Yeruslan River: course and features

In the southwestern part of the hilly hill, General Syrt originates from the Yeruslan River, which is the last tributary of the Volga, the left. Flowing mainly in the Saratov region, the river also paves the way along the Volgograd territory. Many different towns and cities are scattered along its shores. Here you can find beautiful scenic spots for a quiet holiday and fruitful fishing.

Basic geographic information about a body of water

river of the Saratov region

The river begins in the Fedorovsky district of the Saratov region. The source of Yeruslan is located near the village of Renovated. The length of this river in the Saratov region is 278 km. The mouth ends in the Volgograd reservoir, where Yeruslan forms a bay. At the same time, its pool is 5570 square kilometers.

It also has several tributaries, among them the Yama, Bizyuk, Gashon, Salt Cuba and others. In the past, Yruslan had another large tributary of the Torgun, which now flows directly into the Yeruslan reservoir. Tributaries do not have a constant course. The main source of water replenishment is moisture from melting snow, as well as rainfall.

Etymology of the name

Fedorovsky district of the Saratov region

The etymology of the name is associated with the Turkic language. It is believed that the name of the river means "lion" in translation from it. According to other sources - the "leopard". Most are inclined to the first option, since the ancient name of the Arslan river from Turkic means precisely the name of the royal animal.

Where flows, features of the river

Bank of the river

It flows through three districts of the Saratov region: Fedorovsky, Krasnokutsky and Rivne. Also captures the Staropoltavsky district of the Volgograd region.

The Yeruslan River is not intended for rafting, nor is it navigable. In the summer, it can dry out. Its water has a slightly salty taste, but it is drinkable.

Conventionally, the entire channel can be divided into three parts:

  • In the upper reaches, the banks are especially steep, with cliffs and ravines. This continues to the village of Dyakovka.
  • After this settlement, the coast transforms into ordinary plain fields, on which a variety of meadow grasses grow, and agricultural areas are also located. This continues until a settlement called Usatovo.
  • After the river Yeruslan flows along the sandy terrain. Quicksand is also found in places, and this is not surprising, because in the south are the Kyrgyz steppes, where there are many salt marshes.

Traditionally, the most full-flowing period occurs in the spring: the peak of high water occurs in May. In summer, especially in the dry season, the flow slows down, the river passes into reaches, sometimes dries up. By mid-November, the Yeruslan River is covered with ice, which holds until the beginning of April. The river freezes strongly, in some places the thickness of the ice is about 80 centimeters. At the same time, freezing lasts about 4.5 months.

What is famous for the water artery of the Saratov region

bank of the river Yruslan

Many settlements are located along the banks of the river, and this is not surprising, because the water artery crosses two large areas. These are mainly villages and towns, the largest city is Red Kut. In particular, the settlements on Yeruslan are the villages of Ples, Valuevka, Konstantinovka, Mikhailovka, near which there is a railway station. In total, more than thirty large villages are located along the banks of the river, which are included in four district entities.

Local residents use river water for irrigation of agricultural objects: fields, gardens. Sometimes numerous fences for irrigation contribute to the deterioration of the ecology of the pool. But in general, the situation is not critical and is under control.

The Yeruslan River is famous for fishing spots. Here you can catch pike, perch, catfish, chub and even sturgeon. And many more other types of fish.

In addition, the crayfish fishing industry is thriving among the locals, for which fishermen are established near the shores. Cancer meat is considered a delicacy and is very popular among guests of these places.

Numerous fishermen note that in recent times this area has been chosen by beavers who are used to building dams for their settlements.

In addition, there is rich vegetation, especially in the upper and middle reaches. Along the coast grow birch, larch and pine. In some places you can find maple and oak, many other species of trees and shrubs. In the area of ​​shallows you can see thickets of water lilies, lilies, egg capsules and other beautiful river flowers.


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