Aquarium fish veiltail: description and content

Aquarium veiltail fish are incredibly popular. They have a rounded, short body and a tail bifur fin. Although not only that makes them popular. To begin with, this is an unpretentious fish, perfect for young aquarists, although it also has its own limitations. In the ground, she digs hard enough, prefers cool water, and also loves to eat, but at the same time sometimes overeats to death.

aquarium fish veiltail

Living in nature

In nature, the veiltail, like other types of goldfish, does not occur. At the same time, crucian carp, from which this breed was bred, is extremely widespread. The origin of the veil tail from such a strong and wild fish makes it so hardy and unpretentious.

The first veiltail aquarium fish, the description of which is given in this article, were bred in China, after which, somewhere in the 15th century, they ended up in Japan, and from there they appeared already in Europe. At the same time, Japan is considered to be considered the birthplace of a veiltail. At the moment, there are a huge number of different colors of fish, while his body shape remains traditional.


So what does a veiltail look like? He has an ovoid, short body that distinguishes the species from the rest of the fish of the family. Because of this form, he is not the best swimmer, and when feeding, he often does not keep up with the rest of the fish. The tail is interesting - very long, forked.

veiltail photo aquarium fish

Voiletail lives for a long time: about 10 years or more under good conditions. At the same time, it is able to grow up to 20 cm in length. There are a lot of fish colors, at the moment there are a considerable number of different colors. Of these, the most popular is the red or golden form, as well as a mixture of these species.

Aquarium Fish Veil Tail: Content

Together with Shubunkin, this is one of the most unpretentious goldfish. It is undemanding to temperature and water parameters, it feels great in a pond, a simple aquarium, as well as in a round one, fish live well at home.

Some breeders of veil-tails or other goldfish keep them in round aquariums, without plants and in solitude. Yes, they live there and do not complain at all, while round aquariums are very poor for keeping fish, they slow their growth and impair their vision. It is also necessary to remember that this fish loves cool water.


Feeding fish also has its own characteristics. Goldfish have no stomach, and food enters directly into the intestines. Therefore, they eat while they have food in the aquarium. However, they very often eat more than they can digest, and then die. In general, this is the only problem with their feeding. Aquarium veiltail fishes are also interesting in that they are best fed twice a day, while doing this in portions that they can eat in 1 minute.

veiled tail aquarium fish

It is advisable to feed veils with special feeds intended for goldfish. For these insatiable creatures, simple feeds are too nutritious. While special, in the form of granules, do not quickly disintegrate in water, it is much easier for veil tails to search for them at the bottom, in addition, they are easier to dose.

If there is no opportunity to feed the fish with special food, then you can give them any other. Alive, frozen, artificial - they all eat.

Aquarium Maintenance

Mentioning the goldfish, the first thing that comes to mind is a small round aquarium in which a lone veiltail swims. As mentioned above, veiled-tailed aquarium fish grow up to 20 cm long, they are not only large, they also produce a lot of waste. To keep such one fish, you need at least a 100-liter aquarium, add 50 liters of volume for each next one on top. In addition, a reliable external filter is required, as well as frequent water changes. Goldfish love to dig in the ground, digging up plants and raising considerable dregs.

what does a veiltail look like

Unlike tropical fish, she loves the cool water of the veiltail (photo). Aquarium fish is able to live at a water temperature of less than 10˚, therefore, it is not afraid of coolness. If at home your air temperature does not drop below zero, then you do not need a heater in the aquarium. It is better not to put it in direct sunlight, while the temperature of the water more than 22˚ should not be raised.

For soil, it is advisable to use coarse gravel or sand. Goldfish always rummage in it, and often large particles are swallowed, because of which they die.

Speaking about the parameters of water, it is worth noting that they can be very different, with optimal indicators: ph - 6-8.0, 5-19 ° dGH, and the water temperature is 20-23˚. It is worth noting that the low water temperature is due to the fact that this fish came from crucian carp and tolerates a small coolness.

Compatible with other fish

Peaceful aquarium fish veiltail generally get along well with the rest of the fish. Only they need water cooler than other tropical species, in addition, they can eat small fish. It is best to keep them with their kindreds - shubunkins, telescopes. But it is also necessary to watch with them so that the veil-tails always have time to eat, and this is not always possible for their more nimble neighbors. For example, guppies and veiltail in a common aquarium is not a good idea.

aquarium fish veiltail description

If you still want to keep the tail veils in a common aquarium, then avoid very small fish, as well as those species that can break off the fins - the mutant barb, sumatran barb, thorns, golden barb, tetragonopterus.


Aquarium fish veiltail can spawn in an aquarium of 20-30 liters. To do this, it is necessary to place sandy soil in it, in addition, to plant various small-leaved plants. It is customary to spawn 1 female for 2-3 two-year-old males. They should be kept for 2-3 weeks separately before spawning.

In this case, in a spawning aquarium, a temperature of 24-26 ° should be maintained. In order to stimulate reproduction, it is necessary to gradually warm the water until its temperature rises by 10 °. At the same time, males begin to rush incredibly quickly. At this time, they will also chase females losing their eggs, which they scatter throughout the aquarium. It mainly stays on plants.

aquarium fish veiltail content

The female spawns approximately 10,000 eggs. After spawning has ended, it is necessary to remove the producers from the aquarium. For hatched fry, the “live dust” will be the initial food. In addition, they can be given various special feeds - now they are available in abundance and are intended to feed small goldfish, for example, Sera Mikron.


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