The funniest bird names: photo and description

Sometimes you will come across such a funny name for a bird, fish or animal from which you can tear your stomach from laughter. The names of birds and mammals are mainly translated from Latin, and many names are heard by a Russian person with laughter. I immediately recall the phrase: as you name a ship, it will sail, are these creatures really so ridiculous as their names are unusual? Although in appearance all of the representatives listed below seem to be nothing special. But let's have some fun together!

Crested poohui

funniest bird name

The leader of our charts! The funniest name for a bird should not confuse and relax you - you must keep an eye on it with it. Somewhere there is the name pitohuy, somewhere pitokhui, and they are also called thrush flycatchers. They live in New Guinea. In addition to the funny name, this is important: it is the only representative of its kind that produces deadly poison.

pitohui - funny name for a bird

It is contained in the skin and feathers of birds, and for humans does not pose a mortal danger. But the contact of pitohuya with a small animal ends for the latter with a fatal outcome.


hoopoe - cockatoo

Isnโ€™t the funny name for the bird? But he wears it ... the usual hoopoe familiar to us is a migratory bird that creates nests in central and southern Europe, northern Africa and Asia in the west. It has a gray-brown plumage, lighter below, as well as black wings with white stripes and a black tail with a wide white strip. The bird has a long, slightly curved dark beak and a large crest of two rows of feathers.

Potatuyks feed on insects, larvae and worms living on the ground, looking for them in the ground with a long beak. Hoopoes settle near pastures and vacant lots, in low hollows and in cracks between stones. The number of eggs in the clutch is from 3 to 9.

Blue-footed booby

blue-footed booby

Look, what a surprised grimace this inhabitant of the Galapagos Islands gave us! A seabird with wonderful blue paws belongs to the family of boobies, which includes ten species of long-winged birds. It is said that these representatives of the fauna were first studied by Charles Darwin during his visit to the Galapagos.


Bluethroat (emphasis on the second a) is another representative of birds with funny names - a small elegant bird. She is rarely seen, as she is hiding from people. From wintering, bluethroats are one of the first to return - in early April. This bird is the closest relative of the nightingale and perfectly imitates the voices of other birds.

female bluethroat

The name Bluethroat came from the Slavic language, from the old Russian word "varakat": "tease, carry nonsense, imitate."

The body length of the bird does not exceed 15 cm, and its weight is less than 25 grams. The legs are thin, the back of the bluethroat has a brownish tinge with an admixture of gray, over the bird's tail feathers are red. It is distinguished by a blue goiter and throat with a red spot in the center, as well as a reddish tail, sometimes with brown feathers.

It is very widespread, subtypes are distinguished: Scandinavian and Central Russian, as well as Caucasian, Mongolian, Altai and others.

The bird loves to settle in the valleys of streams and swamps, as well as on the muddy banks of lakes and rivers. In one clutch, usually 4 to 7 grayish-blue or olive-colored eggs are present.

The bird can be kept in a spacious cage at home, flour worms and ant eggs, as well as grain mixtures and berries of currant and cherry are suitable as food. She will not refuse shredded cottage cheese either.

An interesting fact is that they weave the elements of the songs of the birds adjacent to them into their songs. Accordingly, according to her singing, you can guess who lives nearby.

Dead end

puffins live in iceland

Remembering the various funny names of animals and birds, you involuntarily imagine this bird with an unusual beak. A dead end is either a name or an offensive nickname, and, meanwhile, this is the name of this representative of birds for its massive and strong dull beak of bright color and round shape, as if borrowed from a parrot. The bird is one of the symbols of Iceland.

Translated from Latin, the name sounds like "Arctic nuns" - outwardly the bird is similar to a little monk in a black cassock. An adult has a white abdomen and a black back, as well as a black cap on his head. The bird has short wings and red legs with membranes.

A bit awkward, with a large body, short legs and small wings. Residents of Iceland call this wonderful bird "Lundy." These migratory birds leave Iceland in the fall and return in the spring. According to ornithologists, the colony of Icelandic puffins, numbering more than 600 thousand individuals, is the largest in the world, its number is more than 60% of the total population of puffins on earth.

These birds live on the cliffs, usually sitting all day near their nests. Several times a day, a dead end goes hunting for fish.


owl - owl

Funny names of animals and birds sometimes discourage. The representative of the owl family has an obscure name for the owl. What would it mean, what do you think?

Nature awarded birds of this species with two colors - gray and brown, depending on the habitat of the bird.

The common owl is an inhabitant of deciduous and mixed forests of Europe and Asia, as well as North Africa; in fact, it can be found everywhere: from the southern borders of the taiga to the Mediterranean. There are 11 subspecies of this owl.

Often it can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, but it lives well in conifers. In city parks, she also enjoys settling.

The standard size of an individual is 36-38 cm, and its weight does not exceed a pound. The large round head typical of an owl turns almost 270 degrees. The "face" is bordered by dark feathers. The wingspan of short and wide wings reaches almost one meter.

The predator feeds on rodents, other small mammals, for example, moles and shrews, and does not hesitate to eat a young bunny. Small birds and frogs also make up its diet, along with shellfish, insects, fish, and crustaceans.


Kozodoy - funny bird and its name

This bird, the ridiculous name of which evokes the imperishable phrase of Andrei Mironov about "Kozlodoev-Kozodoev", lives in the temperate latitudes of Eurasia, and is also widespread in northwestern Africa. There are several species of these birds, which are also called night swallows.

In appearance, this is a completely nondescript night bird, the size does not exceed the thrush. The brownish-gray loose plumage hides it from enemies against the background of fallen leaves or bark.

The length of the goatโ€™s body ranges from 26 to 28 cm, the wingspan is from 54 to 60 cm, and the bird weighs from 60 to 110 grams. It is characterized by an elongated body, sharp and rather long wings, and a long tail.

The goat has large eyes, a small beak with a decent cut in the mouth, and its legs are not suitable for movement on the ground or for covering branches.

Being a migratory bird, it winters in Africa (south of the Sahara). It feeds on insects: bugs, butterflies, midges, mosquitoes, wasps and bees.

common goat

The laying female usually does in late May or early June; there are 2 eggs of an ellipsoid elongated shape.


Bright representative of the gull family. The ridiculous name of the bird does not at all reflect its character. It is smart (its nests are not so easy to detect), unpretentious - it can eat in any conditions and almost anything, and is quite strong - 55 centimeters in length, with a large powerful yellow beak with a red dot at the bottom, and with a strong neck.

klusha - funny name of a bird

Klosh live on the shores of the seas and oceans in Germany and England, as well as in Holland and France, and winter in the Black or Red Seas, and in Africa.

Moustached malakoptila


The bird of the puff family belongs to the woodpecker order. A ridiculous, unusual name, and the bird itself is, in general, quite ordinary.


Sloth, lentils (birds), eurasque, pigfoot bandicoot (animals), angry shieldfish (toad) - there are a huge number of the most unusual and funniest names of animals and birds living on the planet. While living ... It is in our power to preserve their population on earth, and no matter what they are called.


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