Types of retaining walls: structural design and construction

The presence of suburban areas is now not uncommon. Someone was lucky, and they got a flat plot, which does not require additional work. But it often happens that the site is covered with many slopes of different heights. To ennoble it, apply a system of terraces. And so that the soil does not collapse, they are fixed with retaining walls. Next, we will examine in more detail the functions, types and construction of such supports.

What are retaining structures and their functions

Retaining wall - a structure that is used to prevent the spread of soil in areas with a natural slope. The main function of the structure is to strengthen the soil, in addition, it also performs a decorative function.

The variety of materials from which the retaining walls are built allows you to turn this element into a highlight of the summer cottage, while not losing the main purpose of the design. In addition, the walls perform the function of zoning the territory, allowing you to separate the various design elements.

Types of walls

Before you begin the construction of retaining walls with your own hands, it is worth understanding what types are. These structures are classified according to several criteria.

Classification of retaining walls
in heightlowup to 1 m high
mediumfrom 1 m to 2 m high
highfrom 2 m high
by depthdeep layingwhen the depth is greater or the width of the structure is not less than 1.5 times
shallowwhen the depth is either equal to the width of the wall or less (the construction is acceptable as decor or on stable soil)
by massiveness and volumemassivewalls made of high density materials - brick, concrete, but; Stability is achieved thanks to its heavy weight.
semi-massivemost often the construction of the walls is made of reinforced concrete; the construction is stable due to the weight and pressure of the soil on the foundation
fine elementshave thin walls made of reinforced concrete and a wide foundation; structural weight is practically irrelevant
thinusually made of metal, deeply buried, which ensures stability
by location on the sitefreestandingindependent construction, not tied to the system with other elements of architecture
related (integrated)walls that are part of a single system with various elements: stairs, built-in benches, niches and so on
according to the method of constructionmonolithicfor their construction, installation of the formwork of the required size is required, into which reinforced concrete will be cast
precast monolithicfor the construction using separate reinforced concrete blocks
prefabricatedthose that are composed of piece parts such as brick, timber, gabion and others
armoredstability of the support is achieved due to the pressure of the soil itself, which is reinforced with a geogrid or geotextile
by appointmentfortifyingthe main task is to keep the soil from collapsing; also widely used in landscape design to increase usable area
decorativeperform a purely decorative function and do not need a foundation

In addition, the walls can be classified according to the material from which they will be built. They come from:

  • stone;
  • brick;
  • a tree;
  • metal;
  • gabions;
  • geotextiles;
  • geogrids;
  • concrete blocks;
  • building blocks;
  • reinforced monolithic concrete;
  • tires.

Below we consider the most popular types in more detail and provide brief characteristics of the remaining materials.

Walls of boulders

The retaining walls made of stone look very natural and harmonious. But also this is the most labor-intensive way, which most often requires the involvement of professionals. Therefore, another drawback is the high cost of the design.

Stone retaining walls can be laid in two ways: dry masonry and using cement mortar. Both technologies require a solid foundation, and the width of the support itself must be at least 30 cm.

Boulder retaining wall

Dry wall masonry is performed without cement. Stones are laid out one on one in a checkerboard pattern. The space that is formed during the masonry is usually covered with stones of small fractions. If these gaps are filled with soil, and then plants are planted there, this will give the retaining wall of stone a more natural and beautiful look. The main disadvantage of masonry in the dry can be called relatively low strength.

Masonry boulders using cement is a more expensive way. It is recommended in advance to lay out the boulders dry, choosing combinations as much as possible in shape and color, and then using the solution. It is important not to forget about the drainage system. After completing all work, the surface of the stones must be washed with soapy water.

Brick walls in sloping areas

Retaining walls made of bricks may look corny, but nevertheless they are often used for various landscape styles. Such a wall looks harmonious if the house is also made of brick. For construction, it is better to use frost-resistant brick, but you can use the most ordinary one.

Brick retaining wall

The technology of bricklaying for the retaining wall in the area with a slope is no different from masonry during the construction of the house. The only caveat is the width of the wall. It should be smaller: for a wall up to 1 m thick, a brick floor will be enough. Accordingly, if the wall is higher than a meter, then the thickness is one brick. The foundation for a brick support needs a solid, at least 30 cm deep, and a width of 20-30 cm more than the width of the wall.

Also, do not forget about the drainage system. To do this, you can leave vertical joints in the second and third rows that are not filled with cement with a step of 1.5 m. At the end of all work, you can either plaster the brick wall or leave it in its natural form.

Walls of concrete blocks and concrete

Retaining walls can be made of monolithic concrete or concrete blocks. Walls made of solid concrete are considered the most durable, and of concrete blocks - more aesthetic.

Concrete support

The technology for laying the retaining wall with your own hands is as follows: dig a trench about 40 cm deep, mount the formwork from the boards. Then fill the trench with gravel, lay the fittings and pour concrete. After 5 days, the formwork can be removed, and all irregularities corrected with cement. When the work is completed, the support can be decorated with wood or brick. An important point is the drainage system. We must not forget to lay special drains along the foundation to prevent stagnation of water.

An easier way is a wall of concrete blocks. The laying technology is similar to bricklaying. Also remember about the device of the drainage system: do not fasten some vertical joints with cement mortar.

Wooden support structures

One of the lightest in the device is considered a retaining wall made of wood. For beams, conifers, such as fir or pine, are most often used.

When designing a retaining wall with your own hands, you need to take into account such a moment. If the wall height is not more than 1 m, then the length of the bars should be at least 1.5 m. That is, the third part of the beam will be underground, and the remaining part will be the body of the wall.

Before proceeding with the installation of the base, the wood must be treated with special tools that will increase the life of the wall. The part that will be underground can be additionally treated with hot bitumen or burned at the stake.

Wood wall

The arrangement of the retaining wall in the area with a slope begins with the preparation of the trench. It should be approximately 10 cm deeper in depth than the buried part of the timber. And in width - about 20 cm more than the diameter of the wood. A gravel pillow 5-10 cm thick is laid out at the bottom of the trench and carefully rammed. Then, the bars are installed strictly vertically and fastened together with either nails or wire. In the place where the wall is in contact with the ground, you need to lay a sheet of roofing material (can be replaced with roofing material), and pour concrete into the trench.

If the wooden wall performs a more decorative function and has a small height, then the trench can simply be covered with small pebbles (gravel, gravel) and carefully tamped.

Gabion retaining structures

Not so long ago, they began to build retaining walls from gabions. But this species has already gained its popularity due to its simplicity.

Gabion Retaining Net

Gabions are a galvanized metal frame filled with stones. This type has many advantages:

  • ease of installation and minimum time;
  • the ability to install at any time of the year;
  • mobility (can be easily disassembled and assembled elsewhere if desired);
  • additional stability due to its own weight;
  • greater flexibility to withstand local loads;
  • natural drainage system - openings between the stones.

For greater stability, each gabion binds to neighboring ones using wire.

Armored walls

Armored walls include structures reinforced with geotextile or geogrid.

A geogrid is a reinforcing material that looks like a honeycomb. It consists of sheet strips that are sealed together by seams at a certain distance. Geogrids are located one on one depending on the height and are attached to each other using brackets. The material is attached to the soil with anchors. Geogrid cells fill the soil with good drainage properties. Over time, sections can be planted. An important advantage is the possibility of erecting such walls both with a slope and strictly vertically.

Geogrid wall

Geotextile is a reinforced synthetic material. For its device, you must perform the following actions:

  • install a special formwork;
  • carefully compact the bottom layer of the soil and lay it out with geotextiles;
  • Throw the free edge of the material over the top of the formwork, pour a layer of earth on top, and then compact it tightly;
  • now with the free edge of the geotextile (the one that was previously thrown over the formwork) we cover the compacted soil, again we pour a layer of earth;
  • the next layer is done with a slope of up to 2% (for greater stability);
  • dismantle the formwork, transfer it to the already laid layer, reassemble;
  • repeat the whole process.

To protect the geotextile from the outside, it can be coated with bitumen or wood lined. Or fill it with earth and green it.

Walls made of metal and metal mesh

For the arrangement of retaining walls, metal and metal nets are also used.

Metal support is referred to as thin structures. Usually they have a small height and are mounted on stable soil. Often such walls are used for modern design decisions. To reinforce the metal wall, a concrete foundation can be used.

As for the metal mesh, they are considered an alternative to gabions. For their installation, stainless steel pipes and the mesh itself are used. You need to install with a slight slope to the slope, which is strengthened. The space between the net and the hill is covered with large stone. It is important that the material has increased strength and is resistant to corrosion.

Building Blocks and Wall Tires

Unusual, but interesting material for retaining walls are tires. They are laid horizontally with a slight slope. To fix the old tires, apply piles that are installed vertically. They are attached to the tires with the help of special flexible clamps. The automobile tires themselves are interconnected by a plastic wire. For additional fixation, large stones are used as filler. And stability increases due to the soil, it is filled up inside the tires. To add color to the tires, various decorative plants can be planted.

Tires as a retaining wall

Also for the construction of retaining walls use a variety of building blocks. It can be cinder blocks, foam blocks, small concrete blocks, various artificial stone. Such supports are laid in the same way as the walls of boulders. The main advantages are the ease of laying the material, excellent decorative qualities, the ability to withstand heavy loads.

Wall device

Regardless of the material, the retaining wall device has three main elements:

  • Foundation. It is this part that ensures the stability of the wall and assumes the entire load.
  • Body wall. This part is located above the ground and prevents the collapse of the soil.
  • Drainage. This element is necessary to drain water from the retaining wall, which allows to increase the service life of the structure.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the structure, it is not so simple. It is necessary to take into account many factors, carefully approach the choice of material, so that the design lasts for many years.

Calculation of retaining walls

The construction of retaining structures should only begin after the necessary calculations have been made. The durability of such structures depends on this.

When calculating retaining walls, factors such as:

  • weight of the support itself;
  • weight of additional elements that will be on it;
  • pressure of the supported soil, which will act on the wall;
  • grip and friction;
  • wind strength if the wall is more than two meters;
  • various vibrations (proximity of railways, for example);
  • floods, showers and other natural phenomena.

It must be emphasized that retaining structures up to 1.6 meters high can be built independently. In this case, the thickness of the support depends on the density of the soil and the height of the structure. The ratios are as follows:

  • on weak (loose) soil: the ratio of wall thickness to its height is 1: 2;
  • on medium density soil, 1: 3 ratio;
  • on dense (clay) soil, the ratio of the width of the support to the height is 1: 4.

It is worth noting that even the slightest error in the calculations can lead to the collapse of the wall. Therefore, it is recommended that you turn to professionals for calculations. Or for this you can use a special program. For example, Retaining Wall, PCSheetPileWall, Base, etc.


The retaining wall is an important detail not only for solving territorial problems, but also looks great as a decorative element. A variety of materials allows you to mount the design for any design. In addition, by installing a retaining wall with your own hands, you can save on the invitation of a specialist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E327/

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