What kind of treat can budgies be given regularly?

Budgerigars are the most common feathered pets in the world. These birds are unpretentious in care, live well in an apartment, one at a time or in pairs, and are easily tamed enough. Novice breeders are often interested in: what is the most useful and safe treat for budgies?

The basis of the daily diet for small parrots

tame parrot treat

Budgerigars are usually fed a grain mixture. Such food can be purchased at any modern pet store. The approximate composition of the mixture: millet; seeds of flax, meadow grass, sunflower, sesame seeds; hemp and canary seed. When choosing feed, pay attention to the labeling. Budgerigars are small breeds of parrots. The corresponding mark must be on the feed mixture. It does not make sense to cook food yourself these days. In stores, mixtures are sold whose composition is balanced. Typically, finished feed is additionally enriched with useful trace elements and vitamins. Arriving at the store for the feed mixture, do not rush to buy a treat for budgies. Unfortunately, not everything that is sold in pet stores is suitable for feeding birds.

Fresh vegetables - a good treat for poultry

Diversify the budgerigar diet with slices of fresh vegetables. How to give them correctly? The soft-fleshed vegetables can be pecked by a bird from a sufficiently large piece. Harder treats must be ground beforehand: grate or cut into cubes. Like any new treat for budgies, introduce vegetables in the ration in minimal portions. Over time, you will notice that your bird likes certain foods more. What vegetables can be given to a parrot? Almost all birds, without exception, like tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers. Budgies can be given beets, turnips, carrots, pumpkins, squash, corn. All these vegetables should be fresh, preferably grown with their own hands.

Berries and fruits for budgies

favorite treat of budgies

Australia is the birthplace of all types of parrots that are common in our country as pets. In the natural environment, these birds spend a significant part of their life flying through forests and fields in search of food. They feed not only on plant seeds, but also on mature fruits. The most natural and favorite treat of budgies is sweet fruits and berries. Almost all the birds eat apples with pleasure, you can give them to birds every day. Offer your pet pear, peaches, kiwi, pineapple, grapes and citrus fruits. In season you can treat the budgie with melon and watermelon. An interesting fact: Australian birds in our country are happy to eat local berries. Currants, raspberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, cranberries, strawberries, plums, cherries are an excellent treat for parrots. In small quantities, you can give cranberries, banana, pomegranate.

What else can you please a feathered pet?

what is the favorite budgie treat

In the wild, birds feed on the young foliage of some trees, herbs, and can nibble twigs. Do not deprive these simple pleasures of your domesticated bird. Some individuals love fresh greens as much as a purchased treat for budgies. Plant foods of this type can only be harvested in ecologically clean areas. Before treating your pet, be sure to rinse and dry the twigs and grass well. Budgerigars are allowed to give salad herbs included in the human diet. Many types of meadow grasses are suitable for feeding birds, the best of them are clover, plantain, burdock, and nettle. Many parrots are happy to eat tops of vegetables. Gradually introduce into the pet's diet all allowed vegetables, fruits and herbs. Over time, you will understand what a favorite treat of the budgerigar from all offered. It is completely normal that a particular bird loves some treats more than others. But you can use the most beloved ones to tame the parrot and establish friendly relations with it. Everything is very simple: offer your favorite products on hand. Be patient, over time, the bird will begin to take them without fear and it is possible that it will jump into the owner’s hand for no reason.

Parrot Cookbook

what goodies do budgerigars like

Sweet sticks with grains are the most popular treat for budgies to tame. Such a delicious toy is sold in any pet store. However, manufacturers of goodies often sin, including in the composition is not the most useful for birds components. So why not make a stick at home? You will need: a sprig of a suitable size, half a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of water, a couple of a pinch of flour and a grain mixture for small parrots (normal food is suitable). The base - the stick itself - should be washed thoroughly and baked in the oven. When it is ready, you can start making goodies. Mix honey with water and add flour to the mixture, stirring continuously, until the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the stick liberally with the resulting cream and roll it in a mixture of grains. It remains to wait until the honey cream has dried, and you can treat the bird. Such a delicacy in the bird's diet takes the place of dessert. It is often impossible to give it. Use the wand as a reward, allowing the bird to peck at it for several minutes from time to time.

What can not eat parrots?

what goodies can be given to budgies

Domestic parrots may be interested in eating from the human table. This is explained by the natural curiosity of birds. Nevertheless, it is unacceptable to feed the feathered hosts with food, even if they strongly ask. The most dangerous for parrots from the human menu are: meat, fish, nuts, mangoes, persimmons, parsley. You should also not give any fried, smoked and stewed dishes, store sauces and semi-finished products. Confectionery and any sweets are capable of disrupting the digestion of poultry. Breeders are still debating whether parrots can be given bread. If a bird picks up a couple of crumbs during a walk around the apartment, tragedy may not happen. But you don’t need to specially feed your pet with pastries, because you know which goodies like budgies and which of these foods are good for birds. Bakery products are not included in this list.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3295/

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