Red Book of the Saratov region: a list of plant and animal species

The Saratov region is famous for its rich nature: protected forests, interesting animals and birds, in general, there is something to see. It is here that species live that you may no longer see in other regions of our vast country.

Red Book of the Saratov Region

Due to its geographical location at the junction of Europe and Asia, climatic, soil and relief features, three landscape zones converge here: forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert. Therefore, the nature of the Saratov region is quite peculiar. In the right-bank north, these are protected forests and chalk mountains of the Khvalynshchyna and Volsk, passing south into the forest-steppe zone, the left bank of the Volga is a mixed grass, feather grass, fescue-wormwood steppe bordering the Kazakh semi-desert.

red book of the Saratov region

None of the regions of Russia has anything like this. The uniqueness of the location determined the uniqueness and color of the plant and animal world of the Saratov region: more than 1.5 thousand species of plants, 250 species of birds, 70 mammals ... And this is not a complete list. Unfortunately, as a result of the development of the steppe lands and other human economic activities, the natural balance is disturbed, and the most striking representatives of the flora and fauna are preserved mainly in places inaccessible: in tracts, in floodplains of rivers and estuaries, protected areas of Khvalynsk and Khopra, forests of Kumysnaya Polyana. To date, 541 species are included in the list of rare or practically extinct species of flora and fauna of the region.

Red Book

For the first time, the need to preserve the unique diversity of the flora and fauna of the region was discussed in the 90s of the past century. And already in 1996 the first Red Book of the Saratov Region was published, where detailed developments on rare or almost extinct species of plants, animals and birds were presented. Ten years later, it was reprinted, and the Government of the region approved a list of species of plants and animals listed in the Red Book, and measures of responsibility for damage to these objects were determined. Measures were taken to regulate the hunting economy of the region: hunting for moose was closed, limited to deer and roe deer.

animals of the red book of the saratov region

In particular, animals from the Saratov region listed in the Red Book (235 species), plants (286 species) are represented there. The publication is richly illustrated, maps of the distribution of certain species of rare and endangered species are shown, their description, recommendations for protection are given.

Animal world

Currently, there is a need for another reprint. The new edition of the Saratov region in the new edition should be published in 2016. It will include data from recent years on the threatened complete and imminent extinction and rare species of flora and fauna represented in our region and in need of special protection. Animals of the Red Book of the Saratov region are represented by two dozen species of rare mammals, 32 species of birds.

animals of the Saratov region listed in the red book

7 species of reptiles and 4 species of inhabitants of both land and water need special protection. Among the most interesting types of reptiles, one can note the multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease. As a rule, it lives in the landscape zones of steppes and semi-deserts, mainly in the left bank of the Volga River, in particular in the Marx district. Sometimes representatives of this species can be found in the forest-steppe and even in the highlands. Lives in shallow burrows, which she digs herself, or uses minks of toads, rodents, and even settles in cracks and crevices of the soil. Its food is small insects: flies, spiders, ants, caterpillars. It hunts in the morning and afternoon. Lays eggs of a rather large size - from 1 to one and a half centimeters.

Security and control

Animals of the Red Book of the Saratov region are under the protection and control of the Government of the region. For damage caused by illegal extraction and subsequent destruction, as well as destruction or damage to their habitats, measures of material and administrative liability are established.

The Red Book of the Saratov Region presents an extensive list of animals living in the Saratov Territory. These are the following varieties: a screaming desman, living in the steppe of a marmot, an evening party, striking in its gigantic size. Poultry squad includes avdotka, severe golden eagle, interesting saker, screaming bustard, Tuvik, crane (belladonna), snake-eater, red-throated goose, shrimp, spoonbill, crested pelican, white-tailed eagle, as well as dozens of species and almost no subspecies that are found today .

red book of the Saratov region birds

The region has a rather high number of such rare representatives of the order of birds as the bustard, which has almost disappeared, almost no strepto, a forgotten serpent eater, and many others.


In the section "Red Book of the Saratov Region. Birds ”is of interest to a sea dove. He is often confused with a lake gull, but unlike her, the color of the feathers of his head is white, and not black, like that of a gull. A special beauty is given to him by a pinkish neck, tail and lower body, and this color is characteristic of the summer period. The back and wings are gray, black and white stripes on the tail and black tips of fly feathers, as well as a beautiful beak and red paws complete the graceful outfit of a dove. The bird is quite large - in length from 39 centimeters to half a meter, wingspan about a meter. You can see it in the Left Bank in the summer months.

Golden eagle - a terrible bird

Another bird listed in the Red Book of the Saratov region is the golden eagle. This is a rather formidable representative of birds, the length of its claws is only 7 centimeters, the paws are feathered to the claws. It weighs from three to seven kilograms, a body length of about a meter. Due to the black color with a golden tint on the back of the head and neck, it got the original name, translated from English, which sounds like “Golden Eagle”. Kids golden eagle of white color. It has excellent vision, sees prey at a distance of 4 kilometers. The dive speed is much more than 100 km / h.
Habitat - forests, mountainous terrain. It occurs in the Khvalynsky reserve. It is under protection. Its food consists of ducks, groundhogs, herons and even cranes and snakes. Very aggressive, can even attack deer, roe deer. Couples, as a rule, remain faithful to each other until the last day. The couple has several nests, chicks hatch for up to 45 days, then they are fed for about two months.


Section "Red Book of the Saratov Region. Plants ”is also extensive and quite interesting. So, the second edition includes 286 plant species, of which 1 - a family of lichen, 14 bryophytes, 3 mocks, 10 fern-shaped, 2 species of gymnosperms and 256 - angiosperms, as well as 20 subspecies of mushrooms. Woody and shrubby species are represented by fluffy birch, Austrian broom, and cotoneaster. Of particular interest are the medicinal plants of the Red Book: Adonis Volga, angelica, considered medicinal, poisonous citrate. The number of rare species included many decorative species: the northern wrestler, 11 species of astragalus, cornflowers (there are at least four different subspecies), as well as all the orchids of the region, recognized as wild-growing, palmate root and a unique steppe plant - blackberry.

red book of the Saratov region of the plant

The Red Book of the Saratov Region introduces us to rare species of ferns: female staghorn, crescent, and others. This also includes wild grasses: whose is brilliant, the snake is spread wide.

In the area of ​​special attention

Particular attention in the Saratov region is paid to the protection of such bird species as screaming bustard, tuvik, crane (belladonna), as well as those that were listed a little earlier. The Red Book of the Saratov region includes 14 species of birds of prey, including the eagle, vulture, griffon vulture, gyrfalcon and many others. The value of the publication of the Red Book is extremely great.

nature of the Saratov region

Animals of the Saratov region, listed in the Red Book are under the control of the Government of the region, which formed the basis of all modern environmental protection activities in the region.


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