Crocodile farm in Golubitskaya: description, reviews, prices

Traveling in the south of Russia can give a lot of unforgettable emotions, especially if you choose an unusual place. These include the Golubitsky crocodile farm, located in the Krasnodar Territory.

crocodile farm golubitskaya


The key attraction of Art. Golubitskaya, which any interested tourist can visit is a crocodile farm. In addition to the main inhabitants - bloodthirsty reptiles - here you can see pythons, caimans, giant turtles, primates and bright butterflies.

The farm is a branch of one of the largest zoo-terrariums in Russia, where a variety of species of crocodiles are presented to the general public.

But that is not all. At the farm you can visit the garden of tropical butterflies, look at pythons, anacondas and cobras, admire exotic birds and monkeys. For children, there is a contact zoo where babies can stroke good-natured rabbits and turtles.

St. Golubitskaya

There are amazing predatory flowers on the farm, which attract insects with their bright colors and eat them.

Address: stanitsa Golubitskaya, st. Sovetskaya, d.149.

Opening hours of the Golubitsky crocodile farm: from 10:00 to 21:00.

Additional services

Among the advantages of a crocodile farm in Golubitskaya include the presence of a number of useful additional services:

  • Feeding the animals. This exciting activity is available to everyone, and professional farm workers will help make the process completely safe.
  • Possibility of photographing with reptiles (available for a fee).
  • The presence of a professional photographer who will help out if your own camera is accidentally forgotten or you want to get really high-quality images.
  • If you wish, you can book a sightseeing tour and learn a lot of new facts from the world of reptiles.
  • An opportunity to buy a magnet for memory.
  • A variety of colorful shows are regularly held, at which the inhabitants of the zooterrarium branch appear in all their splendor. The time of such performances is 19:00, not held on Sunday.
  • Children will be interested in visiting the Experimentarium, where they will be able to observe amazing experiences.
  • There is also a museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, which presents weapons and household items of that heroic era. There are exhibits dedicated to fascist Germany.

Such services will make the rest even more vivid and memorable.

The inhabitants

At the Golubitskaya crocodile farm, you can find about 150 crocodiles, among which there are genuine giants, and very little ones. Some residents have names, for example, Sofya Prokofievna is known as the oldest crocodile of the farm, now she is more than 15 years old.

There are also amazing birds on the farm from around the globe, snakes, monitor lizards, raccoons, huskies. There are no alligators.

Golubitsky crocodile farm


Visitors to the Golubitskaya crocodile farm in their reviews indicate that a trip to this place will be useful for both adults and children. Among the advantages indicated are quite affordable cost, the ability to make memorable photos with predators. It is also very convenient that you can independently choose the form of acquaintance with the inhabitants of an unusual place: on excursions that take place every 15 minutes or on your own.

Among the shortcomings in their reviews, visitors indicated an unpleasant smell and a rather expensive cost of additional services. Reptiles are often quite sleepy on a hot day. Visitors note that all the staff is attentive and polite, readily answers questions (and there are a lot of guests of such an unusual place). Young children can really enjoy riding a huge turtle. A special praise was given to guests for their safety concerns, due to which toothy predators are not terrible.

All this leads to the fact that during the summer season thousands of tourists come to admire the reptiles, and Art. Golubitskaya turns into a popular place in the Krasnodar Territory.

crocodile farm golubitskaya reviews

Price policy

The ticket price for the Golubitsky crocodile farm can be called quite affordable:

  • For adults, the pleasure will cost 600 rubles.
  • Children's ticket costs 500 rubles.

Children under 3 years old can attend for free. Feeding a crocodile costs 200 rubles., Turtle predators - 100 rubles. The possibility of photographing is additionally paid - 100 rubles.

Golubitsky crocodile farm will present its guests with an introduction to the amazing world of wildlife. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about your own safety or that of children, because all actions will take place with the direct participation of employees who have many years of experience working with reptiles.

Golubitsky crocodile farm ticket price

Crocodiles: a selection of interesting facts

Those who do not yet have the opportunity to visit the crocodile farm in Golubitskaya, are invited to familiarize themselves with several interesting facts from the life of these reptiles:

  • Despite the fact that they lead an aquatic lifestyle, the main food of crocodiles are land animals. They also lay eggs on land.
  • These reptiles are direct descendants of dinosaurs. And the closest relatives are birds.
  • Despite their short legs, they can develop truly impressive speed.
  • Crocodiles adapted to the unfavorable environment very interestingly: having accumulated the necessary amount of fat, the reptile may then not eat for about 10-12 months.
  • Sometimes crocodiles swallow stones that perform ballast functions in their stomachs.
  • Reptiles have about 70 teeth, they change up to 100 times in a lifetime.


Everyone can get acquainted with these truly amazing creations of nature. To do this, just visit a specialized crocodile farm. Rest here will give a lot of pleasant moments; it will be remembered for both children and adults for a long time.


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