Contests in the camp for children: interesting, useful and fun!

Children's summer vacation is the most wonderful time! That is why it is so important for its organizers to make it rich, interesting, fascinating, and also useful both for health and for the development of a full-fledged personality. A very vivid example of this is contests in a camp for children. How to organize them correctly, what scenarios to use for their implementation - this will be discussed in this article.

Creative contests in the camp for children

contests in the camp for children
It's no secret that many guys just love to draw. And the most common is the competition of drawings on the asphalt. It can be a separate thematic event or one of the parts of a larger one. When developing contests in a camp for children, it should be remembered that the main thing in them is not victory, but participation. Therefore, it is necessary to reward not only winners, but also all participants without exception. You can also hold contests for wall newspapers and posters. And the exhibition of crafts made from natural material is a real journey into a fairy tale! And let the guys themselves evaluate, throwing their token into the closed piggy banks placed in front of each craft. You can give the guys three multi-colored cardboard kruglyash worth 1, 2 and 3 points. Competitions in the camp for children for staging fairy tales or songs, for expressive reading of poems, for the best performance of amateur performances are interesting . It is appropriate to conduct these events on parental day and attract guests to them: mothers, fathers, grandparents, grandfathers, sisters and brothers. Let them, together with the guys, draw and sing, dance and solve riddles!

Sports contests in the summer camp

Everyone who loves “Fun Starts” likes both adults and kids. Next to them are in the first lines of the rating of the competition "Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family."

summer camp contests
You can develop a whole program of a sporting event, which includes a team competition in orienteering, moving around terrain with obstacles, guessing charades and performing creative tasks. For example, each team is given a plan with a specified checkpoint. There participants are met by consultants or judges. Having completed a specific task (to guess a charade or rebus, to depict a live picture, to perform a number of amateur performances), team members receive the following plan with the second control point marked. And in the “waybill” the judges make a mark: you can indicate the number of points received, based on the time of arrival and the quality of the assignment.

Competition "Miss and Mr. Camps"

contest miss and mister camp
Perhaps this is one of the favorite events in the children's team. Spend it already in the second half of the shift, when the sympathy was determined. Those who wish to take part in it are invited to the stage. It is best to start the celebration with a concert program. Each contestant will show what he has prepared, and independent judges will evaluate performances on a ten-point system. Then you can hold a "Beauty Contest". It’s best to make him funny. For example, you can invite everyone to choose some attribute of clothing in order to present it to the audience as “Fashion Squeak”. Newspapers, medical bandages, a plastic wicker bread box, a dog collar, a colander and other, at first glance, completely unsuitable items will be the attributes. The humor and resourcefulness of the contestants is evaluated. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are invited to invite to the dance that lady who liked the most. Judges give ratings to couples. And the points scored by the participants should now be added up: the competition will be doubles. It is carried out "by tickets", which contain tasks such as: "to depict a mime before the school principal arrives at the house" or "a meeting in the forest with a wild tiger - a pantomime." The couples can be given a few minutes to prepare. After such a contest, Miss and Mr. will be determined for sure!


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