Cat sterilization how is it? Cat sterilization: postoperative period, reviews

Having become the happy owner of a cat, a good owner must decide how the animal will live. And in many ways he determines her fate. Sooner or later, the logical question of sterilization arises. In order to understand whether your pet needs such an operation, let's look at the root of the problem and find out the details of the procedure. What is cat sterilization, how is it happening and what are the consequences.

Why sterilize an animal

Cats differ from humans in their huge set of instincts, which they obey unquestioningly and which they are not able to fight. Their sexual attraction is due to nature and exists for only one purpose - reproduction. Therefore, at a certain period, they begin to experience purely physiological discomfort, which they try to overcome as instinct prompts.

cat sterilization how is it going
For many, it remains a mystery what cat sterilization is, how the procedure occurs. Ignorance of the issue causes terrible and intolerant pictures. But let's look at an animal that is locked in a house or apartment, not being able to live independently. People associate the behavior of many pets with their own feelings and thoughts. However, in nature, everything is much simpler.

Do you think a cat is angry with you when it spoils your clothes? Not at all. Her thoughts are much simpler: I will mark the owner, he will go to the street, where he is taught by other cats and follow him. The animal is trying in every way to solve the problem.

People often think what happens to the cat after sterilization, and not what will happen without it.

How strong is nature

Identifying an animal with a person is extremely wrong. The train of thought for the majority - there are people who manage without sex for many years, and nothing. But it is worth noting that the physiology of humans and cats is strikingly different. The natural cycle of a woman is the maturation of the egg and fertilization, in the absence of which she is excreted from the body. But the cat's egg in this case remains in the ovaries.

Of course, a permanent pregnancy will not affect the animal well. Often a giving birth cat is quickly exhausted. But the lack of fertilization will not bring anything positive. Just imagine. The first egg has matured, hormonal levels have increased. The cat had no intercourse and is not pregnant. A second egg appeared, and the amount of hormones increased again. And so with each cycle until the body explodes with a whole bunch of diseases.

You still don’t know what sterilization of a cat is, how the operation takes place, but, understanding the characteristics of the animal’s body, you have already thought about the expediency of the operation.

cat sterilization how is it

General principles of the procedure

Ignorance often gives rise to speculation, completely unfounded and completely wrong. Some consider the procedure as simple as going to the hairdresser, for others it is something too complicated, requiring a long rehabilitation period. It is time to dispel all myths and tell what sterilization of a cat is, how it happens and what it includes.

In veterinary clinics, this is one of the most frequently performed operations, which is perceived as routine work. It is not too complicated, but serious enough. Although there is no danger to the life of the pet.

The main stages of the procedure:

  • examination;

  • preparation for anesthesia;

  • anesthesia;

  • operation;

  • postoperative period;

  • withdrawal from anesthesia.

You should know that there are several methods. We will consider the basic principles of what sterilization of cats is, how it happens. Perhaps after reading, many will be able to make the right decision and change the life of their pet for the better.

how is cat sterilization


Perhaps this sounds too strange - a preliminary study of the animal. But after reading articles on how the cat is sterilized, reviews of other owners, you can understand that there is still sense in this procedure.

It is recommended that you first visit the veterinarian so that he examines the animal. The cat must be healthy: good appetite, shiny coat, regular trips to the toilet. All of this matters. If the doctor doubts the general condition of the pet, then he may prescribe additional tests. Some advise them to be carried out without fail if the animal is old enough. For a final decision, two blood tests must be taken: biochemical and clinical, urinalysis and cardiac electrocardiography.

All this will help determine and give you guarantees of the successful completion of the operation.

Preparation and administration of anesthesia

After examining and concluding that the animal is healthy, you can choose the date and time of the procedure. At the very beginning, the doctor prescribes premedication - the introduction of special drugs that favorably affect the work of the cardiovascular system, improve it. This is done to make the body easier to tolerate anesthesia. Regardless of how the cat is sterilized, this step is very important. Because anesthesia is considered one of the most difficult and most important stages of any intervention.

There are several types of administration during the sterilization procedure. The most popular is intramuscular. Of course, it has a higher cost, but has several advantages. Firstly, the state of sleep is quickly achieved and the animal quickly leaves it as well. Secondly, the absence of adverse reactions. This type is recommended for use in any surgical interventions requiring anesthesia.

The second type is inhalation. It requires special equipment, which is rarely found in ordinary veterinary clinics.

sterilization of cats how the photo happens


So we come to the main point. Cat sterilization how is it? Depending on the anesthesia, the method of the operation and the presence of certain manipulations, this procedure takes from half an hour to an hour.

At the first stage, disinfection takes place, treatment of the body area with antiseptics. On the second - the place of online access is selected. There are two options: along the white line or side section. The first is held in the middle of the abdomen, the second, as the name implies, to the left or right below the ribs. Below is the sterilization of cats. How it happens, the photo clearly demonstrates.

what happens to the cat after sterilization

The third stage is the process of ovarian removal itself. It can also be accompanied by the removal of the uterus. This is done to protect against subsequent possible diseases caused by the fact that this body is no longer needed, and becomes more susceptible to negative influence.

The last step is suturing. From the reliability and correctness of the procedure depends on how the postoperative period will proceed, the speed of wound healing.

Seams after sterilization are external and internal. The latter are performed with special absorbable threads. The external suture is removed two weeks after surgery.

Detailed instruction

After the operation, the doctor begins work directly with the owner of the animal. Now, knowing how the cat is sterilized, one should prepare for further actions. The veterinarian will tell you about the rules for caring for the animal in the early days, how to properly process the seam, how often it needs to be done. Consideration should be given to taking antibiotics, vitamins, and painkillers. It must be remembered that the animal perceives the seam as a wound. It will try to lick it, gnaw the threads. Therefore, special protection must be worn.

sterilization of cats how the photo happens
So the cat was sterilized. The postoperative period will require the owner no less trouble, and even more. Care must be taken to monitor the overall health and behavior of the animal.

Additional treatments

It should be understood that anesthesia and other drugs that enter the body of an animal can to some extent affect the general condition. If you have the time and finances, then, without hesitation, settle for special droppers. You know now what sterilization of cats is, how it happens. However, the further effects of medications can be unpredictable. A blood purification will remove toxins, improve body regeneration and the general well-being of the pet.

Life after sterilization

What happens to the cat after the operation? What does its existence become? Sexual activity becomes much lower or disappears altogether. The rest of the animal remains cheerful, playful, full of energy. Cats do not lose weight due to estrus, the coat remains shiny and silky.

In relation to other animals, they are equal and can compete for the right to dominate.

If you still have doubts, talk with friends, ask how they sterilized the cat. Reviews can provide you with an independent view of the situation.

postoperative cat sterilization
Remember that a hormonal imbalance in a cat often causes complex diseases: oncology, pyometra (purulent formation in the uterine cavity).

In any case, you have to make a decision, the main thing is not to forget that the life and health of the animal largely depends on the owner.


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