How to choose a laser engraver for the home? Manufacturer's Tips and Reviews

Until recently, the implementation of artistic engraving extended only to specialized areas of production and decoration. Today, thanks to the development of a segment of compact and at the same time effective laser engravers, anyone can join this amazing occupation without leaving home. True, the variety of devices on the market can make it difficult for a beginner to choose. To get the best laser engraver for your home for specific needs, you should be familiar with the design of this machine and the main operating parameters. Also, a small overview of manufacturers will help you navigate a wide range of offers.

Varieties of Engravers

home laser engraver

First of all, the general direction of work with the device is determined. It is not advisable to choose a model for a specific material, since in the future it may be necessary to expand functionality, and a narrowly focused laser engraver for the home will not be able to perform more complex tasks. Nevertheless, there is the main division of such devices depending on the nature of processing materials with different characteristics - these are gas models and solid-state ones.

That is, two varieties differ in the source from which the formation of the laser beam occurs. Consequently, the quality of processing is changing. Gas models are cheaper and at the same time cover a wide range of materials - we can say that this is a universal device for working with leather, plastic, metal and other workpieces. Solid state devices, in turn, are distinguished by special radiation properties, but the range of materials in this case is extremely small. It can be said that this is a narrowly focused laser engraver for metal, although it is also used in work with some types of plastics. The main advantage of this device is its high precision machining precisely on metal surfaces.

Power selection

laser metal engraver

If you plan to work with small parts, then it is better to refer to models with a power of up to 40 watts. Such devices are characterized by optimal short-focus lens for miniature processing. For example, using this model, you can make a print with a detailed drawing of small characters. But if a stone engraving laser is required, which also provides a cutting function, then the power should be higher. At a minimum, you should focus on devices with a power potential of 60 watts. Typically, these devices are equipped with 2.5-inch medium focus lenses.

It must be borne in mind that power is chosen not only according to the characteristics of the processed material. The range of operations that are planned to be carried out with its help, as well as the thickness of the surface, matters. In addition to the described power options, there are also 20 W models, and 120-watt versions. So, if you plan to process a metal sheet with a thickness of more than 1 cm, then a desktop laser engraver with a power reserve of 100 watts is suitable. And vice versa, for delicate operations with pliable material, one should focus on the lower limit of the force potential.

Additional features

desktop laser engraver

If the choice fell on a productive device, then it should also include a cooling system. This add-on will provide a continuous workflow that is convenient for the user and safe for the tool itself. The most technological versions are equipped with automatic focusing. This, again, is a desktop laser engraver that will allow you to perform large volumes of work while maintaining high quality. However, the cost of such devices is significantly higher than simple models. For use at home, the most convenient and practical devices are usually selected. Manufacturers take this into account, giving the internal stuffing of engravers the possibility of programming. That is, the user only needs to set the working program, and then the most complex pattern will be implemented. Thus, you can transfer the image from the photo to a metal sheet.

Laser mini engraver - what is special?

These are portable models that are small in size, but at the same time have wide functionality. This class of engravers is quite common among amateurs, so manufacturers are striving to endow such models with new ergonomic properties. For example, a laser mini-engraver can be used in conjunction with a laptop or computer. It is enough to connect the device via the USB port and prepare to transfer the digital image to the work surface. However, this is where one significant drawback lies. For obvious reasons, mini-devices have little power, so they are not suitable for working with solid materials. But the mini-engraver is convenient to use in the design of glass, wooden, leather and plastic parts.

Neje Model Reviews

laser mini engraver

One of the most famous manufacturers of home engraving machines is Neje. The line of this manufacturer is regularly updated with interesting versions. In particular, users praise the low-cost laser engraver of the JZ-5 series for build quality and the ability to automatically position. The model works with different types of materials, including wood, plastic, glass and leather.

The model features include a high processing speed, which is 10 times higher than the capabilities of competitors. Marked by users and high accuracy. This device is focused on miniature engraving - again, according to the owners, the device can carry out a distinctive inscription even on a toothpick. If a laser engraver is required for plastic or wood, then this option may be optimal. It can be purchased for 10 thousand rubles, which is not bad for a technological and functional device.

JDJG Engraver Reviews

stone laser engraver

A decent option is offered by the Chinese manufacturer JDJG. Already in the standard version, the device allows both engraving and cutting. Among the materials that lend themselves to this unit are solid wood and leather. However, reviews note that this laser engraver for the home has more processing capabilities thanks to a power of 40 watts. Of course, stone with metal cannot be engraved with it, but some types of plastics also lend themselves to it.

Dragon Diamond Model Reviews

The manufacturer received a lot of positive feedback from fans regarding the LZ-M40A. Although the modification also has medium power, it has strengths in the form of a cooling system, high speed and high-tech hardware filling. If you need an accurate and easy-to-use laser engraver for the home, then this option is also worth considering. The only negative of this model is the high price - 30 thousand rubles.

plastic laser engraver

Features of cutting different materials

The most popular material for laser engraving is wood. This is largely due to its soft structure. For example, wood panels are well cut with a thickness of 15 mm. But in the process, a blowing system should be provided to remove combustion products. Optimum for such processing and plastic. Thermoplastics and cladding panels lend themselves best, and polycarbonate can cause problems with a low power unit. In this case, it is better to use a laser engraver for solid-state metal. As for the stone, it is subject to the use of a suitable device, and it is easily processed. True, the quality of the cut can suffer due to improperly selected ligaments.


inexpensive laser engraver

Household engravers are still considered specific equipment. Nevertheless, interest in laser models is steadily growing, due to the ease of use of such devices and relatively affordable price - in any case, compared with professional machines. For example, a laser stone engraver today can be purchased for 30-40 thousand rubles. For comparison, specialized units are estimated at hundreds of thousands. Of course, the characteristics of functionality, performance and picture quality in this case increase significantly, but for home use this is not important. At the same time, the qualities of portable laser engravers are improving rapidly, as evidenced by their supply of automation and the ability to set cutting programs.


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