The Middle Stone Age, or Mesolithic, began on the tenth and ended in the sixth millennium BC. This stage of human development is characterized by the end of the ice age. The world around us has become like a modern one. Man and his lifestyle have undergone major changes. The tribes fell apart. They were replaced by tribal communities, led by senior and most experienced members. Man began to build his home using wood and stone material, leaving the caves. The nascent sense of beauty was reflected in the peculiar jewelry that served as gold nuggets.

Big changes have also been made in the methods of manufacturing tools made of stone. Sharp knives appeared, as well as sharpened arrows and spears. In the Mesolithic period, the beginnings of handicraft, cattle breeding and agriculture arose. Art has undergone dramatic changes. Images applied to open sections of rocks began to represent various scenes of hunting or ritual rites. The man who occupies a central place in the drawings of the Mesolithic era was depicted in a simplified manner, sometimes even in the form of a sign. Images were black and red.

The last third of the Stone Age - Neolithic lasted from the sixth to the third millennium BC. Man learned to polish and grind tools made of stone materials, took up cattle breeding and agriculture. Pottery appeared. Various utensils and dishes were made from clay. The growth and unification of several genera was a prerequisite for the emergence of tribes.


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