How to make an application of a vase with flowers

If you do not draw very well, but still want to create, try creating a painting using the application technique. A vase of flowers is a great motif for a "feather test." You can see the options for various applications below.

Draw with children

Application vase with flowers

If the application of a vase with flowers is needed not by you, but by the child, then the easiest way to do it is as follows: first draw a solid picture, then cut out the most beautiful details from it and stick them on the cleaner. So it should be done. The child must draw a trial drawing of the vase. Moreover, the vessel does not have to be monochrome. If your child goes to art school, then he has a concept of light and shadow. But if the child does not know this difference, do not rely on the teacher of a comprehensive school. It’s better to explain the differences yourself. Thus, by drawing a volumetric vase, you can immediately cut it out. We turn to the manufacture of flowers. You can offer your child to draw a whole field of various daisies, asters, roses and hyacinths. And then, cut out all the pictures. On a cleanroom with a vase already glued, you should collect a bouquet. If desired, you can draw a background for the work or immediately glue the blanks on tinted paper.

Standard application

Application vase with paper flowers

It would be easy to make such a craft even for a preschooler. The application of a vase with flowers made of paper is made in just a few hours. The first step is to make blanks. We draw a pattern of flowers. She will look like a five-leafed leaf of five different sizes. We make blanks, and then we collect flowers from them. There should be at least 7 pieces, otherwise the bouquet will not be magnificent.

Flower vases patterns for applique

The flower vase template for applique is shown above. On it we cut out the shape of a ceramic vessel from paper. Now you need to take a tinted sheet and make a background on it. The easiest way is to cut a large semicircle or rectangle that will symbolize the table. Now we glue all the parts in turn. To dilute the monochrome colors of delicate colors, you can add brightness due to the leaves. We cut them out of green paper. They should look like a strip whose ends are closed. We complement the composition with leaves.

Shell applique

Flower vases patterns for applique

A small child cannot do such work. Of course, children can stick shells on paper, they just can not always stylize the form. Let's get to work. The application of a vase with flowers is made from shells of various shapes. The first step is to outline the center of the composition. It will be a vase. It should be glued from 3 large shells. Now you need to attach a leg and throat to the vase. This can be done in two ways: either find suitable shells or break a large shell into pieces. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of flowers. First we spread large inflorescences, and then we make small ones. In between the flowers, you can make twigs of shells.

Vase on the pillow

Flower vases patterns for applique

This craft will bring into the house not only beauty, but also come in handy in everyday life. To make an application of a vase with flowers on a pillow is possible even for a beginner needlewoman. To do this, find or sew a pillowcase. It is even preferable to make a new product than decorate an old one. Why? Because in the first case, it will be possible to decorate the product on a typewriter, and in the second embodiment it will be necessary to sew flowers manually.

To make the applique, you will need to trim the old fabric. From a large piece we cut out the silhouette of the vase and sew it to the pillowcase. But the remaining pieces of material are cut into thin strips. We turn them into triangles and fix the threads on the pillowcase, laying out the silhouette of the flower. It is advisable to have inflorescences at different heights. Sew on flowers and a vase can be as contrasting threads, and pick up the threads to match the product. Do not forget to embroider the stems.


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