Predatory fish. Species and variety of predatory fish

How diverse is the world of aquatic animals, among which the Pisces superclass stands out! Its representatives are characterized by gill breathing throughout life in postembryonic development. They study their special section of zoology - ichthyology. Fish inhabit both in the salty waters of the oceans and seas, and in freshwater areas. Among them, peaceful species and predators can be distinguished. The first eat plant food. And predatory fish, as a rule, are omnivores. Other animals are included in their diet. Among them are fish, mammals, birds. Among the freshwater predators of this class, the following can be distinguished: catfish, burbot, pike, pike perch, perch, grayling, asp, eel, etc. Among the inhabitants of marine open spaces there are: shark, catfish, moray eel, stingray, barracuda, cod, pollock, pink salmon and many others.

What is the difference between predatory fish?

What is the difference between peaceful and predatory fish species? First of all, in the diet. This was described above. And it is also known that predatory fish are distinguished by extraordinary greed and gluttony. Often they take so much food that they are not even able to digest it. Most predatory fish live in subtropical and tropical areas. This is due to the fact that much more mammals and herbivorous fish live in warm waters, which make up the main diet of carnivorous inhabitants of the deep sea. It is also worth noting the fact that predators are more intelligent than their victims. They are very inventive. Here you can recall the white shark - the most dangerous for humans among sharks. Scientists are confident that she is much smarter than a domestic cat. This was proved by experiments in the Bahamas, where these predators were fed with the help of machine guns. They quickly figured out which keys to press in order for food to appear.

Catfish - the largest freshwater predator among fish

predatory fish
Many smart and fast carnivorous representatives of the class considered by us live in our reservoirs. This pike, and burbot, and asp, and perch, and many others. Common catfish is a scaleless predatory freshwater fish. The length of his body often reaches 5 meters, and weight - 400 kg. It lives, as a rule, in rivers and lakes of the European part of our country. Some incorrectly believe that this large predatory fish eats only spoiled foods and carrion. However, catfish enjoy treating themselves to shellfish, freshwater animals and even birds. But its main prey is fish. The predator hunts at night. In the afternoon, he lies down in deep holes and snag. Cases are described when catfish attacked a person.

The evolution of underwater predators

The oceans are populated by a variety of creatures. Here, as on land, there is always a struggle for survival. We need to get food, and protect ourselves and the cubs, and kill the enemy. During evolution, predators have acquired powerful tools to hunt for their prey. So, an animal called a monkfish from the order Udilshchikobrazny has a kind of "antenna" with a growth that imitates a worm in front of a huge mouth. During the hunt, this predatory sea fish sways it, luring a potential prey. As soon as an unsuspecting small fish is nearby, the monk promptly swallows it whole. Its usual diet consists of red mullet, small sharks and even birds.

Moray eels, barracudas, stingrays. Dangerous inhabitants of the deep sea

Superiority in potential danger to humans in the ocean remains, of course, for sharks. They are capable of inflicting mortal wounds on swimmers with their powerful jaws. No less dangerous for a person can be bites of barracudas and moray eels. These are large predatory fish found in many seas of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The largest species among moray eels can reach 3 meters. The powerful jaws of these fish are equipped with sharp awl-shaped teeth. When attacked, this animal hangs on its victim like a bulldog. Moray bites are not toxic. There are bacteria on her teeth that can cause infection. In many species of these fish, the body is covered with poisonous mucus, which negatively affects human skin.

freshwater predatory fish

Barracudas live in warm seas. Outwardly, they resemble large pikes. Rarely do they reach 2 meters in length. Their jaws are equipped with large fangs. In the event of an attack, the victim receives lacerations, which are then inflamed. These predators are dangerous to humans. Barracuda attacks on humans are known. A flock of these large hunting predatory fish is especially dangerous.

Stingrays are extremely dangerous for humans. These are bottom animals. Just like that, they never attack, only in case of defense. If a diver carelessly steps on such a ramp, he will immediately receive a tail strike, on the basis of which there is a sharp spike. With this tool, fish can seriously injure a person and even kill.

White shark - the most dangerous aquatic predator for humans

names of predatory fish
Karharodon is the second name of this dangerous inhabitant of the deep sea. The white shark is the largest predatory fish. Its length is often more than 6 meters, and weight - 1900 kg. Her usual diet is other fish, including squid and dolphins, as well as marine mammals and birds. Very dangerous to humans. Most of the cases of shark attacks on people are attributed to her . These predatory fish are on the verge of extinction.

It is interesting

  • The compression force of the jaw of the shark is 500 kg / cm 2 . Only a few bites will need to be done to her to dismember the human body. She can easily bite steel bars.
  • These predators do not feel pain. In the body of the shark, a substance is produced that is similar in action to opium.
  • Pregnancy of this fish lasts longer than in humans or other animals, such as elephants. So, a fiery shark bears his cub 3.5 years.
  • The predator can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h. Even bottom sharks can move with acceleration up to 8 km / h. However, this fish does not know how to slow down.
  • The largest shark reaches 12 meters, the smallest species - 15 cm.
  • The problem of desalination of the oceans to these water predators is not terrible. The body of the shark produces a special substance that regulates the salinity of the water.
  • On the water, these fish stay at the expense of their large liver.
  • Sharks must constantly move to help their heart apparatus pump blood through the body. She cannot even sleep, otherwise she will suffocate or drown.
  • The shark's smell is one of the best on our planet.

Sailboat - the fastest fish in the world

large predatory fish

Which of the marine predators moves fastest? Of course, a sailing fish. She belongs to the order Perciform. As a rule, lives in warm seas. But some species can live in temperate latitudes. Its main distinguishing feature is the presence of a high and long fin on the back, resembling a sail. This is a very active predator. In pursuit of prey, he is able to reach speeds of up to 100 km / h. These fish feed mainly on sardines, mackerel, mackerel, anchovies and so on. Fishing predatory fish is a very interesting activity for anglers. Often, bait is used for this. Many anglers prefer sailing fish to spinning.

Piranha is one of the most dangerous predatory fish.

Omnivore, ready to tear to shreds in a matter of minutes everything that falls into its habitat. So we imagine piranha.

predatory aquarium fish

And what is it, this predatory river fish? Piranhas live in the stormy waters of the Amazon River. This is a small fish, only 20 cm long. The piranha has a sharp sense of smell, as well as a large mouth dotted with scary flat teeth. The individuals are kept in a pack, very voracious. Prefer to hunt in large groups. They often hide in shelter, waiting for an unsuspecting victim. They attack quickly, lightning fast. Prey is eaten in a matter of seconds. The usual predator diets are fish, birds, and mammals that come close to water. This extremely aggressive river resident has long attracted the attention of people. Now several species of aquarium piranhas have been bred. The most popular of them: slender piranha, red pacu, ordinary and lunar metinnis and others.

Deep sea predatory fish

predatory sea fish
It is hard to imagine that there is life too at the great depths of the world's oceans. Here, in pitch darkness and under great pressure of water, there are predators. They are usually small in size. Their body is devoid of scales and covered only with thin skin. Deep-sea fish have a very bizarre body shape. And almost all of them are predators. This is evidenced by their terrible toothy mouths. Some species look like a huge head with a large mouth dotted with rows of scary sharp teeth. Even the names of these outlandish inhabitants are very bizarre. Names of predatory fish that live at great depths: sack-fish, grammatostomy, galateataum, bolsherot, hatchet, linofrin and others. These predators adapted to live in unbearable conditions for other animals. With their huge mouths, they grab the prey, even if it is larger than themselves, and swallow it whole.

Predators in the aquarium

Carnivorous representatives of the water depths have always attracted human attention. Too many species of predatory fish have been domesticated. Now their dwarf types are bred in aquariums. The most popular among them are piranhas, girinoheylus, cichlids and others. And in captivity they manifest their natural instincts. This should be taken into account when co-breeding peaceful fish and predators in the same aquarium.

predatory fishing

You cannot settle together species that are similar in habits and conditions of detention. You must not let them starve. From lack of food, predatory aquarium fish can eat each other. It is very interesting to observe the behavior of cichlids. They have quite a lot of intelligence. These little fish love to watch everything that happens outside the aquarium. They are even able to recognize their master, to respond to some of his movements. Snakehead is another domesticated predator. His appearance is very colorful. He is able to do without water for a long time. Captive piranhas are more timid than aggressive. With every loud knock or hit on the glass of the aquarium, they sink to the bottom and convulse. In order for these fish to coexist with peaceful species, they must be provided with complete food.

We have seen how diverse the world of predatory fish is in both freshwater bodies and in the deep sea.


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