What can you build houses in Minecraft and what do you need

To date, almost everyone has already tried their hand at Minecraft. This game attracts more and more fans, which, in turn, makes it even more diverse. After all, everyone brings something new to the game. For example, you can take the house - a classic building in which the character can live and spend nights in safety. It consists of four walls, a door and a ceiling. But the players quickly realized that they could approach the issue more creatively, because it was Minecraft that was aimed at. Therefore, now you can build a variety of houses that will differ from each other, will be individual and unique. What can you build houses in Minecraft? You can copy the building by following the instructions, or simply create your own unique house on the basis of those that you saw.

Base of the building

what can you build houses in minecraft

When you study the various options for building a house in Minecraft, you will be able to identify certain areas that will differ from building to building. First of all, attention should be paid to the foundation, because it significantly strengthens your home. And if you do not want it to fall apart very quickly, it is better to provide it with a reliable foundation. It is best to make it from concrete blocks, but here you already have the right to decide for yourself. Without a foundation or on a wooden base, the building may turn out to be more beautiful, but at the same time less reliable and durable. It is with the foundation that the science of how to build houses in Minecraft begins. Indeed, depending on the chosen foundation, you will be able to further think through what your home will be like.


Minecraft building a house

If you ask yourself the question of what kind of houses you can build in Minecraft, then first of all you imagine the facade of the building, that is, its walls. It is they that are striking at first sight, and after them you already begin to consider other elements. The whole joy of playing Minecraft is that you have no restrictions on what you can build your house from. Naturally, you can stick to reality and build walls of stone, wood and other popular materials. They also look pretty stylish, and if properly designed, they can make an incredible impression.

But at the same time, no one bothers you to make walls from any other materials that in reality could not be used. Someone does this solely from originality, someone with the help of other materials achieves special colors that can not be obtained through dyes. So, you already have the basic elements of the house, the walls and the foundation, without which you can not do in Minecraft. We are building the house, however, so that it matches reality as much as possible and provides all the functions of a real building. So he definitely needs a roof.

Roof creation

If the walls gave you little room for imagination, and the foundation - even less, then on the roof you will be able to recoup. Let's say you have planned in your Minecraft world a large house that will have many rooms and possibly many floors. But the whole structure as a result will still end with a roof, which is not so easy to do. But the variability at this stage is really impressive.

minecraft big house

You can use a variety of resources and styling techniques to get a truly unique and unique structure. In many ways, the roof will distinguish your home from the buildings of other players, and it does not matter which version of the game you have, the newest or the classic one - Minecraft 1.5.2. How to build a house, you now know, the main stages have been studied, but it remains empty. You have to work a little more, but then you can demonstrate it not only to your friends, but to the whole world.

Interior and exterior decoration

minecraft 1 5 2 how to build a house

To build a house is one thing, but to bring it to mind, to make it outstanding, is already another. Therefore, you will have to be patient and decide on priorities. You may even have to create a full-fledged work plan, so that as a result you get a beautiful and high-quality house that will not be ashamed to show others where it will be pleasant to be yourself. Therefore, arm yourself with dyes, colored wool, as well as other decorative elements and make your home look like no other.

Furnishing the house with furniture

But any home is just walls, floor and ceiling, until its owner fills it with furniture and other interior items. Here you can craft almost everything, from a bed to a TV, on the walls you can hang pictures that will depict objects from the game, as well as your character. That furniture is the final stage of building the house, because without furniture the house remains an empty and inanimate building, and with a competent atmosphere, it begins to glow with new colors. This will allow you to get to the pages of the Internet, and perhaps someone will take your home as a model.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3353/

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