Summary of Goncharov's "Oblomov" - a programmatic work of Russian literature

When exploring nineteenth-century novels, you need to read Goncharov’s summary of Oblomov, and then read the entire book. In the center of the story is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a 32-33-year-old man who is not burdened with any kind of activity and prefers to spend days on the couch, thus protesting against existing conventions. His servant Zahar follows the example of the master. He has no one to discuss his own concerns with, except for his childhood friend Andrei Stolz.

a brief summary of Goncharov's breakdowns

In anticipation of a friend, Oblomov falls asleep and dreams of a carefree childhood spent in Oblomovka, where there were no worries and passions. It was from there that the protagonist brought out all his habits. The dream is interrupted by the arrived Stolz, who, in many ways, is the opposite of Oblomov: a strong, knowledgeable person in life, constantly engaged in something and passionate about something. A detailed description of the main characters of the novel, unfortunately, cannot be summarized. Goncharov's “Oblomov” is today one of the most relevant works.

Stolz decides to change the life of his friend, and gradually Oblomov himself begins to move and interest everyone that is happening around. The reason for his movements was the love for Olga Ilyinskaya, with whom Oblomova introduced Stolz. The protagonist is not aware that his friend and the woman with whom he is in love intend to wake a reasonable figure in him. It’s difficult to convey the details of such an unusual experiment in a few words, therefore, after reading Goncharov ’s summary of Oblomov, you need to start reading the whole novel.

a summary of Goncharov’s breaks

However, the very first problem Oblomov is facing again returns the main character to his usual way of life. Olga can not understand what is happening with her chosen one. Stolz leaves St. Petersburg, and Oblomov changes his place of residence, where soon all of his property will be transferred to Agafya Pshenitsyna.

A woman establishes life in Oblomov’s house, and he relaxes and begins to feel like in his native Oblomov. He is periodically visited by Olga, who continues to be disappointed in him. Meanwhile, rumors are circulating throughout St. Petersburg that Ilya Ilyich and Olga will soon become spouses. To understand the anxiety of the protagonist, who found out about his marriage, it’s not enough to read the summary of Goncharov's “Oblomov”;

Olga arrives at Oblomov’s new apartment and realizes that it is already impossible to wake him from his usual hibernation. Gradually, the brother of Agafia Pshenitsyna takes over all of Oblomov’s property. The protagonist himself, due to excessive emotions, falls into a fever, not recognizing anyone and nothing.

A year later, Stolz returns to Petersburg and exposes his brother Agafya, the latter renounces his relative, because he loves Oblomov. Olga spends more and more time with Stolz, between them romantic relationships begin to develop. Andrei offers Ilyinskaya to marry him, and she, not wanting to be disappointed in love anymore, agrees.

Goncharova Oblomov novel

A few years later, Stolz visits Oblomov, again turned into a typical homebody, who is content with peace and quiet. Ilya Ilyich realized that his happiness is here, in the person of Agafya Matveevna, and he is not going to look for him anymore. Oblomovs raise their son Andrei, named after Stolz. The arrival of the latter does not provoke conflicting feelings among Ilya Ilyich, on the contrary, he asks his friend not to leave Andryusha to the mercy of fate. You must at least read Goncharov’s short summary of Oblomov, and then get to know the novel closer, only in this way will you be able to understand how Stolz felt when he heard such a request.

A few years later, when Oblomov died, and the house of Pshenitsyna dilapidated, the Stolts took away the son of Ilya Ilyich and Agafya Matveevna for the upbringing. The latter fully focused her life on her son, cherishing the memory of Oblomov. Faithful to his master, Zakhar went to the Vyborg side, where he once lived with his master and began to beg. Perhaps the most controversial work in Russian literature is Goncharov’s novel "Oblomov", a summary of which you have just learned.


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