Identification documents in the territory of the Russian Federation: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, passport, driver's license

All people know that our main identification documents in the territory of the Russian Federation are general passports. They are issued to all people who are over 14 years old. But there are other documents proving identity in the territory of the Russian Federation. They can be used instead of a passport. If, of course, it was not at hand. However, this is a rather interesting and useful topic, so you should pay more attention to it.

identity documents in the territory of the Russian Federation


It is in the civil passport that all information about the person is indicated (full name, date and place of birth, registration, marital status, presence or absence of children). It is issued, as already mentioned, when a person reaches the age of fourteen. Subsequently, each citizen is obliged to replace this document. This happens twice - at 20 and 45 years. Some, however, have more. There are various reasons for this. For example, a person has lost a passport, and he needs to get a new one. Or changed the name. Girls also change their passports, as they take the name of the husband after the wedding. But usually this does not cause much trouble.

and identity document details

International passport

If we talk about identity documents on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the “foreign” will be the next after a general passport. Today every second person has it. And this is an official document that certifies the identity of a citizen both when traveling outside his country, and upon returning back. He is also the main document of that person who is a Russian, but who permanently lives in another state.

But everyone can use a foreign passport of the Russian Federation. Even those people who permanently reside in Russia. Zagran can be used when buying a ticket for an intercity bus, train or plane. When exchanging currency or receiving mail. Or, for example, it can be presented as proof of your age if alcohol or cigarettes refuse to sell because of too young appearance.

passport of the russian federation

Military certificate

This document can serve in the same way as a Russian passport. It certifies not only the identity, but also the legal status of the soldier. It is issued to warrant officers and officers.

This document contains the full name, as well as the personal number of the serviceman. In addition, it indicates the date of birth and the number of the military unit in which the man serves. And also his title and position. In addition to the above, marks are made in the document regarding the assigned ranks after the issuance of the certificate. Information about transfers to other parts and changes in official position is also indicated. As well as data on personal weapons, blood type, civil passport, etc. By the way, since new documents are being issued now, fingerprint marks are also indicated.

identity documents

Temporary ID

It is issued to those people who were left without a general passport, because it is being issued. And that is not for everyone. But only to those citizens who ask about it. Because often this certificate is not necessary, because a passport is made within 10 working days, and sometimes it turns out to be ready much earlier.

But if a person applied to the FMS for the preparation of this document at the place of stay, and not residence, then he will have to wait about a month. And then a temporary certificate is needed. It takes about ten minutes to make it. And such identity documents in the territory of the Russian Federation are valid for two months. If necessary, you can extend them.

By the way, this certificate indicates the full name, date and place of birth, address of place of residence, as well as the reason for which he was issued this document.

Birth certificate

It is also included in the list of identification documents. This is approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1325 of 11/14/2002. But it confirms the identity of only those citizens whose age has not reached 14 years. Because then a civil passport is already issued.

By the way, it is worth noting another document. This is a passport of a citizen of the USSR. It is valid until it is actually replaced. The main thing is that all the data indicated in the document is readable. That is, the passport must be in good condition. If there are scuffs, stains, fuzziness, due to which it is impossible to read anything, you will have to replace the document.

Identity document rights

Sailor's passport

It was also included in the list earlier, which indicated the types of documents proving the identity of Russian citizens. The sailor's passport was issued by the federal executive authorities. It was only on January 1, 2014, a resolution was passed according to which this document is recognized as invalid from that moment. It was decided to replace him with a sailor's identity card. True, many still call him by old memory a passport.

So, this document certifies the identity of a person working on board a ship (sea, fishing, merchant or mixed vessel). The name is indicated inside. seaman, his gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, special physical features and biometric data.

Special cases

There are also such identification documents on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are issued not to every person. We are talking about the official certificate of an employee of the prosecutor's office. People working in this structure, it is issued in the prescribed manner.

Such a certificate contains information about the full name its owner, as well as his position and rank. This document confirms the right of the prosecutor to carry and store military weapons and other special means. Another certificate confirms all the powers of its owner.

list of identity documents

Driver's license

Many people are wondering if rights can be used as an identity document. It should be noted that there is no single answer to this question.

On the one hand, rights are an identity document. Since even the Supreme Court of Russia recognized that they have all the necessary details (data). And besides, rights are presented by a person as a permit to drive a car, and it is on the basis of their presence that a car can be issued for him. And it’s difficult to fake them, since authentication is easy to do by using ultraviolet light.

By presenting the rights, you can buy what is sold from 18 years old, since the document contains the date of birth of the owner. For the same reason, a driver’s license is accepted as proof of identity at the post office, upon receipt of parcels or letters. And a ticket for an intercity bus can be issued with its presentation. So, on the other hand, rights can be considered a document confirming the identity of a citizen of Russia.

Military ID

It has already been mentioned above that the seafarers' passport is included in the list where identification documents are indicated on the territory of the Russian Federation. Military ID is also worth noting attention. It is issued to men with the rank of foreman, sergeant, soldier or sailor. Whether they are under contract or conscription, it doesn’t matter.

This document is also issued to cadets studying at a military educational institution that provides specialized vocational education. It confirms not only the identity of the citizen, but also his legal status. In the event that a soldier was sent to the reserve, the ticket ceases to be valid. All this is indicated in Order No. 500 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2007.

Documents that do not prove identity

Their list is also quite wide. So, there are documents confirming the identity, and there are those that certify the status of a person. These include a work book and a certificate issued to persons in custody. This is because each document meets only the minimum requirements. They carry a certain significance, but do not give the right to carry out any actions that are legally significant. These include the conclusion of an employment contract, voting in elections, obtaining a loan, etc.

types of identification documents

Information for foreigners

In brief, it is also worth talking about what documents citizens of other states located in Russia can use to confirm their identity.

There is a universally accepted list. It includes a residence permit and a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation. And also, of course, the passport of a foreign citizen.

The list also includes a certificate of return to the home state. It contains all the information about the person and the data of the identity document.

By the way, one cannot fail to note the attention of a diplomatic passport. It is issued only to certain categories of citizens. And such a document is not the property of a person, but of his state. This passport is issued to a person in order to freely cross the border of another country. The basis for this document is an important business trip. After a person returns to his homeland, he must be returned to the organization that sent the citizen on the trip. A diplomatic passport gives the right to visa-free entry even into the territory of the Schengen states. True, it is not issued to everyone: to the President, members of the Federation Council, judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, the Prosecutor General and other important persons.

Another similar document is a service passport. Only it is issued to people of other categories. For example, employees of various state corporations.

However, as you can see, there are a huge number of different documents that can be used as identification. But still, the most important and basic is a civil passport. It is advisable to always have it with you.


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