Morgan's PDA in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat": a description of the game, the secrets of passing

Perhaps the game "STALKER: Call of Pripyat" was played by any fan of really good first-person shooters. A magnificent game world, a beautifully conveyed atmosphere, numerous, exciting quests - all this is just a small part of the advantages that it can boast of. One of the quests is to find Morgan’s CCP. It is not easy to deal with him, so it will not be superfluous to talk in detail about him.

Who is Morgan?

To begin with, Morgan is a member of the Debt group and is responsible for maintaining the secret warehouse equipped at the Jupiter location. However, one day he decided that he was greatly underestimated and left his former associates, finally breaking a good jackpot. Firstly, he traded with bandits and mercenaries operating in the Zaton location, selling weapons and equipment, which is usually almost impossible to get in the Zone. Secondly, so that the authorities did not calculate his fraud during the verification, he handed over the coordinates of the cache on Jupiter to the Freedom group, hoping that their raid would notice signs of theft.

Stalker Morgan

Morgan is not only greedy, but also unprincipled. Upon learning that someone suspected him of being "unscrupulous," he would not hesitate to take measures to eliminate an accidental witness. Therefore, the enemy is frankly dangerous.


If you need to get Morgan’s PDA in the Call of Pripyat game, then you will not be out of place to know about his equipment.

As befits a stalker of rank "Master", he wears a powerful exoskeleton, characteristic of the highest ranks of "Debt". Therefore, it will be very difficult to shoot him if such a thought occurs to the gamer.

But with weapons he was not so lucky. Unlike other master stalkers wearing Shafts, IL-86 or other weapons with the best characteristics, Morgan is armed with the usual AKM-74 / 2U. Most likely, the developers did this so that a gamer who does not have very high-quality equipment had a chance to defeat the “Debt” traitor and get Morgan’s PDA. However, you should not flatter yourself. In the event of an attack, a stalker may well pick up a more suitable weapon from the body of a killed ally, which will make him a much more formidable opponent.

Related quests

The main character (Major Degtyarev) encounters Morgan while completing the "Deal" quest. You can execute it in different ways - we'll talk about this a bit later. In addition, it depends on the execution method whether it will be possible to encounter it later or, immediately taking Morgan’s PDA from a dead body, the player will no longer meet with him.

Like many other quests, this will affect the ending, achievements and reputation of the protagonist.

In addition, with the Morgan, and more precisely, with his CPC, the quest "Warehouse" Debt "is connected, which can be obtained by completing the quest" Deal "in a certain way. Let's talk about this in more detail. Indeed, in "STALKER: Call of Pripyat" Morgan’s CPC is a very important quest, although it is not included in the story line.

We take the PDA

The quest "Deal" can be obtained from different characters: Beard, Sultan or Owl.

The first option is suitable if the player decided to help lone stalkers, having killed a detachment of bandits. Having come with a detachment of stalkers to the Forestry, kill the opponents, including Morgan. Remove the PDA from his body - put it off until better times, later we will tell you how to dispose of it. Reward - 6000 rubles and the coordinates of the cache.

call of pripyat pda morgan

If the help was provided to the bandits on the instructions of the Sultan, then when visiting Lesnichestvo, you will have to fight not only with a group of free stalkers, but also with Morgan, who will come to the place of the deal with serious security. It will also have to be eliminated, so we take the CPC from the body without a doubt. The reward will be a little more modest - the coordinates of the cache and 5 thousand rubles in cash.

Refusing to cooperate with the Sultan and Beard, you can meet with Owl. In this case, you will need to protect Morgan during the transaction. Two mercenaries will come to Lesnichestvo with him. However, their weapons and protective suits are not the best, so they will die in the first minutes of the battle. Degtyarev had no choice but to kill the bandits and lone stalkers. For saving Degtyarev will receive a reward from Morgan - 6000 rubles. You can kill him and get a PDA. Or leave him alive - but then the hero will be regularly pursued by mercenary units sent by Morgan to kill Degtyarev. In the end, it will also have to be eliminated.

Where to put the PDA?

So, our brave stalker KPC Morgan received - in one way or another. How to be with him? After all, it contains important information - about the transactions, as well as the location of the secret cache of "Debt", which stores a lot of weapons, ammunition, equipment.

There may be three options.

Entrance to the warehouse

If you want to take part in the long-standing confrontation between "Debt" and "Freedom", you should go to Yanov - it is here that the headquarters of two irreconcilable groups are located. Further actions depend on who you sympathize with more - decide for yourself whom to give Morgan’s PDA to.

So, you can refer to the chapter "Debt" - Shulge. In this case, the hero will receive the achievement “Friend of Duty”. At the same time, you will have to repel the warehouse captured by Freedom, where you can make good money.

Head of Debt

Going to the opposite part of the building and transferring Loki’s PDA to the head of Liberty, the player will be able to take part in protecting the captured warehouse from the loyal people. When the enemy’s detachment is destroyed, it will be possible to visit the warehouse and take from it whatever it pleases. Achievement will be appropriate - “Friend of Freedom.”

Warehouse "Debt"

You can give it to Sych - the unsociable, rude merchant in Skadovsk. This will allow you to achieve the achievement "Guardian of equilibrium", and at the same time a small financial reward - 4000 rubles. But access to the warehouse will be closed - if you come to a familiar place, it turns out that the entrance is littered with a chip fragment.

Interesting Facts

Now we’ll tell you some interesting information that somehow relates to Morgan’s CPC in the game “STALKER: Call of Pripyat”.

If the player chose the option of saving the illegal arms dealer, taking the task from the Owl, you should not expect a reward from the latter. But Morgan will try to remove his savior already because he learned too much and may pose a certain danger. You can blackmail him by meeting at the Yanov station. For silence, Morgan will give the AS-96/2 assault rifle - a very good weapon, which, if desired, can always be sold profitably.

Obokan - worthy reward

The deaths of the defenders of Morgan can be avoided. To do this, use a powerful shotgun, for example, "Chipper". A terrible weapon at short range allows you to destroy enemies before they kill the mercenaries.

If you save Morgan in the Forestry, he will be displayed as a friend. Which does not hurt to weave a web of intrigue against Degtyarev.


Now you know everything you need to know about Morgan’s PDA in STALKER: Call of Pripyat. So, you can make the right decision, knowing exactly what this or that option will lead to. And get the game even more fun.


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