Tongue twisters for the letter "P": speech development

The letter "P" is considered one of the most difficult for young children. The ability to pronounce this sound well is formed only by 4-5 years. However, adults also need to work on the beauty of their speech and practice the pronunciation of various sounds. That is why tongue twisters for the letter "P" are relevant for people of all ages.

How to pronounce the letter "P"?

  • Teeth and lips should not be connected, a small hole is formed between them.
  • The tip of the tongue rises to the back of the two front teeth.
  • The sides of the tongue are pressed against the molars of the upper jaw.
  • When pronouncing the letter "P", the free tip of the tongue "vibrates."
Pronunciation of the letter P

A visual explanation of the pronunciation of the letter "P" is presented in the video. So, look.

Patter for the letter "P"

What tongue twisters are most effective for training? They should not be very long and light enough to remember so that you can exercise outside the home.

A list of tongue twisters for the letter "P" for children is presented below.


1. Karasey in the lake - a dime a dozen.

2. The major walked through the courtyard, to meet him - the Labrador.

3. Twenty-three tongue twisters repeated with Egor's sister.

4. Dissolve the sugar in a cup,

Bring me a cheesecake.

5. Lied about baby Varia, everything about Varia was distorted.

6. On the crisp grass trampled path.

7. Three companions play trumpets and trombones.

8. The red-headed stallion neighing loudly in the grove.

9. The king is an eagle.

10. Parents gave Varenka pink mittens and red boots.

11. Roman collected nuts, and Irina - russula.

Katerina - fly agaric, and Vladimir - tomatoes.

Child training

Middle level

1. Wise antique dealers give priority to rarity.

2. Took cancer for the crab to the yellow-gourmet gourmet.

3. Tarybar, rastrabar!

Bought Roma harem pants!

4. A trailer advertised extremely rare goods.

5. Three woodcutters and three woodcutters plan to chop wood in four yards.

6. Once Pankrat forgot that Kondrat is an aristocrat,

He called him to collect brigades, to collect brigades - in Kaliningrad.

But Kondrat the aristocrat chose to watch the parade.

7. Libretto "Rigoletto".

8. Is not Israel from paradise?

9. Kirill Kirillovich smoked, on a walk he caught a cold.

I talked with Barbara for an hour and infected Barbara.

10. Crow Carlson played a polonaise on a guitar,

Amazed, Carlson spun the propeller and disappeared.

11. The table was set for Boris by his girlfriend Raisa

I fed vinaigrette, rice with fish and roll.

And Boris Raisa - roses, and gerberas, and mimosas

Presented on a birthday, causing a storm of admiration.

12. Sergei gave Andrei three sausages, and Andrei Sergei - meatballs.

13. At the stern of the ship, except Roma,

Miroslav and the unflattering Cyril.

Aft of the ship in front of the arch

Aunt Ira with a beautiful shepherd.

14. At the concert in the circus orchestra, our children performed:

Carl played the bright clarinet

Cyril chose to play with Carl in a duet,

The girl Clara played the harp,

And Sarah chose the piano.

Speech therapist classes


1. First of all, the misconduct of a quail-criminal staged a terrific commotion.

Secondly, to the guilty ripper, the worried residents alternately gutted the giblets.

And thirdly, the quail re-flipper soon moved to other lands and began to create new commotion.

2. Employees of the enterprise made attempts to privatize it. Privatized, privatized, but never privatized.

3. The Staffordshire Terrier showed its wild temper, and the guys decided that he was quite awake. At the same time, the black-coated Giant Schnauzer was a dog not frisky enough and extremely joyless.

4. The gray sneaky mole promptly dug a simple path and entered the hot greenhouse.

5. The uncorked extract scattered into the space a sharp aroma of red rose.

6. Loras rushed to the port of Topras.

A sailor brought him a mattress.

In the port of Topras sailor mattress

He was torn by a furious watchdog.

7. The maestro bullfighter often has to learn difficult exercises with the ignorant bullfighter.

8. Without difficulty maneuvering in otorhinolaryngology, the doctor-otorhinolaryngologist easily cured laryngitis of children.

9. Peter poured strontium chloride from Ruslan’s beaker,

And Ruslan irritably took away from his friend Peter a test tube with undissolved bromine.

10. Firewood in the yard, firewood in the yard,

Under the firewood yard, over the firewood yard.

Firewood along the yard, firewood in the yard,

All the firewood in this yard will not fit.

We will probably fire wood together

From your tiny yard

Back to the wood-burning yard.

Teenagers chatting

The above tongue twisters for the development of the letter "P" can improve the pronunciation of other sounds ("P", "T", "D", "L" and others). Therefore, their periodic repetition will help to fully master the art of Russian speech and oratory.

Specialists also compiled the longest complex patter "Liguria". It is incredibly difficult to learn, and even more difficult to pronounce correctly, so it is perfect for both speech development and memory strengthening.

In this video, Russian actress and TV presenter Elena Solomina tells the tongue twister "Liguria":

To quickly teach your child to pronounce the sound "P" well, in addition to tongue twisters for the letter "P", you can use special exercises. They not only help to acquire a beautiful and correct pronunciation of sounds, but also allow the child to feel more confident in society. Indeed, the lack of understanding of speech from others leads to the emergence of fears and complexes regarding communication with people.

Exercises for a good pronunciation of the letter "P"

  • The basis for training is the basic skills - "clatter", attempts to reach the tongue to the nose or chin, twisting the tongue "into a tube", etc.
  • Alternating tension and relaxation of the tongue with an open mouth.
  • Holding the tongue over all teeth from the outside and inside.
  • The complication of the ability to “clatter” with the tongue is the tension of the tongue, holding it near the upper sky and then publishing a characteristic “click”. This exercise is considered quite complicated, but it significantly strengthens the muscles of the tongue.
  • The development of the sound “P” should begin with training in pronouncing open syllables (“pa”, “ro”, “ru”) and with its combinations with deaf and voiced consonants (“pr”, “cf”, “bp”).
  • Then you can proceed to study various tongue twisters with the letter "P" for the development of speech.

In addition to the well-known "Liguria", in the Russian language there are many complex tongue twisters for the letter "P" and not only.

These tongue twisters are quite saturated, so they can be learned not only for children but also for adults after mastering the above:

1. Next to Syktyvkar, next to Syktyvkarisch, Sashka, Pashka and Natashka are rolling on a snowy team. They rush about with tongue twisters: they saw a black grouse sitting on a tree, and from the tree - a shadow of a black grouse; they say that you don’t look for a mustache in a goose; Like, what is Savva himself, such is his fun. The guys talked, talked quickly, and they didn’t overestimate all tongue twisters.

2. On a simple Saturday, September seventh of the seventh, at seven o’clock and seven minutes, three priests walked, three Peters, three Prokopyich - walked, walked, talked, and suddenly the river in front of them was wide, deep, like the Oka, but not the Oka. And on the other side, akimbo, stands a pop on the emerald grass, a bright cap on that pope; grass under the priest, pop under the hood. Petra Prokopyichi looked at him, they opened their mouths; priests screamed, but priests scattered.

Senka and Sonya on a sled

Tongue twisters for the letter "R" are amazingly developing children's speech and pronunciation. And they are rightfully recognized as one of the most complex. It is important to work on the speech skills of your child so that in the future there are no serious problems associated with communication and relationships with other people.


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