Russian blue cat - a graceful handsome man from Arkhangelsk

Russian blue cat belongs to the breed of short-haired cats. It is believed that he comes from Arkhangelsk. Bluish-silver hair, emerald eyes and a shy smile - this is how this cat appeared at the exhibition in London in Crystal Palace.

Russian blue cat
The Russian blue cat, the photo of which you see in this article, is well known throughout the world. However, experts have not yet come to a consensus on its origin. Researchers agree on one thing: a breed appeared in Arkhangelsk, from where it was taken by British sailors to England. But how these beauties appeared in Russia is still unclear. Shorthair cats of a similar color have long been known in Europe, and therefore for a long time Russian blue was called Maltese or Spanish. Only in the thirties of the last century the breed received its official name - Russian Blue, which was singled out as an independent separate class.

After the war, the Russian blue cat practically disappeared. Then the breeders began to restore the breed. After hard and painstaking work, they managed to do it. Again, the standard was withdrawn, and the Russian blue cat reappeared at exhibitions.

From time to time, these amazing cats gave birth to kittens with beautiful long hair.

Russian blue cat photo
They were rejected and not allowed to reproduce. But several of these kittens were lucky to be born in America, in the house of Cora Bob. She immediately drew attention to the unusual fur of the kids. She showed them to the geneticists, and they rendered their verdict: they are Russian blue long-haired. Cora began breeding a new variety. She called these pets the Nibelungs. In fact, this is a Russian blue cat, but with long hair. A separate standard is written for them.

Russian blue cat is a medium-sized animal with thick, velvety, but short hair. It has a long and graceful body. The limbs are elongated, with the hind legs much longer than the front. The tail is long, thick at the base, tapering to the tip. The neck is thin and long, but thanks to the thick fur this does not seem. The head is wedge-shaped, the skull is narrow and flat, a powerful chin. Big ears pointed to the tips. The almond-shaped eyes are wide apart and located slightly at an angle.

Russian blue cat mating

The Russian blue cat is an incredibly careful creature. He knows his worth well, jealously guards his own territory, and is very cautious about strangers.

The Russian blue cat, like all other cats, chooses a master from its family members. This does not mean that he will disrespect the rest, but only the owner will love and unquestioningly obey.

Breeding these animals is not difficult, although it has its own characteristics. The β€œdate” should take place in the territory where the owner is a Russian blue cat. Knitting these animals does not require special skills and knowledge. But it must be borne in mind that the mating of this breed with some other is strictly prohibited. You can find a purebred blue cat in the cattery or by ad.


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