Dog Training Center in Yasenevo: address, training and reviews

Dog training is an amazing process. It would seem that the owner with the puppy just recently came to the training site. It takes a month, two, four. And now, next to the owner is a charming and clever teenager, inquisitively peering into this world.

Where to look for a training ground? There is a cynological center in Yasenevo. Muscovites with their pets can go there.

History of occurrence

The dog training center appeared in 1982. Then he was no center, of course. In 1981, a local resident, a dog lover, with the support of DOSAAF, began searching for a land plot so that other residents could train their pets there. All this was organized on a voluntary basis. And a year later, in the fall of 1982, an order was issued that a plot was allocated for the training site at the end of Novoyasenevsky Prospect.

Training work has begun. Gratis, just for the sake of the instructor’s ideas and the hosts ennobled the site with their own efforts. The territory was fenced and equipped. For classes in the ZKS (protective - guard service), the necessary equipment was purchased: stairs, boom, barriers. To prepare the dogs for sports, the site was equipped with the necessary equipment.

To date, the training site has turned into a cynological center "Yasenevo". Over the years, more than 10,000 thousand dogs and their owners have received the necessary knowledge and skills.

The center is headed by the vice-president of sports-applied and service dog breeding in Moscow - M.I. Nasonov.

Students of the center

Types of Services Provided

Dog Training Center "Yasenevo" offers the following training services for its "students":

  • OKD.

  • UGS.

  • ZKS.

  • Individual lessons with an instructor.

  • Guard of the owner.

Each direction will be dedicated to its subsection.


What is OKD? This is a general training course. Any dog, regardless of breed, must know basic obedience skills. In other words, do not make a puzzled expression on your face when you hear the command "sit" or "to me," but without too much thought execute it.

In order to teach the animal the necessary commands and obedience to the owner, and there is OKD. Puppies from 3 months of age can start training at the Yasenevo Dog Training Center. Before passing the OKD exam, the dog admits at the age of 12 months, not earlier.

The team is near


Managed city dog ​​- this abbreviation is deciphered. These are the "junior classes" for the animal and the host. What gives the course? Basic skills. The dog learns the most important team "to me." Why the most important? Because her life in an emergency depends on the implementation of this command. Unfortunately, this also happens: the animal knows the team, but the owner has almost no contact with the dog. The dog does not want to obey his guide. And in an emergency, the dog ignores this command. Sometimes it ends up fatal for her.

To prevent this from happening, each owner should know: without contact, no training will work. More precisely, you can train your favorite, but whether she will obey outside the training site is a big question.

Okay, we got distracted. What else will the dog learn in the UGS course? To a complex is to "sit," "lie," "stand." And walk on command "near."


This standard was developed in the country of the Soviets. And it is still used both in official training and in sports. What is a ZKS? Protective - guard service includes the following skills:

  • Fetching stuff.

  • Place security.

  • Detention.

Briefly for each item. The selection of someone else's thing, it is clear from the name, that the dog should be able to choose the right thing from several things.

Protecting a place or thing. The animal should not allow the "thief" to take the owner's thing.

Detention. The most interesting thing in the ZKS. A dog learns to attack a person and not be afraid of him. To attack at the command of the owner, of course, and not just rush and bite. A well-bred animal will never touch a person unless there is a command from the owner.

Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois: Detention

Individual lessons with an instructor

For those who do not want to wait for a group to be recruited, and all the above mentioned standards for group training, the Yasenevo Dog Training Center offers individual lessons with experienced instructors. This type of training is suitable for very active or too shy dogs. What do individual lessons give? They are much better than group ones. The puppy takes courses UGS and OKD, it is possible training individually.

What are these activities good for? First of all, the fact that the instructor pays attention to only one dog. This means that the potential of the animal is fully revealed. The guide sees what this or that dog is capable of, and classes take into account its personality and type of GNI.

Host guard

This is for those owners who do not want to teach the dog how to sample things or escort them, as the ZKS norm requires. What does host protection include? Protection of own land and property, as well as protection of the owner and members of his family. Classes for the protection of the site are held on the territory familiar to the dog, that is, at home.

Sports Training

Sports areas such as agility, skinjoring and flyball are very popular these days. The center provides services for these types of training.

Sports Training

How to get to the center?

Have you decided that it’s time for your pet to start training? Well, here is the address of the Yasenevo Dog Training Center: Moscow, 27 Novoyasenevsky Dead End.

What do the owners say?

What are the reviews about the cynological center "Yasenevo"? For the most part, they are very positive. People who come here with their pets highlight the following advantages:

  • The vast territory of the site.

  • Experienced instructors.

  • At the end of training, exams are held and the dogs receive a "graduate diploma".

  • There are dog training courses at the center. And those who decide to associate their activities with dog training can learn from them.

  • Instructors train at home, which is very convenient for many families.

Testing the barrier team


We talked about one of the oldest dog training centers in Moscow. We found out what he specializes in, how to get there. We found out the address of the Yasenevo Dog Training Center and reviews about this organization.

What else do you need to know? The most important thing in training a dog is its contact with the owner. And this contact must be developed. Without it, no joint activity will come of it.


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