Astra, growing from seeds: useful recommendations and features

Perhaps every gardener will agree that today the aster is one of the brightest, unpretentious and popular flowers growing in gardens and front gardens. With its bright buds and the ability to maintain a fresh look for a long time, this culture attracts the attention of both gardeners and florists. In the article we will consider the features of growing asters from seeds. Useful recommendations will also be given in the review.

asters undersized seed cultivation


Aster was originally from East Asia, and was brought into Europe in the 18th century by a caravan of camels. Further, the flowers traveled a fairly long way through the entire territory of Siberia, came to the European part of Russia, and then were brought to Moscow. And from Moscow, asters directly ended up in the royal gardens of France. There, flowers immediately gained particular popularity and thereby became famous throughout the world.

In those days, the so-called language of flowers was popular in French homes. In this language, an aster flower meant "the versatility of love." Having presented such a flower to a lady, the cavalier thereby said that his love for her was multifaceted.

In the Czech Republic, where aster is also popular, it is called the autumn rose. Even in ancient Greece, asters were credited with magical protective power. That is why most often these plants were planted in front of temples or in front of the houses of noble people. Also in ancient times, asters decorated clothes and hairstyles. In ancient China, asters were called "stars on earth." Among the Chinese, the flower symbolizes modesty, tenderness, grace. And in the popular doctrine of Feng Shui - love and tender feelings.

The scientific name of the flower is calistefus, which in Latin means "beautiful crown." This is not surprising, because it begins to bloom in the fall, when everything around has almost faded and lost its attractiveness. Today it is difficult to find a plant that would have as many diverse species and colors as an aster. Currently, there are about 4 thousand species of this flower. Due to the diverse color scheme and the abundance of varieties, growing this flower in your area is becoming a very popular activity.

aster pion-shaped seed cultivation

Description and appearance

Today, a wide variety of varieties is presented on the market, as well as in flower shops. Each of them has its own way of growing. Flowers are striking in their unusualness, variety of shapes and colors. Most varieties of asters (over 500 species) grow wild in North America. In Russia, there are only 26 varieties of asters.

All varieties of aster can be divided into three types:

  • dwarf;
  • American
  • Italian

Dwarf asters

To date, dwarf undersized asters (we will consider seed cultivation below) can rightfully be considered the most popular and sought-after type of flower on the market. All species of this plant grow in lush bushes, the height of which reaches from 30-150 cm. The size of the flowers of dwarf asters reaches 3-5 to 1 cm. Most often they are used for landscaping balconies, as well as for growing in pots. This species is also especially popular among landscape designers (especially alpine aster, perennial, growing from seeds of which is not at all difficult).

The most popular varieties of dwarf asters:

  • Ada Ballard.
  • Beachwood River.
  • Astra Milady (considered one of the best and most popular varieties of dwarf asters in the world).
  • Alpine astra (seed cultivation is described below).
  • Erfurt dwarf.

American asters

Most often they are called New England asters. They are very hardy and frost-resistant perennial flowers. This species is not susceptible to parasites such as powdery mildew. Watering such asters is recommended once a week. These flowers grow and multiply very quickly. The height of the bushes can reach 2 m. The diameter of the flowers is about 4 cm. This species begins to bloom in late summer, and ends with the first frosts. Light morning frosts in this species of asters are not at all scary.

The most famous varieties of American asters include:

  • Bars Pink.
  • Rubishats.
  • Constgans.
  • Dr. Ekener.

Italian asters

In another way they are called chamomile, or European asters. This is a perennial plant. This species is especially popular in France and Italy, as well as in some countries of Southeast Europe and Western Siberia. The diameter of the flowers reaches 5 cm.

The most popular varieties include:

  • Heinrich Seibert.
  • Rose flower.
  • Herman Lena.

Among the annual asters there are also a lot of popular varieties. In the plots, Chinese asters are often grown from seeds. Flowers are distinguished by a variety of petal shapes, color, and plant height. Popular among summer residents is the cultivation of pion-shaped aster seeds. The structure of flowers is very similar to peony. The shape of the buds is vaulted spherical. The bush itself reaches a height of 40-50 cm.

Astra alpine perennial seed cultivation

Pompom aster looks very beautiful (growing from seeds and when to plant, described later in the article). Terry flowers, flat rounded. The bush itself is low, in the flower beds it looks decorative and beautiful.

Let us now consider how and when to plant asters, growing from seeds.

Preparing seeds for planting in the ground

Absolutely all types and varieties of aster are not recommended to be planted immediately in the ground. In order for a beautiful lush bush to form from the seeds, the seeds must be prepared for planting in advance. All planting material must be treated with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. In a container with a solution, several cotton pads should be placed. Then the seeds must be placed on top and left in this form for 25 minutes. It is important that the seeds of the asters are completely in solution. Then they must be thoroughly washed with running water. Now the seeds are ready for planting.

growing asters from seeds at home


Do not immediately plant the seeds in open ground, not all plants take root in this way. In any flower shop you can buy high-quality soil for planting flowers. It is not necessary to cultivate such soil or fertilize, all these procedures have already been done by the manufacturers of this product. Before you start growing asters from seeds at home, you need to fill the soil in a container for seedlings, then slightly moisten it. Next, you should evenly distribute the seeds and sprinkle on top of the ground. Too much to sprinkle them is not necessary. After all that has been done, the container with seedlings must be covered with a clean film, which will keep the soil moist.

The first sprouts begin to appear after 5-7 days. After that, the film can be removed.

Astra pompom seed growing when planted


After 2-3 full leaflets have formed on seedlings, the aster can be dived. The resulting shoots must be transplanted into clean pots with fresh soil. The flowers tolerate this procedure very well. Usually, after transplantation, the sprouts begin to grow actively.

astra chinese seed cultivation

Planting seedlings in open ground

At the age of 5-6 weeks, seedlings are completely ready for planting in open ground. Despite the fact that the aster is a frost-resistant plant, it is recommended to plant it in warm time. Landing in the warm season (mid-May is best suited) will help maintain as many shoots as possible.

American asters: growing and caring

Growing from the seeds of perennial asters is carried out in sunny areas, asters do not really like the shadow. It is desirable that the soil is loose and rich in trace elements. Flowers of this species do not need frequent watering. A slight drying of the soil is tolerated normally. Watering flowers is better in moderation. American asters do not require frequent fertilizer. Fertilize with potassium and phosphorus is necessary only in the spring. Otherwise, the microelements contained in the soil are sufficient for the flowers. If you periodically remove from the bush all dried leaves and flowers, the plant will bloom until late autumn.

With the first snow, the bush will need to be cut. All shoots must be cut very low. Only hemp 3 cm high should remain from the bush. As already described earlier, this species of asters is not susceptible to pests. Flowers multiply by division. From one bush you can always dig out part of the roots with shoots and transplant to another place. Asters are very well tolerated.

Dwarf Asters: Growing and Care

Most often, asters of this species are found in pink and red shades. Least violet. Growing from the seeds of asters of this species is not remarkable. This species is unpretentious in watering and top dressing. Flowering begins in mid-July and continues through September. Dwarf asters are biennial plants. This type of flower is most suitable for landscaping balconies. It is not necessary to fertilize plants with natural components (manure, humus). Asters of this species need to change their landing site or soil every year (if growing in balcony boxes).

Italian asters: growing and caring

Italian asters are the most beautiful type of given flowers. Inflorescences represent the shape of a hemisphere. But this species blooms very little. From mid-July to September. The plant loves sunny places and calcareous soils. Growing asters from seeds is simple. This species is unpretentious in its care. Flowers should be periodically moderately watered and loosened. Fertilize the plant is necessary no more than those times for the entire flowering period. One of the obvious advantages of this species is the ability to maintain a fresh look for a long time. Italian asters are able to stand in a vase for more than one day.

Reckless (winter) method of growing asters from seeds

Today, many gardeners actively use in their practice planting seeds in autumn soil. This method of planting is often called seedling. Planting seeds is best in late October or early November. It is recommended to plant in slightly frozen ground. Growing asters from seeds is as follows. For planting seeds, you need to make a bed with well-dug soil. Frozen ground is also recommended to fertilize with trace elements. It is best to plant the seeds in grooves, at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The bed before the spring must be covered with plastic wrap. This method of planting is most often preferred by gardeners. Plants grown in this way are more frost-resistant.

perennial asters seed cultivation

Growing difficulties

There are times when asters grow very poorly or die. And there are times when they do not grow at all. This is not a cause for frustration. Carefully check the expiration date of the seeds. Or soak the seeds for a day in ash (1 teaspoon in a glass of water). If ash is not at hand, you can soak in aloe juice (also a teaspoon in a glass of water). It is also recommended to change the soil.

Asters cannot be fertilized with manure. It is not recommended to plant asters in places where tomatoes and potatoes used to grow. Asters are best transplanted to a new place every time.

Incomplete inflorescences of flowers are in the case of abundant watering or a lack of potassium.

Asthma disease

  • Fusarium It is a fungal disease. This disease affects not only asters, but also any other garden flowers and plants. The disease affects mainly adult plants. Stems and leaves weaken, turn yellow and wither on only one side. In order to prevent this disease, asters are not recommended to be planted in the same place constantly. If, however, the plant becomes infected, it is recommended to dig up the affected parts of the bush and carry it away from the site or burn it. This disease spreads very quickly to other garden plants.
  • The most common fungal disease, which affects all seedlings, is called the black leg. It begins to develop due to acidic soil. The stems of all seedlings begin to rot and blacken. Sick plants should be removed immediately, and the affected areas should be watered with fungicide.
  • If there are conifers on the site, it is advisable to plant asters away from them. The fact is that spores of rust often form on coniferous trees. Getting on the leaves of flowers, the spore begins to multiply actively, thereby killing a garden plant. If the flowers nevertheless become infected with rust, it is recommended to treat them with Bordeaux liquid every week (1%).

How to collect aster seeds

The very first flowers are best suited for seeds. Most often they are the largest and strongest. When the aster flower withers and darkens, a small fluff appears in its center, which must be cut and put away in a clean bag. It is most convenient to collect seeds in dry weather. If it rained outside and the seeds need to be urgently collected, it is recommended that the flowers be taken apart and dried. This method will save the seeds from rotting. Harvested seeds usually ripen in a bag.

As already described above, to grow such a flower in your garden or on the balcony is not particularly difficult. It is enough to follow all these recommendations, and the result will not be long in coming. And the fruits of your work will please you and others with their bright flowering for a long time to come.


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