How to survive in the forest without everything in the summer, autumn, winter?

Modern humanity is spoiled by all the charms of civilization. Therefore, in those rare cases when people find themselves in an extreme situation and are left face to face with the wild, they are usually covered by panic. Such a reaction would be extremely surprising for our ancestors, for whom the question of how to survive in the forest without everything would seem ridiculous. After all, the forest has always been a home for people and a rich pantry. In the modern world, there are also people who are able to survive in the most hostile conditions.

how to survive in the forest without everything

For many, this is related to work, others just want to test themselves. Daredevils gather like-minded people and conquer new undeveloped parts of the planet, where a manโ€™s foot has not yet set foot. There are circles and survival camps where instructors simulate an extreme situation and teach modern people long-lost methods how to survive in the forest without everything. Each instructor has his own methods, but, in essence, all science comes down to one thing - to stay alive. Of course, itโ€™s better to see once than hear a hundred times, but not everyone will agree to such adventures voluntarily. Therefore, perhaps this information in full will never be useful. But even for an ordinary hike, some nuances will be useful.

Survival in the forest without everything: what is needed?

The most common situation is when, on a camping trip, one of the participants fights off the group. Therefore, before going out, all travelers, except for the necessary general equipment, it is recommended to have a certain set of things.

how to survive in the forest without anything

It includes: matches, a knife, a flashlight, a paper map of the area, a compass, a chocolate bar, a flask of water, dry alcohol, a bag of nuts and dried fruits, a thin protective screen-blanket, spare thermal underwear and socks, a minimal first-aid kit with antiseptics, an antipyretic, pain reliever and tourniquet. The whole set should be packed in polyethylene to prevent wetness in wet weather. Those who are in this situation are advised to stay put; it will be easier for an experienced instructor to find the lost person if he does not change the route. In the case when help did not come immediately, you need to choose a parking space. You need to look around and find a site close to the water, from the branches, bark and spruce paws to build a hut, make a fire and wait for help.

Survival in the forest in summer

It happens that for some reason a person gets lost without having the necessary tourist package, then, depending on the time of year, the following knowledge will come in handy. How to survive in the forest without everything in the summer? Finding himself face to face with nature in the forest in the warm season, the lost person has rather high chances to wait for help or to remain unharmed while he gets out of this situation. If you donโ€™t have to wait for help, then you need to find the road yourself. You should look around and try to find your tracks. And on them you can return to the starting point. If such actions did not bring the desired result, you need to calm down and think about your next steps.


How to survive in the forest without everything? Now we will tell. The first thing that a person needs is water. So, you need to find a parking place near the source, in the case when it is not found, you can use the collection of dew on large foliage of plants.

Fire production

Fire will be necessary for warming at night and as a deterrent maneuver from predators. Without matches to breed it will be difficult. If you have glasses with magnifying glasses, you can pick up dry moss or grass and use the glass to direct a ray of sunshine onto this dry substrate. When it lights up, add small dry chips, and then larger firewood. Without glass, the options for producing fire that ancient people used to help out.

how to survive in the forest without everything in the fall

You will need a large and dry log and an even stick, which would be convenient to rotate between the palms. You will also need dry moss or grass and a stone with a sharp edge. What to do with such elements? In the log you need to make a notch with a stone, put a stick there and cover it with dry moss, palms should twist it until smoke comes out of the deck, add moss, and fan the fire. However, wounds may appear on the palms of such an activity. Therefore, they should be protected with something, for example, tear off a piece of cloth from clothes and wrap hands around it.

But how to survive in the forest without everything in the fall? It is very difficult to make fire during this period. If the branches are wet and the weather is rainy, then this is a very difficult mission. Among the fallen leaves will have to look for dry wood.

We make a hut

When there is fire, you can think of an overnight stay. The hut can be built from large branches by installing them with a cone. It is better if the trunk of a large tree or a large stone is used for the back side.

how to survive in the forest in winter without everything

Spruce paws or pine branches will help to cover the structure. If you approach the installation of the hut thoroughly, you can close the cracks with moss. However, if the forest is coniferous, then the spruce itself can become a good canopy. Dry grass and moss come in handy for litter.


But how to survive in the forest without food? Without the skills of a hunter, it will be extremely difficult to kill the game with the help of improvised means. But you can always use berries and mushrooms in the summer, but how do you know which ones are edible? What strawberries, raspberries and blackberries look like, many know, but you need to be careful with other gifts of the forest, observation is useful here. Having found a bush with fruits, you need to pay attention to the birds, if they peck the berries, then the fruits are edible.

Pick mushrooms

With mushrooms, everything is not so simple. An unfamiliar mushroom can cause poisoning, even if it has traces of the fact that some animal ate it. Some animals use certain types of poisonous mushrooms in the fight against parasites. Therefore, it is better not to take unfamiliar mushrooms with a plate head. Among them are a large number of grebes. Mushrooms that have a spongy inside the caps are usually edible. But there are exceptions, and here the sense of smell and observation will come to the rescue. Toadstools turn blue along the edge of the breakage and have a chemical smell.

Plants and protein foods

Use under extreme conditions the roots of plants. For example, burdock or dandelion are quite suitable, but the latter will have to be soaked in water. Young shoots of reeds and its root will also help at least a little to satisfy hunger. But on such a plant diet you wonโ€™t last long. Therefore, the favorite delicacy of many animals will come to the rescue - the larvae with which the forest abounds.

how to survive in the forest without everything in the summer

You can find them under the bark of rotten trees. Earthworms will become the supplier of the necessary protein and trace elements. Of course, the food is not rich, but it will help to survive. The collected worms need to be held in water and rinsed well, and then eat. From the branch, you can build a semblance of jail and try to get yourself a fish for lunch or, at worst, a frog. When there is fire, you can cook your catch. For example, a frog cooked at the stake can be quite tasty and nutritious. After all, her meat looks like chicken, you just need to remove the skin and remove the insides.

how to survive in a winter forest without everything

A stream or a river will help people find a way, if you walk along their channel, you can get to the dwellings. Finding a river or stream will help trails done by animals. When searching, it is worth arming yourself with a long stick. Trails can pass through marshland. Therefore, the soil underfoot must first be checked with a stick.

What to do in the winter?

How to survive in a winter forest without everything in the winter season? Cold will become the main enemy for man. Therefore, the main task will be to light a fire. If you find dry branches, it will turn out to breed it in the manner described above. You can get fire by hitting stones against each other. The spark from them will fall on a dry substrate of moss or grass, thus kindling a fire. There will be no water problems in the snowy forest. But there is no snow, the risk of getting sick is great. And heat and fever will immediately reduce the chances of salvation. Therefore, the snow will need to melt.

The question arises of how to survive in the forest in winter without everything, because even in order to heat the water or melt the snow, a container will be needed. If there is a river with clay banks on the terrain, we can consider it lucky. Then it becomes possible to fashion a vessel and burn it on fire. Otherwise, from a large deck you need to hollow out a kind of container with a stone, you wonโ€™t be able to weld something in it, but you can melt the snow or slightly heat the water.

survival in the forest without everything

Eating in the winter forest will be more difficult. In deciduous trees, tree fungi can remain on the bark and acorns on the ground. Acorns can be peeled and crushed, used for food. In the conifer will have to look for cones. Lucky if there are cedar. Using a stick in the soil, you can dig out worms, and in rotten stumps under the bark to find larvae. It is unlikely that it will be possible to hunt big game, but man is inventive, so the option of catching a small artiodactyl is not ruled out. But, most likely, an inexperienced hunter will have to be content with mice and gophers. The latter arrange their homes in open glades in burrows. They can be recognized by the characteristic mounds of land. In the famine years, our ancestors mined these animals using water or smoke. Water was poured into the hole, and the frightened animal jumped out of its shelter itself. Smoke acts on them in a similar way. Before the mink, they kindled a fire and sent smoke into it. Of course, the winter forest will be much more severe for humans. But on the snow or hoarfrost it will be easier to find their tracks, on which you can return. Fingerprints of animals will also be easier to find and get on them to the paths.


Now you know how to survive in the forest without anything. We hope you find the information useful. And the recommendations given above will help if necessary.


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