How to choose a gun for knitting reinforcement: tips and reviews. Which company to buy a gun for knitting fittings

In order to provide the required rigidity and strength of the structure of reinforced concrete, knitting reinforcement is necessary. Of course, the method of fastening the reinforcement and its fixation also play a large role, therefore quality control should be present at all stages of the manufacture of the product. A modern gun for knitting reinforcement meets all the requirements for it and makes reinforced concrete products strong and durable. Let's talk about how to choose the right gun for mating and what it should be.

rebar knitting gun

Is binding required?

Many may think that this event is far from necessary as they say. After all, where reinforcement fixed in concrete can go. In addition, there are a large number of other methods, for example, spot welding or plastic clamps. However, they all have significant disadvantages. Something is extremely unstable to active dynamic loads, while other connecting elements fail due to vibration. As for knitting with flexible wire, this method is considered the most time-consuming and at the same time effective. Corrosion is not manifested at the knitting sites, and high strength is achieved due to the large tensile strength and ductility of the knitting element, that is, the wire. For this simple reason, it makes sense to purchase a special gun that will make work faster and more automated.

Rebar Knitting Tool

It is quite logical to ask yourself the question: what to do the work? Naturally, a certain tool is required. As noted above, this may be an automatic pistol. However, buying is not cheap, so for small amounts of work it is advisable to use a regular hook or pliers. For example, the most elementary hook can be made from an ordinary nail, and ticks can be found in a garage or bought in a store for fabulous money. But all this is effective only for the time being. If you build yourself a bathhouse and a garage, then such a tool will be very useful, but when building larger structures, professionals advise buying screw hooks and automatic pistols. This will make the work performed easier.

rebar knitting gun reviews

Automatic hook for knitting reinforcement

The hook can be automatic or manual. For large volumes of work, it is advisable to use the second option. The fact is that the rotation of the hook is carried out by translational movements of the handle. At the same time, to ensure a simple hook connection, it is necessary to exert great efforts, which takes a little more time and effort. But if a manual hook costs only 300-400 rubles, then an automatic hook costs about 350-500 rubles. In principle, the difference is insignificant, but with a large number of connections you will understand that working in semi-automatic mode is much simpler and better. In addition, such a tool has another significant advantage - reliability. Agree, it will not be very nice if the product breaks at the first connection. For this simple reason, pay attention to the quality of the product, its strength and brand. But there is an alternative way, now we will consider it.

hook for knitting reinforcement

How to choose reinforcing pliers

We can say that hooks, even automatic ones, are gradually fading into the background. At the same time, pliers for knitting reinforcement are becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that such a product does not give off during work and allows you to cut wire from a roll and immediately create a connection. For greater durability, cutting edges are hardened. Typically, the working range ends at a wire diameter of 3.1 mm, although there are exceptions, which is entirely up to the manufacturer. Many even say that ticks are better than a mating gun. This is due to the fact that they are more reliable and do not depend on the battery or network. But one can argue with this argument. In any case, it is better to use a gun, but to have pincers in your pocket, which in case of what will help.

pliers for knitting fittings

For professionals - a knitting gun

If you need to quickly and efficiently build a large object from monolithic concrete, then pincers and hooks are ineffective. A special gun is best suited. It can work both from the battery, and directly from a network. Visually, the tool resembles a screwdriver. The fundamental differences are that there is a built-in microchip responsible for the tension of the wire, and a drum on which a binder is wound. Do not forget that this is a very expensive equipment, so it is advisable to buy it for large volumes of work. The price of the simplest models starts at 20,000 rubles, and the best options will cost about 100,000 rubles. In most cases, it makes no sense to purchase too expensive units, but much depends on which manufacturer you prefer. First, let's talk about what characteristics are worth paying attention to, and then consider several popular manufacturers. In any situation, the choice must be approached carefully and responsibly, paying attention to the smallest details.

Diameter of reinforcing bars and wire

It is imperative to pay attention to these two parameters. For example, the diameter of the reinforcing rods that the Japanese Max gun works with is divided into three groups: 9-21, 20-39, 32-51 mm. But the manufacturer MAX also has universal models, in particular, RB397, which is able to work both with a monolithic foundation and with the formation of the floor. However, equipment operating in such a wide range is not cheap, about 100 thousand rubles. Sometimes a knitting gun is enough, which can work with a wire with a diameter of 9 to 39 mm.

rebar knitting tool

Another important point is the diameter of the wire. If you intend to use a 1 mm wire, then the knitting gun must be chosen based on this. Today, wire from 0.8 to 1.5 mm is most often used, therefore, knitting equipment is produced accordingly. For example, the same gun for knitting Max fittings of the DZ-04-A01 model range, costing 33 thousand rubles, is ideal for such work. In addition, there are complete sets with additional adapters and a battery.

Speed ​​of work and type of food

To maximize productivity, you need to pay attention to the speed that the knitting gun develops. Most modern models process a single connection in no more than 1.4 seconds. In priority it should be 1.1 seconds. However, XDL-40 from the manufacturer "Max" knits the connection in 0.8 seconds. Even with such a slight difference, performance increases significantly. About an hour you can create about a thousand connections, but in practice it always turns out a little less, which depends on the operator. The cost of such a gun is about 39 thousand, but the scope of its application is very wide. It can be used both in the construction of airfields and residential buildings.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the type of food. Since it is far from always possible to connect to a network at a construction site, the option of working from the battery looks more profitable. Typically, two batteries are supplied. While working with one second can stand on charge. If you buy an inexpensive gun for working at home, then it can be powered from the network. There are mechanical devices that are completely non-volatile.

max knitting gun

Wacker Knitting Pistols

Today, there are several competing companies that are leading the world in the manufacture of high-quality reinforcing pistols. One such firm is Wacker. This is a very famous brand worldwide. Equipment at high cost has excellent performance. For example, the mechanical model DF-16 WN will cost 90 thousand rubles, but in return you will receive an indispensable assistant. One knot time is 0.8 seconds and the staple thickness is 1.1 mm. This unit can work with fittings from 6 to 16 mm, and all this with a mass of only 2.2 kilograms. In any case, if you value the reliability of the tool, then the Wacker rebar knitting gun is your choice.

Hardware Reviews

Before buying, always pay attention to what buyers write. Sometimes it happens that it seems to be a good model from a well-known manufacturer, but it has negative feedback. Sometimes there are minor flaws, but it also happens that the ergonomics of the device are not made in the best way. This, in turn, complicates the work performed, since holding the tool is inconvenient, as a result of which the hand quickly gets tired. For example, MAX and Wacker have virtually no dissatisfied customers, so it is recommended that these companies buy a gun for knitting fittings. Reviews say that the equipment lasts a very long time, and the build quality is up to par. In any case, do not forget to visit several thematic forums before buying.

automatic hook for knitting reinforcement


So we talked with you about what an astringent gun is and why it is needed. It is worth repeating once again that you need to buy only from a trusted company. Moreover, pay attention to customer feedback and expert advice. Sometimes it’s not so important that the gun creates a connection in 0.8, and not in one second. At the same time, the price will already differ by several thousand rubles. In addition, you should buy a gun only when it is really needed. If you are a professional builder, then it will come in handy, but if you do it at an amateur level, then it is better to buy high-quality pincers or an automatic hook. In principle, this is all that can be said on the topic of choosing a knitting tool during construction work. Remember: you are dealing with reinforced concrete products, so the joints must be reliable and high-quality, then they are not afraid of vibrations and dynamic loads.


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