Friendzone is a kind of friendship between a man and a woman

Friendzone is a kind of friendship between a guy and a girl. But such friendship has one peculiarity - a girl, realizing what a guy likes, does not reciprocate, but at the same time she keeps him close to her in every possible way. A young man in love cannot do anything in such a situation.

Friendzone is

Girls very often abuse it, using a guy for their own selfish purposes, and in return he is offered only friendship. The fan continues to count and hope that friendship will sooner or later develop into a love relationship. This is the friend zone. How to get out of it, is it possible? In reality, few succeed, only a few decide to make a difference.

General information

It is worth noting that absolutely any representative of the stronger sex, even the famous and respected alpha males, can get into the friendzone, since in this case the characteristics of the man and the manner of his behavior do not play a big role, it all depends on the self-conceit of the girl. You can attract a huge number of females, but at the same time remain only a friend to the one you really like.

An example is the facts from the biography of famous people. For example, Suvorov A.V. - the prince of blood, the hero of the nation, the famous commander who did not lose a single battle. He knew firsthand that friend zone is not a very pleasant place. He was applauded by the whole of Europe, and his own wife did not perceive him as a man, preferring others to him.

What does friendzone mean?

Many women are not initially aimed at creating a couple, they prefer to dominate one or more admirers. Strong and self-confident ladies choose soft-bodied and compliant men, since they are easier to manage.

Friend zone ticket

Of course, the right boy with a reverent attitude towards the female is at greater risk of finding out that the friend zone is a reality. An experienced, practical and moderately cynical man is unlikely to agree to serve the "queen". But in fact, no one is safe from this.

At the same time, no one can force you to be a backup option for a long time. In this situation, the girl only offers you to remain friends, and only you will decide whether you need such a relationship.

What does friendzone mean? How to get out of it?

Friendzone how to get out

You have two possible ways to change the situation. Firstly, you can make every effort and achieve what the girls expect from you. For years, develop the right gait, look, voice, and more. Work days and nights to earn a cool car. Secondly, you can do all of the above, but not in order to forget what a friend zone is. This does not guarantee you the love of a person you like. You can change for your own sake, for your own purpose. In this case, you will spend your resources, time, money, experience, etc. only on yourself. And the efforts spent on yourself will surely provide you with new opportunities. And if you give your strength and precious time only to women, then most likely you are simply wasting your resources in vain.


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