Azalea drops leaves, what to do? Why do azaleas fall leaves?

An exotic flowering azalea plant came to us from very distant lands. At least, China, Japan, and North America are called his homeland. In addition to beauty, in eastern countries it personifies joy, freedom and peace. However, with the cultivation of this plant there are many difficulties.

Home care for azalea

home care for azalea
Any flower loves good care. What can we say about the most exotic of them, those who are not used to our climate and other growing conditions? Therefore, it is very important for such plants to create, to the extent possible, conditions more or less close to their native ones.

Home care for azalea requires proper placement in the apartment. She loves bright diffused light or even partial shade, but does not tolerate hot sunlight. Of course, it’s good to take the plant to the balcony in summer, but you should beware of drafts and sunburn.

The temperature in the room containing azalea at home should be low: 16-18 degrees Celsius in the summer, 12-15 degrees in winter. Fans of indoor plants noticed that at the time of laying and developing flower buds, that is, in autumn, the temperature is best reduced to 8 or even 5 degrees. This means that the azalea can be kept on a closed loggia for a long time, and then moved to the west or north window in the apartment.

Warning for beginning gardeners: if the room is too warm, and also very dry, the flowering time of the plant is reduced and the azalea drops its leaves.

Humidity does not hurt, but helps

The flower prefers high humidity, which means that it must be provided. Firstly, you should place the pot with the plant on a pan with expanded clay, which should be constantly wet. It is useful to wash expanded clay periodically under running water. Secondly, care at home for azalea requires constant spraying. It is advisable to do this daily, and in hot weather - twice a day. During the flowering period, spraying is not necessary so that spots do not appear on the flowers.

Azalea at home
Remember that the great dryness of air during central heating can often answer the question: "Why does azalea drop leaves?"

Abundant watering should be

Watering the plant should be plentiful, but at the same time, overmoistening of the soil should be avoided. In autumn, when the process of bud formation is underway, watering should be significantly reduced.

But in the summer, you can recommend special water procedures for azaleas. Once a month, you need to place a flower pot for 3-4 hours in a bucket of water. Then you need to let the plant settle, so that the excess liquid is gone, and return the pot to its original place on the windowsill.

Water for irrigation is best taken rain, melt (from melted snow) or distilled. Tap water can only be used after it has settled well (ideally at least three days), it will be even better if it is boiled. We must not forget that the plant does not like hard water, but prefers, on the contrary, soft water . Water can be softened not only by settling or boiling, but also by adding peat or various chemicals that are sold in stores.

Watering conditions must be strictly observed, otherwise you can see how the azalea drops its leaves. What to do?

Transplant or transshipment

why azalea drops leaves
Young plants should be replanted annually after flowering. For adults, this procedure can be carried out in two to three years.

Before proceeding with the transplant, it is necessary to remove all dried flowers along with the pedicels. If by this moment young shoots appeared on the bush, the tops should be pinched, and weak or very elongated ones are best cut off.

The root system of this flower is horizontal, so it is best to put the azalea in a wide pot. When loosening the soil, you need to be careful not to touch the roots. They are not deep because they like good aeration.

For a flower transplant, soil should be bought at a store, as it is a mixture of peat, leaf, heather and coniferous land, river sand. At the bottom you need to put drainage.

When transplanting the earth around the roots, it is advisable not to touch it, you just need to transfer it to a new pot with fresh soil. Having damaged the roots, then you have to wonder: "Why does the azalea fall off the leaves?"

To help the plant fertilize

azalea drops leaves
In order for azalea to develop well and delight others with its flowering, it must be fed. From February to August, fertilizers should be applied once a week. It can be ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, superphosphate or potassium sulfate. In winter and autumn, superphosphate does not hurt, it contributes to good budding.

To maintain the required acidity of the soil occasionally, for example, once every two weeks, plants can be watered with a solution of citric acid. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of acid in two liters of water. Another way to acidify the soil is to water the flower with a solution (0.2%) of sulfuric acid after 3-4 months. Each time this should be done only after moistening the soil.

There are special fertilizers used to feed flowering plants. This, for example, "Kemira" or "Ferovit." They are used as a means for the prevention of various diseases.

Cutting is not an easy task

why do azaleas fall leaves
If you prefer not to buy azalea in the store, but to do it yourself on your own, then you should immediately tune in to the fact that everything will not be so simple.

For cuttings suitable only young shoots, not yet numb. A sharp knife (blade) cuts a 10-15 cm stalk under the kidney. It is placed in a container with wet peat and deepened by about 5 cm, the soil around it must be compacted. Then the stalk is closed with a jar or polyethylene. You can also put it in a greenhouse. To root faster, you need high humidity and a temperature of +25 degrees.

Cuttings do not rot if they are aired and sprayed at least three times a day.

Rooting cuttings will have to wait a long time, up to six months. Then they are transplanted into a pot, in a permanent place.

For breeding, you can still try to root the layering of this plant. An incision must be made under the kidney on the lateral shoot. With a wooden hook, this shoot is pinned to the ground and sprinkled with soil. By the way, above the kidney should be at least a few leaves.

When the rooting of the shoot occurs, carefully lay the cuttings from the main plant and transplant into a separate pot.

Azalea drops leaves. What to do?

azalea discards leaves what to do
Undoubtedly, the whole reason is non-compliance with the rules of care. The temperature regime, the lack of lighting, improper watering, and the soil are not as good as they are not maintained. One of these reasons is enough for the azalea to drop its leaves. What to do in this case?

Everything is simple. All recommendations for caring for the plant must be strictly observed, and it will come to life, stop losing leaves and buds.

However, the reason for the poor health of the flower is much more serious. Dry air and very high temperatures can cause a spider mite to appear on the plant. This is a small red pest that envelops the underside of leaves with thin white cobwebs.

So, because of the spider mite, azalea drops its leaves. What to do? To cope with it, you need to wash the leaves, especially their lower side, with a special solution - not very strong tobacco infusion with soap. For infusion, you can also use onions, garlic, calendula, yarrow. Another way is to pollinate the azalea with ground sulfur, always in the fresh air. Finally, they can be treated with systemic insecticides sold in the store. All this will have to be done several times.

why azalea drops leaves
When the fight against the pest is successful, it will be necessary to restore the immunity of the plant: spend several times spraying with the Epina solution.

Good in the air

According to general concepts, azalea is a houseplant. But, it turns out, she feels good on the street. In spring, when the weather is fine, the flower can not only be taken out onto the loggia or balcony, but even planted in the garden. The main thing is not to forget that azalea does not like hot sunlight, so it is better to place it in shaded places. In the open air, the plant may be before the onset of cold weather.


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