How to use a barometer? The device and principle of operation of the barometer

It has long been observed that changing weather conditions has a great effect on the human body. Someone clearly feels and even falls ill, while someone is less sensitive, but nevertheless experiences an inexplicable malaise. In this regard, a person is interested in the weather forecast in order to somehow prepare for him: take an umbrella or hide in shelter from the heat. Some people need a pill to relieve pressure.

The scientist Evangelista Torricelli in the 17th century created an atmospheric pressure meter. It was modernized today. Now the device is also actively used, predicting the weather in the near future. In this article, we will consider this device and understand how to use the barometer yourself.

how to use a barometer

A bit of history

A barometer is a measure of air pressure in the atmosphere. The experience of the scientist who invented the barometer was to determine how the atmosphere presses on the surface of the globe. To do this, he took a hollow tube of glass. There was a hole on one side of it. The scientist filled it with mercury. Then, closing the end, he turned the flask over, placed it in a cup with the same liquid, and freed the hole. Part of the filler spilled, and a certain amount remained in the tube, stopping at 760 mm. A vacuum formed in the tube above the liquid.

The scientist understood the principle of the barometer. He explains that the atmosphere exerts pressure on the surface of the liquid in the bowl, causing the mercury in the column to rise or fall. Fluctuations of a liquid depend on the pressure force of the atmosphere. It has also been observed that various weather conditions affect atmospheric pressure. If we attach a measuring scale to the scientist’s device, then we get the simplest barometer.

barometer operating principle

Types of Barometers

Meteorological stations still use mercury barometers based on the Torricelli instrument. It is believed that these meters are the most accurate and reliably show the change in atmospheric pressure. But mercury is a hazardous substance. Therefore, a tube of liquid was placed in a brass box with an opening for observing the changes in the column. Such a device was called a station cup barometer.

There are barometers called aneroid. There is no liquid in them. The aneroid barometer device consists of a special sensitive box inside the device. It contains rarefied air. Depending on the degree of atmospheric pressure, the corrugated box, decreasing or increasing, sets in motion the arrow dependent on it. She, in turn, indicates the current value.

barometer device

How to use a barometer?

Having at home a simple model of a barometer, you can easily find out the atmospheric pressure indicators at the current moment. You should look at the arrow of the meter: what value it indicates, it will be an indicator of pressure. The scale also has additional refinements that indicate storms, clear weather, partly cloudy weather, rain, dryness, etc.

Some instruments have two directional arrows. One moves independently by changing the pressure on the box associated with it, the other is stationary, and it can be controlled independently. She is a kind of "predictor" in the near future. If you combine it with the leading arrow, then in a few minutes you can understand if the pressure will fall or rise. The index arrow will deviate up or down.

It is very important to know how to use the barometer, weather dependent people, as they are sensitive to weather conditions. Before changes in climatic conditions, pressure begins to change readings. By tracking this change, you can prepare in advance.

mechanical barometer

How to set up a mechanical barometer?

To correctly measure atmospheric pressure, you need to adjust the barometer. After listening to the weather forecast at your location, you need to set the arrow on the indicator of the height of the terrain above sea level. To do this, locate the adjustment screw on the back of the instrument. Following the scale, set the correct position.

The second arrow fixes the pressure in the atmosphere at the current moment. Turning the handle of the meter, set the pointer to this value. Further, this arrow will indicate a drop and increase in pressure in the atmosphere during the period of change. Check your device periodically if you suspect a malfunction. To do this, tilt it back 45 degrees or raise the lower side of the device hanging on the wall by the same amount. In the liquid meter, mercury will fill the entire tube and you will hear a click.

The mechanical barometer has an arrow, which on the dial will rotate in a circle. In any other case, contact the repair service. Wherever the barometer is located, in the apartment or on the street, it will show the same value, since the device is very sensitive. Most importantly, make no mistake with the readings of the height of your area.

how to use a barometer

How are charts built?

The Russian network of meteorological observatories and stations is huge. Their job is to constantly monitor climate change on earth. Research is carried out using the latest instruments for measuring atmospheric phenomena. This allows you to predict the weather for the near future. To compile it, scientists collect all indicators of the current state of the atmosphere. Based on these data, they can plot the atmospheric pressure and design its changes.

Forecasts are important for gale warnings, agriculture, heating networks, and many other human decisions. A chart of atmospheric pressure over a certain period helps to establish how the air temperature changes when there is a cooling, during which period a cyclone of rains or strong winds is expected. Using the graph, you can compare in which year the winter was the harshest and the summer the hottest.

atmospheric pressure graph

Barometer for fisherman

Fishing enthusiasts have long known that changes in the atmosphere affect the catch. A fisherman’s barometer is needed to measure air pressure, the change of which affects the catch volume. Using it, you can accurately select a good day for fishing.

Good nibble is provided at a time when the barometer readings practically do not change for 3-4 days. If the value has changed by at least 8 units, then fishing is useless. With increasing pressure, the fish rises to the surface of the water. A rapid decline in the arrow predicts the appearance of a storm and the absence of a bite.

fisherman barometer

Types of fishing barometers

The fisherman’s barometer can be household and pocket. In the first case, the device is mounted on a table or hung on a wall, providing air access. Pocket meter is more convenient. You can take it with you to the fishing place. Fishing barometers are also available in several forms: containing mercury, mechanical and electronic. The latter type is very popular, as it is not only easy and convenient to use, but, in addition to measuring pressure, it can determine air temperature, humidity, altitude. The device has many other additional functions.

how to use a barometer

From this article we learned how to use a barometer, analyzed the principle of its operation, which are air pressure gauges. Having a barometer at home, you can be ready for your favorite weather changes.


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