Yakhont - a stone giving love and energy

Gems have always fascinated man. For them, as well as for women, they fought and killed. They have always been luxuries and status indicators. The stones were also attributed magical and healing properties. It is believed that the donated mineral protects its owner from the evil eye and misfortunes. Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies are the object of desire not only for many women, but also for men. Such minerals can be invested because they will never lose their value.

yacht stone

Ruby: mineral description

Ruby is a gem. Yakhont is its old Russian name. For over a thousand years, this mineral has been considered one of the most expensive. His blood-red color conquered many hearts. The yachting gem is a type of corundum. The closest brother of ruby ​​is sapphire, the difference between them is only a different percentage of the coloring metal. Still sapphires come in different colors, but a yahont stone is only red. Minerals of a dark red color with a purple tint are of special value. In terms of cost, rare types of rubies are practically not inferior to diamonds, and sometimes even surpass them. A yakhont is close to diamond not only in price but also in strength, and it is also fragile. Therefore, the jeweler has to be very careful when cutting. Unfortunately, at present, the popularity of ruby ​​has declined somewhat. And all because of the very frequent fakes, which are of such high quality that even professionals can not always reveal fraud.

gemstone yachting

Yakhont - a stone of vital energy

From time immemorial, magical properties have been attributed to ruby. It was believed that the owner of the stone would certainly be rich. And also a mineral can not only bring a person to power, but also hold it. Therefore, a yachont is a stone of the powerful of this world: kings, princes, cardinals always wore it. According to eastern legends, a ruby ​​gives its owner life energy, strength and health, and it will certainly help to find true love. It is believed that this mineral cannot be worn by people who are cruel and intemperate, irritable and prone to violence. That's because the yachting is a stone that strengthens the negative qualities of character. A scoundrel, he makes it worse, but a good man - even kinder.

Amulet and Talisman

People who believe in the patronage of stones have always tried to purchase a yacht as a talisman or amulet. It is believed that the donated mineral will protect the owner many times stronger, but stolen will bring nothing but misfortune. Ruby gives courage and courage. Even the ancient Indians believed that the yachont is the frozen blood of a dragon, and inside it a fire burns, personifying courage. Once lovers exchange jewelry with this mineral, their love will never go out. In ancient Russia it was believed that the ruby ​​guards the equestrian rider, and therefore often decorated them with a harness.

stone yachont

The healing properties of ruby

No less amazing healing properties are attributed to this precious mineral. Yakhont is a stone that cures blood diseases. In ancient India they were treated with epilepsy, depression, paralysis. In Europe, stomach diseases and impotence: for this, the stone was ground into a fine powder, diluted in water and allowed to drink. For the treatment of ear, throat, joints, it is recommended to apply ruby ​​to a sore spot. But some healers believe that this stone with certain diseases can do harm. So, ruby ​​should not be worn by people suffering from hypertension.

What stones are also called rubies?

It should be noted that ruby ​​has many namesakes. So: spinel - ruby-bale, pomegranate-almandine - Ceylon ruby, foggy topaz - yellow yacht, pomegranate pipor - Colorado ruby, red tourmaline - Siberian ruby. The fact is that before all the red minerals were called ruby.

Yacht Deposits

This beautiful precious mineral is mined in many countries of the world. Significant deposits are in Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tanzania. Smaller in Australia, Afghanistan, USA (California), Zimbabwe, Russia (in the Urals and the Pamirs), in Switzerland. Especially rare and beautiful minerals are usually given names. The most famous is Timur's ruby. It belonged to Tamerlane. The stone weighs 361 carats and enters a necklace surrounded by small rubies. The precious mineral is covered with ancient Indian cut and numerous inscriptions. On them you can track the entire history of the stone.

yellow yacht

Synthetic rubies

People have long learned to grow minerals on their own. Rubies were no exception. Modern industry makes high-quality stones, which are sometimes not inferior to the real ones. But only a real mineral transmits ultraviolet rays, but not artificial. Artificial minerals are used not only for technical needs, but also in jewelry, which, of course, could not but affect the demand for this stone. Jewelry with rubies, as noted, have recently become less popular.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3382/

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