What should be the gravestone?

When did the world's first gravestone appear? Presumably, at the same time as the very tradition of burial and creation of graves. A monument or cross serves as a sign of the place where a person is buried.

Of course, an inscription containing the name and years of life is needed, otherwise we will not be able to find the graves of our ancestors and people dear to us. But in addition to the necessary information about the person buried in this place, it is customary to place an epitaph on the monument - more often a short text characterizing the deceased or thoughts about those close to him.

Why do you need a gravestone?

Tombstones are often placed some time after the funeral. This is understandable from a practical point of view, since the grave must settle. Do not forget about the feelings of those involved in arranging the burial place, the first time after the death of a loved one is very difficult for them, and often they don’t even have to register a cemetery site.

Gravestone for husband
But a few months passed, and the time came to pay tribute to the deceased and to erect a monument. The tombstone can be applied in a variety of techniques, often the method of imprinting is determined by the type and nature of the material selected for the monument. A common method of laser engraving, relief or bas-relief, often the letters are made of metal.

What to write on the gravestone?

One of the most difficult questions is which epitaph to choose? Some people, while still alive, leave instructions in their will as to where and how they want to be buried. History knows of cases when famous writers even in advance independently composed for themselves inscriptions in verses or prose. Funeral services agencies offer customers universal epitaphs suitable for everyone. One of the most famous - "Remember, love, grieve." It is noteworthy that the most common are inscriptions that speak about the feelings of loved ones. You can also talk about a person, for example, mention his hobbies or profession. Tombstones for a husband can be written with the mention that he was a good spouse and father. Do not forget that the epitaph does not have to be in verse. You can try to compose it yourself using several phrases without rhyme.

Tombstones for parents

How to make a gravestone?

The inscription on the monument may not be personal, but general. Some kind of philosophical quote about life and death will do. The tombstone can be located both on the front and on the back of the tombstone. You can supplement it with a simple pattern, for example, two cut flowers or a candle. If you want to put a long text on the monument, for example, a quatrain, and there is not enough space on the front side, you can engrave it on the back. Often, whole verses that have a hidden meaning for a particular family, or that the deceased himself liked, are used as a back “non-main” epitaph. Tombstones for parents can include words of gratitude from children and grandchildren. Not necessarily the epitaph should be sad and strict, because in addition to the sorrow for the departed people, we have unlimited warm feelings for them and enthusiastically recall the moments when they were still with us.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3371/

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