Red Listed Animals

The diversity of various animals, we must be grateful to nature. But this gratitude is too strange. People exterminate them right and left. And every year, all new animals recorded in the Red Book change their constant in the ranking of rare, to a sad place in the black pages.

The name of the famous, but very painfully sad book, appeared in the forties of the last century. Even before the animals listed in the Red Book were discussed by modern society, in the distant forty-eighth year at one of the international conferences in Paris an international union was formed, the purpose of which was to protect the natural environment and, in fact, animals.

Not even a year had passed before the union began a large-scale census, as a result of which the famous Red Book appeared. The first release was scheduled for 1966. The very first list of rare animals was called the Red Book of Facts. This was probably truly the saddest book in the world, which did not describe epics and fiction, but our cruel present.

A rather interesting question arises. But why is she still "Red"? What is the reason for this? And the answer is quite simple. This color has always been a symbol of prohibition. Even insects with a shell painted in such a color, with all their appearance, say that it is better not to touch them, otherwise it will hurt.

Animals of Russia, listed in the Red Book for the first time in the mid-eighties, represented a rather terrifying figure - 94 species. Every year this list could only increase. This fact can only mean one thing - that animals listed in the Red Book are still in great danger. At the beginning, one species disappeared annually. But what happens to the planet in our time, when we receive daily evidence of the extinction of several species?

The Red Book received its warning name in order to attract public attention. This is an attempt to arouse in people sympathy for our smaller brothers and stop the mass extermination of entire species. This book cannot be considered any law. She is just a cry for help from those few representatives of her kind who most likely do not want to be destroyed and forgotten forever.

Animals listed in the Red Book of Russia are mostly famous for their expensive, beautiful and pleasant to the touch fur. These are rodents, among which river beavers, Tuva and West Siberian subspecies; Mongolian marmot Tarbagan and Baikal black-capped marmot; yellow pestle and giant mole rat, as well as the Manchu zokor. But is it really impossible to come up with some other trendy attire without harming living beings?

Animals listed in the Red Book can be divided into several categories, or more simply, pages. The already mentioned sad black sheets show us those whom it will be impossible to never return. The red pages immediately attract attention with their extremely dangerous position, such animals are only a few individuals.

If suddenly the amount of any kind begins to rapidly decrease, then it immediately falls on the yellow pages. Whites, however, illustrate those who have never boasted of a huge population. Unpredictable and mysterious grays settled in little-studied individuals. Finally, the most joyful pages are green. They show all those who managed to be saved from our cruel influence.

Animals listed in the Red Book, this is not a zoo on paper, created to entertain the masses. This is a call for help from the needy, those who are unable to cope with the onslaught of human cruelty. Those who also have the right to life as well as a person who may one day also become part of this book.


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