What are the benefits of war veterans in Chechnya

Russia is a state that is doing its best to support older people and veterans. Especially the military. Today we have to find out what veterans of military operations in Chechnya can count on. What type of benefits are they entitled to? How and where to issue them? What can come in handy for translating ideas into reality?

Who is eligible

First of all, you need to know who we are talking about. Who are called war veterans in Chechnya?

benefits of war veterans in Chechnya

If you study the law "On Veterans", you can see that the participants in the war in some territories (in our case, in Chechnya), who are military, officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police and employees of the penitentiary system, receive veteran status.

The military, who served and fought in Chechnya from December 1994 to 1996, are called the Veteran of Combat Operations in Chechnya. This category of citizens will be discussed. What can she count on?


There are several types of benefits - federal and regional. The main emphasis is on the first type of state bonuses. They are the same for all regions of the Russian Federation.

Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya in 2014 were provided exactly the same as in 2017. Now this category of people can count on certain housing bonuses.

What is it about? Housing benefits for war veterans in Chechnya are as follows:

  • receiving free housing from the state;
  • benefits for housing and communal services (50% of bills);
  • placing the phone out of turn;
  • help with gasification of the house and water supply.

Special attention must be paid to housing. Modern veterans have lost this opportunity. It will only be possible to register a home free of charge if it is placed in the queue until 2005.

benefits to veterans of military operations in Chechnya in 2014

The medicine

What are the benefits for war veterans in Chechnya in 2014? There are a lot of them. And their bulk remained until 2017 inclusive.

The mentioned group of people has the right to medical benefits. For example, they are entitled to free service in organizations to which veterans were attached during the service.

The main difference between the veterans of Chechnya in terms of medical benefits is that this category of citizens must be served first by therapists and narrow specialists.


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that state bonuses are not limited to free medicine and housing opportunities. The thing is that the studied group of citizens can apply for free prosthetics in Russia.

All services related to prosthetics and orthoses for retired veterans are free. And the corresponding prostheses as well. The exception is dentures on the teeth - they will have to pay for yourself.

Important: if the veteran himself bought a prosthesis or orthosis (orthopedic equipment), he is entitled to receive compensation in the amount of the cost of the device.

privileges for housing veterans in Chechnya

Culture and sport

There are other pluses. Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya (for 2014 and not only) allow you to attend cultural and recreational events for free. The thing is that this category of citizens can be treated free of charge at resorts and sanatoriums. And attend all shopping, entertainment and cultural events out of turn.

In some regions, veterans are reimbursed for the cost of treatment at resorts and spas. And even visiting cultural places provides discounts. For example, movie tickets will cost a veteran cheaper than an ordinary citizen. But such opportunities usually occur only in certain regions.

Working citizens

Benefits for war veterans in Chechnya for housing are provided in different interpretations and at different levels. There are not only federal, but also regional bonuses. In addition, this category of pensioners has mandatory labor benefits. They are assigned only to those who have the status of a veteran and work officially.

privileges for transport tax veterans of Chechnya

What can a senior citizen count on? Among the labor benefits are:

  • provision of additional leave up to 35 days a year;
  • vacation at any time convenient for the veteran;
  • free training at the expense of the employer.

On this, all labor bonuses end. But this does not mean at all that in Russia there are no longer any state benefits for the mentioned group of persons.


A very surprising and unusual bonus is the educational benefit. All war veterans in Chechnya in Russia are able to receive higher or secondary professional education without pay. This category of citizens should be accepted out of competition to universities and technical schools.

In addition, during training, veterans are able to receive state scholarships for students. Therefore, you can count on additional financial support.

In practice, this benefit is rarely used. And often it takes place only among working citizens - employers send them for retraining. This has already been said.


Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya for 2015 included certain pension bonuses. They have survived to this day.

What can a senior citizen count on? His pension should be 32% more than the established social pension. This is at least.

Also, war veterans are entitled to additional monthly payments. In 2016, they were equal to 2 638 rubles. This allowance is changing all the time. Therefore, its size is best specified in each region separately.

privileges to veterans of military operations in Chechnya on the ground


Are there any benefits to veterans of Chechnya fighting transport tax? What about taxes in principle?

Speaking about transport taxes, we can conclude that in most regions of the Russian Federation pensioners - "Chechens" are exempted from paying a fee for one vehicle. This is a regional tax. It is installed within each locality. And therefore, transport tax benefits are set only for a specific city.

What about other payments? Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya are laid on the ground in the form of a deduction. It will reduce the tax base. But such a state bonus is granted to all pensioners. You can reduce the tax base by 10 thousand rubles when calculating the corresponding payment.

The last interesting bonus is the exemption of property tax for veterans and retirees in relation to 1 property of each category. This privilege attracts many citizens. It is laid at the federal level.

PIT reduction

Special attention should be paid to reducing personal income tax for veterans of military operations in Chechnya. They can reduce the personal income tax base by 500 rubles per month. Such a bonus is offered to all veterans.

Its design is provided at the federal level. Therefore, all veterans can expect to reduce personal income tax. You must contact either the employer or the Federal Tax Service.

benefits to war veterans in Chechnya at a kindergarten

State duties

In addition to the bonuses listed above, citizens have the right to exemption from state duties when applying to the court. All veterans can take advantage of this benefit. It is enough to provide the appropriate certificate to the judiciary.

To families

Benefits to war veterans in Chechnya for kindergarten are provided. But only this bonus is granted to families of the mentioned category of persons.

What else can close veterans count on? For example, on:

  • help with the burial of a veteran;
  • providing places in schools and kindergartens;
  • free meals in preschool and school educational institutions;
  • a discount when paying for utilities;
  • Extraordinary installation of a home phone.

In addition, if the veteran was the only breadwinner who died during execution, his wife and children can apply for a pension for the loss of the breadwinner. But such benefits are rare in practice.

About design

Where to draw up benefits for war veterans? For housing and more.

It all depends on the type of bonus. The bulk of housing benefits are made out in the management company. Tax benefits - in the Federal Tax Service, pension (and payments including) - in the FIU. Medical bonuses usually do not require any additional manipulations. They are provided with a veteran certificate in full.

Often, you must bring with you to the registration authority:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates of ownership of the property;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • SNILS;
  • statement;
  • receipts for the payment of housing and communal services;
  • TIN;
  • military ID;
  • work book.

It is advisable to bring a veteran certificate with you and make copies of all the listed papers. Otherwise, they may refuse to provide benefits.


From now on, it is clear what the β€œChechens” veterans in Russia in 2017 can count on. Making bonuses takes a minimum of time and effort. And the possible benefits are varied.

privileges for veterans of military operations in Chechnya on transport tax

Some regions introduce special transport benefits. For example, free use of public transport of urban type. In addition, they are allowed to buy train and plane tickets out of turn and at discounted prices. Benefits to veterans of hostilities in Chechnya for housing and not only get is easy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3320/

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