Psekups River: source, estuary, settlements, tributaries

Psekups is a large mountain river of the North Caucasus, flowing through the territories of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The length of this waterway is 146 km and the basin area is 1430 km². In the river valley of Psekupsa there is a large resort town Goryachiy Klyuch.

Photo of the Psekups River

origin of name

Psekups has two generally accepted translations:

  • "river abundant in water";
  • "blue water".

Both interpretations are based on the Adyghe language. The traditional definition in the literature of local lore indicates the second version of the translation - "blue water". And indeed, the river has just such a color because of the large number of sulfur sources located along the channel.

A less common interpretation is the "Blackrock Valley", where the word "Psekups" is divided into 3 fragments: "pesy", "kyo" and "dogs". There is a version where the hydronym dates back to the ancient language of the Meot, who lived in the lower reaches of the Kuban during the early Middle Ages.

Another theory of the origin of the name is based on the Adyghe "Psekuupse", where "kuu" means "deep" and "pse" means a river. That is, the hydronym is translated as "deep river". Currently, this characteristic is contrary to the state of the channel of the strongly crumbling water artery.

Source and mouth

The waters of the Psekups river originate in the Tuapse district, on the northeastern slope of Lysaya Mountain, which belongs to the Main Caucasian Range. The height of the source above sea level is 974 meters. Not far from this place is the Kalachi mountain range, through which a railway tunnel was made to the city of Tuapse.

The mouth of the Psekups river is the Krasnodar reservoir located near the Pchegaltukai aul. The place is located at the entrance to the capital of the Krasnodar Territory. Since the reservoir was built on the basis of the Kuban River, Psekups consider it a left tributary. The mouth is located opposite the eastern outskirts of Krasnodar.


The Psekups River Valley affects the territories of two districts of the Krasnodar Territory (Tuapse and Goryacheklyuchevstkogo) and the Adygea Republic. In the projection onto the settlements, the channel passes along the following route:

  • beginning (source) - 5 kilometers from the village of Sadovoy;
  • territory of the Goryacheklyuchevsky district;
  • border crossing with Adygea - 3 kilometers north of the village of Molkino;
  • mouth - 4 kilometers from the village of Novochepashy (Adygea).

The upper reaches of the Psekups River are located in the mountain zone, which begins above the line of the village of Kutais, located next to the Goryachiy Klyuch. This part of the channel is replete with canyons and waterfalls. The coastal relief of Psekupsa in the upper reaches is represented by a forested zone of mountains, which are dissected by water and gully valleys.

mountain part of Psekups

Mountain ranges located above Goryachiy Klyuch form a powerful complex composed of a special type of geological rock - flysch.

Channel characteristics

The Psekups River is quite narrow. On the widest section (in the region of the Abadkhez mountain), the distance between the banks is 70 m. For the rest of the channel, this parameter varies from 5 to 35 m. In the mountainous part, the river is the narrowest, in the lower reaches it becomes noticeably wider. Before entering the Krasnodar reservoir , Psekupsa’s waters are poured 200-800 meters.

bed of Psekups

Previously, the river was considered full-flowing, but now it is very shallow. The deepest sections (3-8 meters) are located below the village of Molkino. Here, the river valley is more full, especially in the spring. However, for the most part, the Psekups River is shallow. In some areas, it is so shallow that the channel can easily be ford.

small plot of Psekups

River valley

The river valley of Psekupsa is conditionally divided into three terraces:

  • the first floodplain (has a height of one and a half to two meters above the low-water level of the river);
  • the second (9 meters above the minimum level);
  • the third is the highest relative to the waters during the low water period (up to 15 meters).

In the upper reaches, the valley is quite narrow and is characterized by a mountainous landscape with dense forest vegetation. Expansion begins just above Hot Key. Before entering the city, the river spreads a little with the formation of glades.

The valley becomes even wider after passing through the so-called Wolf Gates - a section located between the Kotkh and Pshat ranges. Next begins the flat part of Psekups, which is characterized by a slow course. The valley here periodically changes the landscape from forest to agricultural (tobacco plantations). The coastal zone is periodically framed by low hills.

The Psekups valley in the Adyghe people received a special name - Massir, which literally means Egypt. The reason for this name was the fertility of the river basin zone.


The Psekups River has a mixed diet with a predominance of sedimentary (rain). The contribution of the latter is 70% of the annual runoff. A smaller role in replenishing Psekupsa is played by tributaries and groundwater. The river level is variable and is characterized by flood conditions.

The value of Psekups's water discharge varies throughout the year. The average value is 20 cubic meters per second, and the maximum is about 1,000. The course has a typical mountain character in the upper reaches, and in the flat part it is slow.

The freezing period on the Psekups River is very short (no more than 2 months, more often about 20 days), and sometimes it is completely absent. This is due to the climatic features of the territories through which the channel passes (winters are short here and rarely are cold).

The waters of Psekups in the upper reaches are cold and clean, and upon transition to the plain part they become cloudy due to muddy soil. Near sulfur sources, the river acquires a bluish-green color and a characteristic odor.

Tributaries of the Psekups River

The inflows of Psekups are mainly represented by narrow, small rivers, teeming with waterfalls. They have a typical mountain character, characterized by a rapid current. Most tributaries flow into Psekups on the left side. The only exception is Khatyps, flowing down from the Kotkh Range.

The largest tributaries of Psekups include:

  • Psif
  • Big and Small Dogs;
  • Chepsy
  • Grounds;
  • Dirty
  • Cover page.

The largest among them are Caversee and Chepsy. Psif is the first river flowing into Psekups. Downstream is the mouth of the Dirty.


The first thing the Psekups Valley is famous for is the numerous mineral springs, which are of great spa and healing importance. Particularly abundant they go outside in the area of ​​Mount Abadzekh. It was here that the large resort town Goryachy Klyuch was founded. This settlement is attractive not only for its mineral springs, but also for its picturesque nature with many interesting places.

shallow area of ​​Psekups in the Hot Key

The most famous natural attraction of Goryachiy Klyuch is the Cockerel Rock, located on the very shore of Psekups. This huge stone sculpture reaches 28 meters in height and grows into the water with its base. The top of the rock is crowned with six teeth that resemble the crest of a rooster, where the name comes from. Gray stone contrasts with a greenish tint of water and a rim of lush vegetation, which creates a very picturesque picture.

Rock Cockerel on the Psekups River

The upper reaches of the river are known for their waterfalls. One of the highest in the Psekupsky basin (30 m) is located near the source and is considered a real attraction. Downstream there are several small waterfalls (3-8 m).

small waterfall on the Psekups River

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Psekupsa valley is represented mainly by broad-leaved forests with a predominance of beech, hornbeam and oak. Among woody plants are also found:

  • Linden;
  • maple;
  • chestnut;
  • ash.

Relict pines, juniper and yew are much less common. In addition to the dominant representatives of the canopy, the flora of the river valley includes a huge variety of other species. Herbaceous vegetation (violets, corydalis, lily of the valley, forest peony, primrose, etc.) is particularly diverse.

The fauna of the river valley is quite rich. Of the mammals found here:

  • Noble deer;
  • roe deer;
  • boar;
  • squirrel;
  • pine marten;
  • wolf;
  • badger;
  • hedgehog;
  • the bats;
  • raccoon dog;
  • hare;
  • lynx;
  • wild forest cat;
  • mole;
  • shrew;
  • striped raccoon.

Representatives of birds are very numerous, among which passerines predominate. Woodpeckers are quite widely represented (as many as 5 species). Their birds of prey of the Psekupsa valley can be distinguished by buzzards and hawks.


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