Pear Conference: variety description, care features and reviews

In this article we want to talk about a tree such as the Pear Conference. Gardeners are interested in the description of the variety, because many of them want to have a quality fruit tree, and this pear is a favorite treat for a large number of people. That is why we decided to pay attention to this sweet fruit. Gardeners know summer, autumn and winter varieties of pears. The description of the varieties makes us understand that they differ in the time of ripening and storage of fruits. We will tell you about one of the autumn varieties, which attracts with taste and simple care.

Pear Conference: grade description

pear conference grade description
This variety has been known in the world for a very long time, it has been grown for two centuries, and it got its name in honor of the British Conference, which was dedicated specifically to the cultivation of pears. Speaking about the characteristics of the tree, it should be pointed out that the fruit ripens in mid-September. In terms of taste, the pear is very sweet and juicy, as well as quite large. The weight of the fetus can fluctuate around 140 grams. The elongated shape of the fruit and the green color of the peel distinguish it from other varieties. Despite the juiciness, the pear pulp has a dense structure and a pleasant aroma. An interesting fact is that, studying the reviews of gardeners, you can understand that this tree is praised and loved even by those who prefer winter varieties of pears. Description of varieties of different categories allows us to choose exactly what we want. And many choose the Conference. A significant role in the choice is played by the usefulness of the fetus. Pears of this type contain such an amount of substances necessary for the body that it cannot be overlooked. So, in their composition:

  • acid (citric, malic, oxalic);
  • vitamins (A, B, C);
  • trace elements (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc);
  • tannin.

As for the tree itself, it can grow up to five meters in height and has a wide crown with dense branches.

Pros and cons of the variety

winter varieties of pears varieties description
At this point, you already understood what the Pear Conference is. Description of the variety, care and recommendations are needed so that not only you choose the right type of this fruit, but your tree grows and develops properly. Like every tree, the Conference has its own dancing and cons. Let's start with the positive:

  • the tree begins to bear fruit very quickly after planting in a permanent place;
  • a pear does not need anything to pollinate itself, since the variety is self-pollinating; moreover, it can also pollinate other varieties, so if you have a lot of space in the garden, plant pears and the Conference will provide pollination;
  • the quality of taste is considered one of the best among all varieties.

You can not get around the minuses of the variety:

  • the tree survives only in the southern parts and warm climates; does not tolerate winter, and at temperatures below eighteen degrees, it completely dies;
  • the influence of weather conditions on taste: a little sun and a lot of rain will make the fruit unsweetened;
  • susceptibility to pest attacks and diseases.

But, despite all the disadvantages, gardeners still strive to have this wonderful fruit tree in their garden, because if they succeed, they get very tasty fruits.

Landing rules

pear conference grade description care
Pear Conference, the variety description of which we present here, is planted taking into account some recommendations:

  • the landing site should contain loose soil of neutral acidity, chernozem soil is best suited;
  • the tree prefers a lot of sunlight, but does not tolerate drafts;
  • Do not plant the tree in the cavity, as this leads to the accumulation of moisture, and the pear does not like high humidity in the ground;
  • do not plant anything near the pear, as the crown of the tree reaches five meters in diameter;
  • it is important not to have the pear near buildings;
  • It is recommended to plant a tree in the fall, while carefully choose a seedling, inspect it for integrity and strength;
  • before planting, lower the roots of the tree for twelve hours into the water into which add β€œKornevin”;
  • to protect the roots, you need to coat them with a mixture of water, clay and manure in a ratio of 6: 1: 2; after the procedure, you need to wait until they dry, and then plant;
  • the planting process itself does not differ from the standard procedure that is common to all pear trees.

Care Features

detailed description of pears varieties conference
A detailed description of the pears of the variety Conference is needed first of all in order for the tree to develop and bring a good harvest. What you need to know when caring for a given resident of the garden?

  • Fertilize the land where the pear grows. Use organic fertilizers (every three years) and mineral (annually). You can also feed the tree in spring to increase yield.
  • Water the tree regularly, but do not allow water to accumulate. This will rot the roots. After watering, be sure to loosen the ground.
  • It is important to monitor the formation of the crown of the tree. You need to trim the branches before the buds begin to bloom. Having chosen the tactics of crown formation, follow it every year and get a well-groomed tree.

Possible problems and solutions

pear conference grade description reviews
Pear A conference whose variety description you are reading may be attacked by some pests and diseases. Carefully monitor your tree and respond in time to changes if you do not want to lose such a valuable fruit. Here are some possible issues.

  1. Stains appear on the leaves. White or brown spotting may be an option. For prevention, you need to spray the tree with special preparations.
  2. Spotted hair spots appear on the fetus. At first they are small, but eventually spread to the entire fetus. This is a fungus. Immediately remove the fruits and branches on which the diseased fruit grows, then burn everything. The rest of the tree is treated with an anti-fungal agent.
  3. Rotting fruit. This disease is moniliosis. The fruits are removed, and the tree is treated with the appropriate preparation.
  4. White plaque on the leaves of a tree. This is powdery mildew. To prevent such a disease, you need to water the tree with the addition of manganese (to pink).
  5. A tree can also infect aphids, caterpillars, ticks, or other pests. In order to respond in time and remove the problem, you need to monitor the state of the tree. If you notice a problem, immediately treat the tree with a drug that is used to destroy a particular pest.

Gardeners reviews

We told you about a plant like the Pear Conference. The variety description, reviews and tips that we present suggest that this tree is worth your attention. Most of the reviews boil down to the fact that everyone praises the tree for its delicious fruits and numerous crops. And these are important factors. Gardeners who grow fruit for sale are especially happy with this variety. Providing the right care, they get a decent result and make good money on sales, because this variety is always popular with buyers.


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