Concilium is not a sentence

In medical practice, there are many cases where the doctor doubts the diagnosis or the patient has several diseases that fall outside the competence of the attending physician. In such situations, a medical consultation is conducted to develop the right treatment tactics. But meetings on professional issues are also organized by specialists from other fields of activity.

Organization of a consultation of doctors

Discussion of current production problems and development prospects of institutions and enterprises by their management and specialists are held regularly.

Meetings of specialists is an obligatory element of the activities of medical institutions, operating under the 48th article of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 "The Medical Commission and the Council of Doctors."

The meeting is drawn up in a protocol that is filed with the patient's documentation. It indicates:

  • composition, including specialists participating remotely;
  • reasons for conducting;
  • information on the progress of the disease and the current condition of the patient;
  • analysis of medical research conducted on his health;
  • recommendations and opinions of council members (general and private, special) on the issues under discussion.
consultation of doctors

The meeting is convened by decision of the doctor, when he is at a loss in making a diagnosis, or to decide on the direction of the patient for special treatment, etc. The meeting may include doctors of one or different specialties.

Educational Specialists Meetings

This form of work has established itself as effective provided that it is properly organized. A pedagogical consultation is a meeting of members of a pedagogical team of a school or preschool institution on the optimization of the educational process. It is organized by analogy with the medical one.

Its initiator can be any member of the staff of an educational institution who considers it necessary to develop a common educational strategy for a specific child, group of children, a problem family or class.

The structure of the pedagogical consultation in each case includes persons who can have a real impact on the personality of the pupil, his emotional state, position in the family and in the school team. A preliminary study of the circumstances and factors of deviations in his lifestyle and actions in various fields.

medical and pedagogical consultation

At the meeting, its participants voiced their vision of the essence, causes of problems and ways to solve them: class teacher, subject teachers, school psychologist, social teacher and health worker (if the child has health problems). After their discussion, specific proposals and recommendations are made to all participants in the educational process to overcome negative factors, to organize the unity of their actions, and also set deadlines for the implementation of the planned activities.

Upon completion of the planned action plan, a meeting is held again at which the results and effectiveness of the work carried out are analyzed, and a conclusion is made on the advisability of further work with the child.

What is sPMPk

This is one of the forms of work with clients of social rehabilitation institutions. Among the members of the council, by order, specialists who are directly involved in educational, educational, and correctional work are introduced. Employees of other organizations and institutions may be invited if problems arise that require their professional advice (for example, lawyers).

The functions of SPMPK include the development of individual programs for working with minors and their families. Specialists introduce activities into it in accordance with their professional qualifications, indicating the period, forms and goals of implementation. The analysis of the results is reflected in the minutes of the intermediate and final meetings of the commission.

At the end of his stay in the institution, recommendations for specialists at the place of residence are entered into the individual pupil’s card: should they continue to work with him and his family in what direction and volume, in what forms.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation (PMPk)

In every educational institution, in kindergartens there are children with learning difficulties and socialization. The reasons for this are obvious and hidden, based on persistent violations of the mental or physical state.

The content of the PMPk work in these institutions is the identification of such children, the diagnosis of the causes of the backlog and the organization of all kinds of qualified assistance with diagnoses that make it impossible for the child to be in a regular school or kindergarten. The Council is obliged to identify and prepare documents for the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPK).

psychological and pedagogical medical consultation

Using special techniques, specialists determine and formulate a pedagogical diagnosis, each of them, within their competence, identifies the reserves, specificity and degree of defects existing in the child (speech, psyche, etc.). Having summarized all the diagnostic results, specialists jointly develop or choose an individual program for its socialization and training. The optimal circumstances of life in an educational institution are thought out and implemented, rules and advice are formulated to parents and teachers: how to communicate, how and what to talk with such a child, how to respond to inappropriate actions, etc.

PMPk members are empowered to monitor the implementation by all participants of the correctional and rehabilitation process of their recommendations. For consultations on issues beyond their competence, they may invite other specialists.

Rules and regulations

Many parents are shocked to receive information that their child needs an individual development program. For them, the consultation is a life sentence to him, since they themselves have a vague idea of ​​the functions of the PMPk.

consultation goals

But the main duty of the council is to help the child at risk, his parents in building the optimal route for his development, because in Latin, consilium means “discussion, meeting”, and not “sentence and coercion”.

The duties of council members are:

  • observe confidentiality, ethical standards of professional activity;
  • bring to the attention of parents reliable data on the condition of the child, the content, progress and results of work with him;
  • be guided by law in their actions.

The Council conducts its activities in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 27 / 901-6 dated 03/27/2000 “On the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation of the educational institution”, the Charter of the Public Administration, the Concept of Public Education, and the Agreement between OS and parents (legal representatives) of the student, pupil, the Agreement between the PMPk and the regional psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC), the Regulation developed and approved by the director of the OS.

Parents have the full right to refuse PMPK or to terminate an existing contract to work with family and child, reject the proposed correctional rehabilitation program or reasonably demand changes to it.


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