Temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine: how to apply

Among the most relevant documents, knowledge of the design of which is necessary, is a temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine. This demand is connected with the fact that the number of people coming from this country is constantly growing, and this document is a guarantee of observing all human rights and obligations.

What is the need for temporary permission?

Russia had rather close relations with Ukraine at all stages of history. And today the number of its citizens located in the Russian Federation is quite large. But when you stay in the country for a long time, you need to issue a temporary residence permit, which will be an official confirmation of the ability to live and work on the territory of the Russian Federation legally.

temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine

This document is necessary for citizens of any country, as well as those who do not have any citizenship. However, according to Russian laws, getting it is quite difficult. The exception is residents of neighboring countries and, in particular, Ukraine. For this category of citizens there is a simplified document processing scheme.

Benefits of having permission

The key reason for which a temporary residence permit is needed is work and a long stay on the territory of the Russian Federation legally. Thanks to this, a citizen of Ukraine living in the country has the same rights as a resident of Russia.

However, it is necessary to take into account a small restriction in the issuance of this document - the holder of the permit has the right to get a job exclusively in the subject of the state where his application was considered. That is why the process of obtaining this document must begin strictly in the region and city where you intend to reside in the coming year. If this condition is not met, you will have to draw up the document again.

This restriction concerns only the issue of employment, obtaining a temporary residence permit provides an opportunity for free movement through the territory of Russia. This document also means that you become a full-fledged taxpayer in the coming year and you can use all state and municipal services along with Russian citizens.

Migration card - the first step to a temporary residence

Citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to enter the country without a visa. All they need is an international passport.

During the passage of customs control, it is necessary to go through the procedure for obtaining and filling out an immigration card. That it will be the basis due to which in the future you will be able to apply for temporary registration, and then get a temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine. A migration card is also required for subsequent formal employment.

registration of a temporary residence permit

This document has an entry and exit ticket. It should be filled very carefully to avoid all sorts of errors.

One of the main points to fill out is an indication of the purpose of arrival. It should be identified as correctly as possible, since the migration service extremely carefully monitors the purpose of the visit and its implementation. If any violations of any kind are discovered, the citizen of Ukraine faces the payment of a fine and expulsion from the country, followed by a temporary entry ban.

When leaving the territory of Russia, the migration card is subject to cancellation, even if its validity period is not expired.

Where can I get permission

Any foreigner is required to register with the migration service within 7 days after the border of the Russian Federation has been crossed. The exception is Ukrainian citizens and highly qualified specialists from other countries. For this category, the period of stay in the country without temporary registration is 90 days.

Registration of a temporary residence permit takes place in the territorial bodies of the FMS. At the same time, a seal is placed in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

get a temporary residence permit

According to the current legislation, the basis for obtaining this permission are quotas. Each year, the country's government indicates the maximum number of foreign citizens who can receive this stamp. In this case, the category of Ukrainians who are entitled to obtain permission for temporary registration outside the quota is determined. These include citizens who:

  • born in any subject of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • have a minor child or disabled parents with Russian citizenship;
  • went to serve in the troops of the Russian Federation;
  • registered a marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • invested in the country's economy the amount of funds determined by the state.

It should also be borne in mind that affixing a stamp to a passport is possible only if its validity period is at least two years. Also, the document should have several blank pages.

The necessary package of documents

To obtain this stamp you need to collect certain documents. A temporary residence permit can be obtained if you submit the following papers to the FMS territorial bodies:

  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine (original and copy);
  • foreign passport (copy and original), a translation certified by a notary must also be attached to it;
  • migration card (copy and original);
  • medical certificate, which indicates the absence of drug dependence and infectious diseases of various nature;
  • application for temporary residence. This document can be filled out at home on your own or done directly in the department of the FMS. In the latter case, the probability of various errors and subsequent re-writing is lower;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee of 1,000 rubles. You can pay in any convenient branch of Sberbank of Russia.
  • 2 personal photos, size 3x4.

You can also optionally attach the following documents, provided that they are available:

  • certificate of temporary registration in the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • marriage certificate with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an employment contract with an institution operating in Russia.

If you have at least one of these documents, issuing a temporary residence permit is more likely.

What information should be included in the application

One of the main guarantees of obtaining the necessary document is a correctly completed application. A temporary residence permit requires the following information about the citizen:

  1. The motives for the appeal to the FMS.
  2. Personal data of the applicant:
  • surname, name, patronymic, written in Latin letters;
  • place and date of birth;
  • citizenship information;
  • floor;
  • details of domestic and foreign passports;
  • The address of your stay in Russia and the telephone number where you can be contacted. It is desirable that in addition to the mobile phone number, the city should be indicated;
  • available education and specialty in strict accordance with the entry in the diploma;
  • marital status;
  • FULL NAME. next of kin with contact information;
  • information about official work experience;
  • data TIN.

Do not forget to specify in addition:

  1. Activities that you plan to engage in in Russia.
  2. Information about any administrative violations and criminal offenses, if any.
  3. Information about the presence or absence of any infectious diseases.

You must also confirm that you are warned of responsibility for providing false information when filling out this document. And the remaining columns of the application are filled in by the employee of the FMS department.

How this document looks can be seen in the photo.

Documents temporary residence permit

Deadlines for considering your application

So, you have submitted all the required documents and filled out the necessary form. A temporary residence permit must be issued no later than 60 days after the application was submitted, according to which a positive decision was made.

After you have submitted a package of documents to the FMS department, a certificate is issued to you. It indicates that the issue of granting you permission is currently being decided. This document is the legal basis for finding a citizen of Ukraine on the territory of the Russian Federation during the entire time of consideration of the submitted application.

In the event that a positive decision has been made at your request, you must go through the fingerprint procedure before you receive the coveted stamp in your passport. This measure is designed to control the level of security of the inhabitants of the country. You can go through this procedure directly in the department of the FMS.

Validity period

A temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine is valid for 3 years and is not subject to renewal. Each year, you must visit the FMS office to renew your document for another 12 months.

If after three years you decide to stay in Russia, you must apply for a residence permit. Its acquisition removes some of the restrictions associated with temporary residence. For example, having received a residence permit, you will no longer be attached to the subject of the Russian Federation in which you carry out labor activities. This opens up certain prospects in terms of career growth.

You can apply for a residence permit after 1 year has passed since you received a temporary residence permit. However, this should be done at least six months before the end of its validity.

temporary residence permit form

Punishment for violation of permit conditions

The main factor for a positive decision on a residence permit is the absence of violations during the validity period of the issued permit. Such violations include:

  • lack of work for 12 months from the moment the permit was issued;
  • failure to achieve the level of income of the subsistence minimum established by the state;
  • failure to comply with the requirements for the annual confirmation of their temporary residence document or violation of its terms;
  • the presence of administrative violations or criminal offenses committed in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Each of these cases may entail a fine in the amount determined depending on the gravity of the violation. An extreme measure will be the expulsion from the country with the application of a temporary ban on entry.

Rights and obligations of a citizen who has received permission

Besides the fact that this document provides certain advantages, it also imposes responsibility on the person. Having received a temporary residence permit of the Russian Federation, a citizen of Ukraine agrees to abide by certain rules and requirements.

temporary residence permit work

First of all, every year, two months before its expiration, he must submit a notification to the territorial body of the FMS. You can do this in person or via the Internet using the portal of state and municipal services. The notice must be accompanied by a certificate of the amount and source of income for the elapsed time period.

A citizen of Ukraine, living in the territory of the Russian Federation under this document, does not have the right to change his place of residence of his own free will. This can be done only by submitting an official application and obtaining appropriate permission.

A temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine requires a migrant to work in the territory of the Russian Federation and receive official income. The law stipulates that if this requirement is not complied with within 180 days from the date of receipt of the permit, the document is canceled. The absence of labor activity or other sources of income from any activity that does not contradict the laws of the country is the basis for this action. This also includes the lack of funds in sufficient quantities to support members of their family.

A citizen of Ukraine temporarily living in the Russian Federation is obliged to strictly observe the laws of the country. Two or more administrative violations within one year can also lead to the cancellation of a residence permit.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a foreign citizen does not have the right to vote and cannot participate in a referendum.

He is also required to register with the tax authority during the first year of his stay in the country.

Small nuances

When planning to issue a temporary residence permit, you should be aware that in case of refusal by the FMS authorities, this decision is not subject to appeal. That is why it is very important to follow all the rules when collecting documents and submitting an application.

For example, if a temporary registration is first issued, then in the matter of obtaining a quota for the next stage of legalizing a stay, citizen behavior during a given year is important. In particular, this concerns the conformity of the place of registration and stay. FMS authorities can verify this fact several times during the year.

If you are in Russia without proper clearance, the legal stay is 90 days. When this period expires, the citizen of Ukraine must leave the country. You can return after 180 days from the date of departure.

This measure is designed to control the flow of migrants from a neighboring state, as well as to limit the number of visitors arriving in the country without a specific goal. In this case, there is no labor activity, and, accordingly, obtaining legal grounds for being in the Russian Federation.

obtaining a temporary residence permit

You should also know that the application for permission is considered exclusively by the territorial bodies of the FMS, however, it is possible to file an application via the Internet. To do this, use the portal of public services.

This is exactly what the scheme looks like in which you can get a temporary residence permit. Ukraine and the Russian Federation, as neighbors, simplify this procedure. However, at the same time, compliance with all the rules and requirements both when submitting an application and after receiving the necessary document for the migrant is mandatory.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E340/

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